Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Lastly: The Gay Marriage Ban fails (today) and MORE (not MOORE)

You know it's election time when the big guns come out.. We're talking everything from the war, to draft records, to gay/lesbian marriages, to the war on terror......

Now - what gets me is this: Bush came out and said by re-electing him, the country will be safer.. Wow!!! I didn't realize it was so SIMPLE!! *hack hack* *cough cough* It's really unbelievable that we have a President that wakes up everyday and goes: "America is safe today because I'm the President..." Let's hear it for the guy who almost committed his own self-assassination plot by choking on a Frito...

So - let's get another thing straight.. Bush is saying the country is going to be safer.. Yet, it's been uncovered, unearthed, otherwise admitted that we have intelligence issues..

Let me phrase it a different way..

President Bush began his various conflicts based on faulty intelligence.. Even the Brits have their own twisted little spin on what happened..


Not everyone was so quick to rush to judgment..


Maybe their President, Premier, Prime Minister, and other Leaders of the world had enough credible intelligence NOT to go to war today.. The leader of the free world, our President Bush - has now admitted there were no stockpiles:

"Although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, we were right to go into Iraq. We removed a declared enemy of America, who had the capability of producing weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on acquiring them. In the world after September the 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take."


Clinton didn't act upon the intelligence - for reasons that we may never truly know.. (not sure if it was due to the scandal or what..) Maybe, Clinton didn't act upon the intelligence because he felt it was not strong enough to warrant an invasion.. France, Germany, Russia, and China sure didn't think there was sufficient cause to go into Iraq..

In another words: Bush is a little to eager to pull the trigger, yet if we elect him - the nation, no.. Strike that.. The WORLD will be a calmer, safer place if he remained in power.. We have a genuine cowboy that's just itchin' for a fight.. Remember his immortal words: "bring it on.."

How marvelous is that??

Will someone please wake George and tell him his not dreaming or watching a movie??

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