Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Long rant -- deleted.....

I had a good one going this morning - then x'd out of the wrong box - and sent many thoughts into oblivion.....


Basically it came down to the fact that Bush is having to wake him self up from a disaster called "alternate reality.." I'm amazed at the backpedaling he's done in the last few months.. We've been told the Iraqi handover may not be possible -- now there's a rush to get it done before June.. We've been told that we shunned the UN and the world from helping form a new Iraq -- now we're begging for their help.. We've been told that "we have a job to do over there" -- now we're trying to do all we can to bring home our troops..

I commented that it's amazing that the Savage Idiot even changed his tune and actually agreed with something the rest of us have been saying all along: we need to get out of Iraq... Okay, so he's a little slow on the uptake.. Anyone on this planet could tell you that Saddam was the pawn in this whole game..

There's a lot of loose ends out there though.. Look at what has happened in the last 4 years and consider if it's something that we want to continue.. When we look at the REALITY of what's happening - versus what Bush's VERSION OF REALITY -- are we really sure we want 4 more years of this?? Granted, I'm like a lot of people who don't like Kerry, but if we're really looking at the best options for US, the U.S., as a citizen, as a nation, as a world participant -- the bigger question is:

Has Bush made America safer or more vulnerable??

That's the question everyone has to answer honestly and in REALITY.. Not the version Bush concocts.. No.. The one that looks at the numbers of men and women being killed in Iraq.. The failure to uphold an infrastructure in the midst of a chaotic nation..

Don't want the terrorists to win?? They will shortly.. Wanna know how I know?? Look at the picture: we're doing everything we can get leave Iraq.. Which sends a powerful message to terrorists: keep up resisting and they will eventually leave.. That's a dangerous precedent to establish, but we're in an election year so the rules change a bit when it comes down to it.. It further proves that the work of suicide bombers who work in small cells across the world are being effective in swaying policy..

There's a well known quote from Bush: "We will not negotiate with terrorists.."

Guess what??

We're doing that now, and we've done it in the past -- and we'll continue to do it in the future.......

Bush, wake up - the alarm is going off.......

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