Thursday, December 16, 2004
The Right Turn Continues...
I came across this via another blog.. I think there's a big, long rant that goes with this, but my mind can't wrap around it right now:
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Peterson and the Arts....
I'm not sure what to say..
I've already mentioned that the press can't really be trusted..
So the question is: how can I offer a valid opinion of the Scott Peterson case when I'm *trusting* the press that I've already identified as someone I *can't trust*??
The best illustration I can offer is this:
The photograph vs. the painting..
At least with a photograph one can decide for themselves what the important elements are of the picture..
In a painting, the artist decides for you - what the important element is for you to gravitate towards..
The press *should* be taking photographs and differentiate when they are painting the landscape.. I'm not saying that the press shouldn't be entitled to free speech - but I don't like how the mediums have been blended..
Everyday, there's more paint that ends up on these photographs - in many cases they cover up what may be very important pieces of the picture.. So the portrayal by the press is no more accurate than the artist painting a landscape.. It's a depiction - a representation of what the artist sees, feels, and believes..
But the analogy goes deeper..
I'm a photographer..
I take a lot of pictures..
I can and have selectively chosen vantage points, depths of field, subjects, and nuances that may or may not project what a given landscape may *actually* be.. When I take pictures, I decide what I see, what I feel and what I believe too.. These photographs are an extension of my inner artistry.. Therefore one can't expect that what I'm demonstrating in my pictures can automatically be assumed as an accurate representation, an identical portrayal of what the landscape is..
So if the press has artists and photographers that can selectively pick and choose what is printed - how can we trust that we are hearing, watching and reading everything?? Are you comfortable with a skewed, limited, cropped, edited, revised and otherwise distorted version of accounts??
We can all jump on the bandwagon and accuse Peterson of doing the horrible things to his wife and child.. We can believe that there was absolutely no doubt that anyone BUT Scott could've done this.. We can choose to accept the press' account, portrayal, and canvas as gospel of the proceedings.....
But when you can identify the fundamental flaw in journalism today, one seriously has to question what is the rest of the story.. If I want to believe that Scott is innocent - all I have to do is find the appropriate news organization that will report a favorable outcome according to how I believe.. If I want to believe that Scott is guilty - then I'll do the exact same thing; finding those news stories that portray him the way I'm most comfortable with..
Is this what journalism should be?? A selective choice to decide which museum, which art gallery, which artist you choose to put your faith behind??
When I read news accounts online - I sometimes Google it to see how the news fares against other news/reporting organizations.. An interesting portrayal of this bias recently came out of the whole Rumsfeld Q&A.. There is a host of multiple accounts, many different sets of canvases, paints and brushes used to portray, to spin, to otherwise distort what happened..
Journalists focused on the soldiers..
Journalists focused on the embedded reporter..
Journalists focused on Rumsfeld and the administration..
Journalists focused on the accusation of the ill-equipped vehicles..
Different slants
Different canvases
Different brushes..
Different views
Different voices
Different beliefs..
So has anyone asked the real question:
Exactly *why* should anyone trust what is reported anymore??
I've already mentioned that the press can't really be trusted..
So the question is: how can I offer a valid opinion of the Scott Peterson case when I'm *trusting* the press that I've already identified as someone I *can't trust*??
The best illustration I can offer is this:
The photograph vs. the painting..
At least with a photograph one can decide for themselves what the important elements are of the picture..
In a painting, the artist decides for you - what the important element is for you to gravitate towards..
The press *should* be taking photographs and differentiate when they are painting the landscape.. I'm not saying that the press shouldn't be entitled to free speech - but I don't like how the mediums have been blended..
Everyday, there's more paint that ends up on these photographs - in many cases they cover up what may be very important pieces of the picture.. So the portrayal by the press is no more accurate than the artist painting a landscape.. It's a depiction - a representation of what the artist sees, feels, and believes..
But the analogy goes deeper..
I'm a photographer..
I take a lot of pictures..
I can and have selectively chosen vantage points, depths of field, subjects, and nuances that may or may not project what a given landscape may *actually* be.. When I take pictures, I decide what I see, what I feel and what I believe too.. These photographs are an extension of my inner artistry.. Therefore one can't expect that what I'm demonstrating in my pictures can automatically be assumed as an accurate representation, an identical portrayal of what the landscape is..
So if the press has artists and photographers that can selectively pick and choose what is printed - how can we trust that we are hearing, watching and reading everything?? Are you comfortable with a skewed, limited, cropped, edited, revised and otherwise distorted version of accounts??
We can all jump on the bandwagon and accuse Peterson of doing the horrible things to his wife and child.. We can believe that there was absolutely no doubt that anyone BUT Scott could've done this.. We can choose to accept the press' account, portrayal, and canvas as gospel of the proceedings.....
But when you can identify the fundamental flaw in journalism today, one seriously has to question what is the rest of the story.. If I want to believe that Scott is innocent - all I have to do is find the appropriate news organization that will report a favorable outcome according to how I believe.. If I want to believe that Scott is guilty - then I'll do the exact same thing; finding those news stories that portray him the way I'm most comfortable with..
Is this what journalism should be?? A selective choice to decide which museum, which art gallery, which artist you choose to put your faith behind??
When I read news accounts online - I sometimes Google it to see how the news fares against other news/reporting organizations.. An interesting portrayal of this bias recently came out of the whole Rumsfeld Q&A.. There is a host of multiple accounts, many different sets of canvases, paints and brushes used to portray, to spin, to otherwise distort what happened..
Journalists focused on the soldiers..
Journalists focused on the embedded reporter..
Journalists focused on Rumsfeld and the administration..
Journalists focused on the accusation of the ill-equipped vehicles..
Different slants
Different canvases
Different brushes..
Different views
Different voices
Different beliefs..
So has anyone asked the real question:
Exactly *why* should anyone trust what is reported anymore??
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Press, the bombshell and the spin....
What happened??
The news of the week centered around the press conference where Rumsfeld was asked about the failing armor on our fighting vehicles.. Rumsfeld stammered, and otherwise came up with some bizarre quotes:
"As you know, you go to war with the army you have,
not the army you might want or wish to have at a later
"The goal we have is to have as many of those vehicles
as is humanly possible with the appropriate level of
armor appropriate for the troops."
Well that's lovely considering we're over 2 YEARS into this conflict.....
But the focus has shifted from the issue to the circumstances surrounding the reporter that apparently coached the Reservist to ask Rumsfeld the question to begin with....
Whoa.. Wait a second.. Recognize the ploy?? Steer away from the issue, blame others, focus on something else.. Don't remember, don't recognize this??
-Abu Ghraib prison scandal: allegations that the white house knew only to be shifted that Saddam treated his own people worse...
-The Lack of WMD found in Iraq: but we were really there to free the Iraqi people from a madman...
-We will find Osama Bin Laden: now he's no concern..
-Bush condemns a 9/11 investigation because it would compromise national security: now we're overhauling the system......
Spin .... is such a lovely thing..
But when the embedded reporter coaches a soldier on how to raise a seemingly legitimate concern about how some of the vehicles in Iraq are not properly equipped -- the Spin works again ... this time it was all the ploy of a reporter who obviously has disdain against this administration..
Or what about this possible spin: the major press doesn't want to report on things that may sever the ties and access within certain facets of the administration..
Or what about this one: the major news networks are otherwise owned by heavily weighted conservative corporations which would conflict with their agenda..
Or this one: the press is afraid of Karl Rove and what it may mean to them in the long run...
Basically it comes down to that the press has become a "do-gooder" for this administration.. That whatever fear of God got instilled with the powers that be - has made every paper, every news organization -- think twice before posting anything that would remotely be considered hostile or controversial with the government..
So why??
Why does the media do a full-court press on the love affair of Clinton, but loft softball pitches to a Bush Administration that has continues to run a policy that leaves us as a nation - exposed..
Was there some sort of agreement made with the media and the administration?? Was there a backdoor policy made as a result of 9/11 and the Patriot Act??
I keep wondering if there is *something* out there that is much bigger and invisible to the American people.. I state that based on the fact that the press has changed significantly since 9/11.. The tough questions that have been the focal point of every administration for at least the last 40 years has been hushed.. The accountability, the deeper insight, a more rational basis of what actually happened has been replaced with some distorted/biased view of the world..
Conservative pundits report that the playing field is being evened out.. That there is an equality with news organizations like Fox, Limbaugh and Hannity because they are filling out the other part of the equation.. I get that.. I support that in a way because everyone should be entitled to an opinion.. However.. Those lines have been skewed so severely between opinion and news - they are now interchangeable..
Instead of reporting a story - they are commenting the story.. There is a concerted effort to report *some* facts and not others.. There's a concerted effort to report *some* stories and not others.. The creedo "fair and balanced" should not be weighed when reporting a story.. What happened to "true, unbiased and reporting thoroughly??"
Why is it that the focus is on the reporter - who knew the only way to report the story was to have it come from a soldier themselves?? Why is it that the "stinger" question is being focused on, yet the armor issue has been set aside?? Why is it that this is something that has been reported before - several times in fact - and gone relatively unnoticed by the major networks and press organizations -- that is until a soldier stood up and asked the question that no member of the press dared to..
What happened??
The news of the week centered around the press conference where Rumsfeld was asked about the failing armor on our fighting vehicles.. Rumsfeld stammered, and otherwise came up with some bizarre quotes:
"As you know, you go to war with the army you have,
not the army you might want or wish to have at a later
"The goal we have is to have as many of those vehicles
as is humanly possible with the appropriate level of
armor appropriate for the troops."
Well that's lovely considering we're over 2 YEARS into this conflict.....
But the focus has shifted from the issue to the circumstances surrounding the reporter that apparently coached the Reservist to ask Rumsfeld the question to begin with....
Whoa.. Wait a second.. Recognize the ploy?? Steer away from the issue, blame others, focus on something else.. Don't remember, don't recognize this??
-Abu Ghraib prison scandal: allegations that the white house knew only to be shifted that Saddam treated his own people worse...
-The Lack of WMD found in Iraq: but we were really there to free the Iraqi people from a madman...
-We will find Osama Bin Laden: now he's no concern..
-Bush condemns a 9/11 investigation because it would compromise national security: now we're overhauling the system......
Spin .... is such a lovely thing..
But when the embedded reporter coaches a soldier on how to raise a seemingly legitimate concern about how some of the vehicles in Iraq are not properly equipped -- the Spin works again ... this time it was all the ploy of a reporter who obviously has disdain against this administration..
Or what about this possible spin: the major press doesn't want to report on things that may sever the ties and access within certain facets of the administration..
Or what about this one: the major news networks are otherwise owned by heavily weighted conservative corporations which would conflict with their agenda..
Or this one: the press is afraid of Karl Rove and what it may mean to them in the long run...
Basically it comes down to that the press has become a "do-gooder" for this administration.. That whatever fear of God got instilled with the powers that be - has made every paper, every news organization -- think twice before posting anything that would remotely be considered hostile or controversial with the government..
So why??
Why does the media do a full-court press on the love affair of Clinton, but loft softball pitches to a Bush Administration that has continues to run a policy that leaves us as a nation - exposed..
Was there some sort of agreement made with the media and the administration?? Was there a backdoor policy made as a result of 9/11 and the Patriot Act??
I keep wondering if there is *something* out there that is much bigger and invisible to the American people.. I state that based on the fact that the press has changed significantly since 9/11.. The tough questions that have been the focal point of every administration for at least the last 40 years has been hushed.. The accountability, the deeper insight, a more rational basis of what actually happened has been replaced with some distorted/biased view of the world..
Conservative pundits report that the playing field is being evened out.. That there is an equality with news organizations like Fox, Limbaugh and Hannity because they are filling out the other part of the equation.. I get that.. I support that in a way because everyone should be entitled to an opinion.. However.. Those lines have been skewed so severely between opinion and news - they are now interchangeable..
Instead of reporting a story - they are commenting the story.. There is a concerted effort to report *some* facts and not others.. There's a concerted effort to report *some* stories and not others.. The creedo "fair and balanced" should not be weighed when reporting a story.. What happened to "true, unbiased and reporting thoroughly??"
Why is it that the focus is on the reporter - who knew the only way to report the story was to have it come from a soldier themselves?? Why is it that the "stinger" question is being focused on, yet the armor issue has been set aside?? Why is it that this is something that has been reported before - several times in fact - and gone relatively unnoticed by the major networks and press organizations -- that is until a soldier stood up and asked the question that no member of the press dared to..
What happened??
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sunday, December 05, 2004
In the news
Tonight's headlines only ratching things up for another fun-filled administration:
Musharraf Says Bin Laden Trail Has Gone Cold.. As if this was a shocker.. As if this needed to bear any more repeating: how is it that we ignore this man?? Especially after he masterminded the attacks of 9/11?? Doesn't it stand to reason that the longer he's alive - the more likely we're going to have another attack??
Let's not forget how we captured Saddam Hussein: a tip.. Someone ratted on him.. Whether or not the administration wants to claim that Saddam was captured as a result of "winning the intelligence" war - can obviously be debated.. If we are supposed to be the single most powerful nation in the world - we better start acting like it.. "Get the man, George - quit dickin' around.."
Insurgents Kill 23 Iraqis Countrywide.. In a similar story over 50k of the Iraq police force has refused to come to work.. Imagine that.. Go to work, get your head blown off - hey - where do I sign up?? Elections?? What good is THAT going to be?? National Iraqi Guard?? Excuse me - but there seems to be a little bit of a security issue when you have a 150k Americanized, high tech, able to "blow-your-ass-through-concrete" military and you STILL can't seem to have enough to secure the "safest" part of Iraq called the "Green Zone.."
The resulting number of troops necessary to stabilize Iraq will never be enough because the people of Iraq have some really grave concerns at the establishment of their government.. All the meanwhile Rummy is staying put.. Now that should bring a smile to a lot of people's faces!!
The "Dollar [is] Poised for Longest Weekly Losing Run in a Year".. Great.. No end to the Iraqi war *and* our economy continues to suffer.. "Workers' average hourly earning rose 0.1 percent or 1 cent, to $15.83 after a 4-cent gain in October." While oil prices have risen 30% in the last year.. I guess it's time to start counting all of those pennies so we can drive those lovely SUV's around.. Speaking of SUV's -- GM is laying off the remaining 950 production workers in Linden, New Jersey that was making SUV vehicles.. Michael Moore's Roger & Me comes to mind right about now..
Okay, okay -- at least the Republicans are going to save the country and make things run smoother from here on out, right?? Oops, guess not.. It appears that the Intelligence Bill is unable to pass the house.. "Prominent lawmakers from both parties agree that the bill's passage is likely to depend on how much President Bush pressures Republicans to force a final House vote on the bill today or tomorrow, before lawmakers leave Washington for the year.." Huh?? Bush needs to lean on REPUBLICANS?? *gasps* What about all of this "we have the nation safely under control" attitude that we kept hearing about??
Hell - there are even the DEMOCRATS in support of the bill!!!! "...Nancy Pelosi of California, said she had pledged to Mr. Hastert that the bill would have significant support from her members if he allowed the vote.."
But later in the article, it's apparent that Rumsfeld "insist" they aren't trying to block the bill because it may interfere with the military chain of command.......
.... but Rumsfeld is staying, Bush wants the legislation signed, we're at war ..... but we have concerns about the chain of command..
Okay - exactly WHO is running the country - can we PLEASE have an answer??
Musharraf Says Bin Laden Trail Has Gone Cold.. As if this was a shocker.. As if this needed to bear any more repeating: how is it that we ignore this man?? Especially after he masterminded the attacks of 9/11?? Doesn't it stand to reason that the longer he's alive - the more likely we're going to have another attack??
Let's not forget how we captured Saddam Hussein: a tip.. Someone ratted on him.. Whether or not the administration wants to claim that Saddam was captured as a result of "winning the intelligence" war - can obviously be debated.. If we are supposed to be the single most powerful nation in the world - we better start acting like it.. "Get the man, George - quit dickin' around.."
Insurgents Kill 23 Iraqis Countrywide.. In a similar story over 50k of the Iraq police force has refused to come to work.. Imagine that.. Go to work, get your head blown off - hey - where do I sign up?? Elections?? What good is THAT going to be?? National Iraqi Guard?? Excuse me - but there seems to be a little bit of a security issue when you have a 150k Americanized, high tech, able to "blow-your-ass-through-concrete" military and you STILL can't seem to have enough to secure the "safest" part of Iraq called the "Green Zone.."
The resulting number of troops necessary to stabilize Iraq will never be enough because the people of Iraq have some really grave concerns at the establishment of their government.. All the meanwhile Rummy is staying put.. Now that should bring a smile to a lot of people's faces!!
The "Dollar [is] Poised for Longest Weekly Losing Run in a Year".. Great.. No end to the Iraqi war *and* our economy continues to suffer.. "Workers' average hourly earning rose 0.1 percent or 1 cent, to $15.83 after a 4-cent gain in October." While oil prices have risen 30% in the last year.. I guess it's time to start counting all of those pennies so we can drive those lovely SUV's around.. Speaking of SUV's -- GM is laying off the remaining 950 production workers in Linden, New Jersey that was making SUV vehicles.. Michael Moore's Roger & Me comes to mind right about now..
Okay, okay -- at least the Republicans are going to save the country and make things run smoother from here on out, right?? Oops, guess not.. It appears that the Intelligence Bill is unable to pass the house.. "Prominent lawmakers from both parties agree that the bill's passage is likely to depend on how much President Bush pressures Republicans to force a final House vote on the bill today or tomorrow, before lawmakers leave Washington for the year.." Huh?? Bush needs to lean on REPUBLICANS?? *gasps* What about all of this "we have the nation safely under control" attitude that we kept hearing about??
Hell - there are even the DEMOCRATS in support of the bill!!!! "...Nancy Pelosi of California, said she had pledged to Mr. Hastert that the bill would have significant support from her members if he allowed the vote.."
But later in the article, it's apparent that Rumsfeld "insist" they aren't trying to block the bill because it may interfere with the military chain of command.......
.... but Rumsfeld is staying, Bush wants the legislation signed, we're at war ..... but we have concerns about the chain of command..
Okay - exactly WHO is running the country - can we PLEASE have an answer??
Thursday, December 02, 2004
"Do you smell something burning??"
It's destined to become a barn-burning experience for the Bush administration.. As the number of resignations continue to grow, I'm left wondering exactly what elements are at power on Pennsylvania Ave.. I'm less inclined to believe the position that these folks are leaving their high administration posts to pursue other "personal" ventures..
I find that hard to believe because in the case of Colin Powell - he served his country in more ways that many of us ever will.. And to leave when the world is in such chaos is nothing short of mind-numbing..
"What would possess you to do something like this, Colin," my mind rages..
Could it be that they were not doing their best possible effort in these positions because the Bush/Cheney philosophy reigns for everyone - regardless of who you are, what ideas you may have, or however your policy may dramatically change the complexion of the world for the better??
Could it be that Bush/Cheney merely need a "Yes" stamp in the coat pocket of the 15 administration positions??
Could it be that they recognize the dangers of affiliating themselves with this administration any further due to the lack of responsibility with regards to the WMD claims and subsequent attack on Iraqi soil??
Could it be that these "in the know" people knew enough, and had enough sense to leave when they could??
Could it be that most of these folks didn't honestly believe he would be re-elected the second time around..
This exodus is rather peculiar and strange.. I do not recall a time when so many people exited from their posts; especially at a time of "war" and desperate times.. That's what bugs me the most about Powell's departure.. Obviously he did well during the Gulf War - widely decorated, and well-considered to be a man of integrity and common sense..
His departure signaled something much deeper in this administration than any leak could've.. A general just doesn't up and quit their post to spend more time with their family or to give speeches at universities.. Especially if they feel they are needed in times of hardship, war, and disparity.. It seems so uncharacteristic, but I'll fully admit that I don't know him from Adam - I'm just going by what I see, read and hear.. (again consider the source I ask myself...)
But I may understand his timing more than his convictions.. Clearly it makes the most sense to finish out the term rather than jumping ship in the middle of the Atlantic.. And now that the USS Bush is heading full steam towards Iran ...... I can't really seem to blame Colin for doing what he did..
I'm just amazed at the number of people leaving the administration.. Key positions.. (No, I don't really care that the duct tape and plastic sheeting guy decided to leave -- in fact that could actually be seen as a blessing of sorts...) But this type of exodus has been compared as the rats attempting to leave a sinking ship because they know what's looming on the horizon.. Considering their level of access.. Considering their knowledge and experiences, I'm carefully watching this with even more caution than I did before..
I will only add this: even my fantasy football team hasn't gone under *this* many changes in one week!!!
I find that hard to believe because in the case of Colin Powell - he served his country in more ways that many of us ever will.. And to leave when the world is in such chaos is nothing short of mind-numbing..
"What would possess you to do something like this, Colin," my mind rages..
Could it be that they were not doing their best possible effort in these positions because the Bush/Cheney philosophy reigns for everyone - regardless of who you are, what ideas you may have, or however your policy may dramatically change the complexion of the world for the better??
Could it be that Bush/Cheney merely need a "Yes" stamp in the coat pocket of the 15 administration positions??
Could it be that they recognize the dangers of affiliating themselves with this administration any further due to the lack of responsibility with regards to the WMD claims and subsequent attack on Iraqi soil??
Could it be that these "in the know" people knew enough, and had enough sense to leave when they could??
Could it be that most of these folks didn't honestly believe he would be re-elected the second time around..
This exodus is rather peculiar and strange.. I do not recall a time when so many people exited from their posts; especially at a time of "war" and desperate times.. That's what bugs me the most about Powell's departure.. Obviously he did well during the Gulf War - widely decorated, and well-considered to be a man of integrity and common sense..
His departure signaled something much deeper in this administration than any leak could've.. A general just doesn't up and quit their post to spend more time with their family or to give speeches at universities.. Especially if they feel they are needed in times of hardship, war, and disparity.. It seems so uncharacteristic, but I'll fully admit that I don't know him from Adam - I'm just going by what I see, read and hear.. (again consider the source I ask myself...)
But I may understand his timing more than his convictions.. Clearly it makes the most sense to finish out the term rather than jumping ship in the middle of the Atlantic.. And now that the USS Bush is heading full steam towards Iran ...... I can't really seem to blame Colin for doing what he did..
I'm just amazed at the number of people leaving the administration.. Key positions.. (No, I don't really care that the duct tape and plastic sheeting guy decided to leave -- in fact that could actually be seen as a blessing of sorts...) But this type of exodus has been compared as the rats attempting to leave a sinking ship because they know what's looming on the horizon.. Considering their level of access.. Considering their knowledge and experiences, I'm carefully watching this with even more caution than I did before..
I will only add this: even my fantasy football team hasn't gone under *this* many changes in one week!!!
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