Friday, October 29, 2004


We found the following livejournal site containing all of the icons on the left pane of the screen.. I encourage anyone interested to go visit them for they do have some interesting icons.. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

bdsm and the election *please read*

from carnal_droog's livejournal....

Trust me, I'm a politician :)

The last big surge is almost over..

Both candidates are pushing, tugging, pulling -- doing everything but throwing punches.. Erm, wait -- they *are* doing that.. Okay okay...

But now to understand that there's quite a stir in Iraq right now concerning weapons.. Now it's possible that the weapons were missing as we took Iraq in control.. Just because we had Baghdad, didn't mean that these weapons were secure.. What is interesting is that this has been widely known for MONTHS and never reported until NOW..


I don't know what to think about that.. Obviously all of the liberals are jumping up and down because it indicates that Bush is inadequate in his Presidency.. But in all seriousness, how do we know that the weapons were known before the embedded reporters saw the weapons back then??

I'm not really ready to jump on that bandwagon yet because there are several unanswered questions.. Particularly the who, what, when, why and how type questions involving what the status of those weapons were at various points during the war.. If we can't answer those questions, then how can we blame Bush??

Sorry -- not quite yet....

(Is it Tuesday yet??)

Sunday, October 24, 2004

This is how well it's going in Iraq....

50 Iraqi Police Found Shot to Death..

Now will someone explain to me while some people like Michael Savage - who believes it's no longer our business to be there to begin with - now that we've gone in and totally screwed up their country, isn't it just a little premature to leave while nothing can be done about the insurgents??

Savage was one of the folks that was really gung-ho about us going in there.. Now - after Saddam, he's leading the charge again for us leaving Iraq in shambles.. Of course one cannot ignore his racist overtones about how we should leave the "scum of the earth" to finish themselves off..

And to think that people listen to and like this guy??


There's a division that has happened in this nation since 9/11.. And that division came in the form of Iraq.. Back when Bush had a united nation, a united world for that matter - he chose to go into Iraq.. When our focus should've been to bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice, he lost his focus.. I keep hearing now that Iraq was more of a liberation mission instead of a fear mission that Saddam had vicious WMD..

I don't condone what Saddam was doing, but then I don't condone what is happening in the Congo, in the Sudan, Russia, and in other countries where drug and warlords are governing the people, but I don't see us raising a finger for any of these folks..

But I hear Bush saying that the Iraqi people wanted democracy.. Funny.. I don't get that sense at all.. In fact, I'd say just the opposite: WE WANT DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ; not the people of Iraq.. When we consider what has happened in Afghanistan and in Russia (and all of the republics of the former Soviet Union) - change doesn't happen overnight.. It can't.. The fact that Afghanistan had elections recently doesn't really say jack about their situation..

The fact that they can vote DOES NOT make them into an instant democracy.. Bush is trying the microwave approach to foreign policy and is failing miserably.. Look at Reagan - the cold war - he even realized that major moves in a system that is not aptly prepared to handle the change from Communism to Democracy: it takes time.. Iraq needs a crock pot cooker, Mr. President, not a microwave.. The fact that Iraq is going to have elections in January proves nothing, Mr. President..

After hearing the debates, after hearing his speeches, I've drawn the conclusion that he simply does not have a clue.. He relies on the knee-jerk reaction to guide his policies.. I wish there was one aspect of his Presidency that I could at least point to and say: good job.. The economy seems to be rebounding, but I'll make the argument that it's cyclical in nature and always up and down - regardless of who is in the driver's seat.. Education and the now infamous "leave no child behind" act - has proven to be a failure at Bush's hand.. Crime rates have been unaffected, but the Patriot Act calls to question whether the rights of the American citizen are now being disregarded in the name of "national security.."

So no..

I honestly don't believe Bush is the right person for the job and with "Iraq" tattooed on his backside, I hope a lot of people open their eyes the first of November and see exactly what's happening here..

Thursday, October 21, 2004


I realized something earlier this week - and as time goes on, I'm all but certain it's true (if it hasn't been overstated or assumed enough):

"The media is hyping all of the polling numbers to create *drama* in this year's election.."

How do I know?? Listen to the headlines in the last week or so: "Bush pulls ahead of Kerry after final debate," "Bush leads by 4 points," "Kerry gains ground on Bush," "Polls show race neck and neck," "Bush leads by 1 point....."


Is it a matter of keeping America teetered on the edge of our seats wondering what's going to happen next?? (see "Tune in next time, when we find the fate of our hero...")

Or is it a matter of keeping things close enough to ensure that when November comes, people are going to go "hm, my vote may actually count this year...."

Do we really think that Bush and Kerry are saying so much *new* stuff that they are affecting the polls?? Not when I get My headline updates on Yahoo!: "Bush and Kerry trade barbs on Foreign Policy," "Kerry and Bush fight on Leadership," "Bush and Kerry Hammering Out the Swing States..."

I will say this: it's proving to be one interesting election.. If anything, the sour taste in my mouth for both parties are as pungent as they have ever been..

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bored out of my gourd!!

Damn - you'd think that Round 3 of the debates would at least have *newer* material.. It was the same sound bytes from the last two debates..

One of the talk show hosts had a very interesting point about "most" democrats: they'd rather nominate a cat rather than have George Bush back in office.. And I can't really fault that logic; especially since I'm a cat lover!! ;)

Seriously though - I've maintained this: I'm not a Kerry fan.. I just honestly believe that Bush is leading our country into places gone bad.. I don't think he's a better person in general - but I do feel it's going to do a better job than Bush..

So - I say: elect either of my cats.. They'll do just fine..

I know I haven't been contributing much to this blog.. I think I've said all I can say about the whole state of politics up to this point.. November is going to be an interesting ride - for whoever gets elected.. There are several really important issues at stake in this election and our security ranks right up there..

The next President of the United States is going to have a lot of problems trying to solve the problems set forth in this Presidency.. We hear all the time how Bush inherited all of the mistakes from the Clinton administration -- well guess what: deja-vu.....

Funny how we don't hear the pundits repeating that same rhetoric of so many years ago, eh??

Monday, October 11, 2004

Small political quiz

I found this quiz this morning..

Believe it or not, it says I'm a centrist of which I have no idea if I am or not:

"Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize what they commonly describe as "practical solutions" to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on political issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on excessive liberty."

Friday, October 01, 2004

"It's hard work...."

I can't believe how many times I've heard those words tonight..

"It's hard work...." Well, duh..

It's hard work going overseas running the risk that you might be killed..
It's hard work losing your job when you and your family are already having a tough time making ends meet..
It's hard work when you can't afford health insurance..
It's hard work if you're kicked out of unemployment for the sake of "padding the government numbers.."
It's hard work when the job you recently lost has been "outsourced" to another country..
It's hard work when you own your business and can't keep it open because there isn't enough tax relief..
It's hard work when the rich get tax breaks, when the average family got $300..... Hmmmm.... Thousands of dollars vs. $300....... Can I sleep on it and get back to you on that??

Ya' know, George.. It's hard work all over the place..

The big thing is -- George -- you COULD HAVE made a difference, but didn't..

But what bothers me the most is that our PRESIDENT said over and over just how tough his job is.. If it's so HARD, then I'll make the argument that he's not fit to be President to begin with..

The part of the debate we watched tonight only shone Bush's true colors.. He has no regrets for what happened in Iraq.. None.. Justified to the 'nth because he is so steadfast in that we don't need world cooperation and that we can do it alone.. That flies in the face of reason considering his most recent remarks at the UN where he is asking for their help........

Enough of the flip flop remarks.. When the apples don't fall too far from the tree - it's only self-apparent that one shouldn't be talking so loud.........

Bush-0 .... Kerry-1