Friday, October 01, 2004

"It's hard work...."

I can't believe how many times I've heard those words tonight..

"It's hard work...." Well, duh..

It's hard work going overseas running the risk that you might be killed..
It's hard work losing your job when you and your family are already having a tough time making ends meet..
It's hard work when you can't afford health insurance..
It's hard work if you're kicked out of unemployment for the sake of "padding the government numbers.."
It's hard work when the job you recently lost has been "outsourced" to another country..
It's hard work when you own your business and can't keep it open because there isn't enough tax relief..
It's hard work when the rich get tax breaks, when the average family got $300..... Hmmmm.... Thousands of dollars vs. $300....... Can I sleep on it and get back to you on that??

Ya' know, George.. It's hard work all over the place..

The big thing is -- George -- you COULD HAVE made a difference, but didn't..

But what bothers me the most is that our PRESIDENT said over and over just how tough his job is.. If it's so HARD, then I'll make the argument that he's not fit to be President to begin with..

The part of the debate we watched tonight only shone Bush's true colors.. He has no regrets for what happened in Iraq.. None.. Justified to the 'nth because he is so steadfast in that we don't need world cooperation and that we can do it alone.. That flies in the face of reason considering his most recent remarks at the UN where he is asking for their help........

Enough of the flip flop remarks.. When the apples don't fall too far from the tree - it's only self-apparent that one shouldn't be talking so loud.........

Bush-0 .... Kerry-1

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