Thursday, December 02, 2004

"Do you smell something burning??"

It's destined to become a barn-burning experience for the Bush administration.. As the number of resignations continue to grow, I'm left wondering exactly what elements are at power on Pennsylvania Ave.. I'm less inclined to believe the position that these folks are leaving their high administration posts to pursue other "personal" ventures..

I find that hard to believe because in the case of Colin Powell - he served his country in more ways that many of us ever will.. And to leave when the world is in such chaos is nothing short of mind-numbing..

"What would possess you to do something like this, Colin," my mind rages..

Could it be that they were not doing their best possible effort in these positions because the Bush/Cheney philosophy reigns for everyone - regardless of who you are, what ideas you may have, or however your policy may dramatically change the complexion of the world for the better??

Could it be that Bush/Cheney merely need a "Yes" stamp in the coat pocket of the 15 administration positions??

Could it be that they recognize the dangers of affiliating themselves with this administration any further due to the lack of responsibility with regards to the WMD claims and subsequent attack on Iraqi soil??

Could it be that these "in the know" people knew enough, and had enough sense to leave when they could??

Could it be that most of these folks didn't honestly believe he would be re-elected the second time around..

This exodus is rather peculiar and strange.. I do not recall a time when so many people exited from their posts; especially at a time of "war" and desperate times.. That's what bugs me the most about Powell's departure.. Obviously he did well during the Gulf War - widely decorated, and well-considered to be a man of integrity and common sense..

His departure signaled something much deeper in this administration than any leak could've.. A general just doesn't up and quit their post to spend more time with their family or to give speeches at universities.. Especially if they feel they are needed in times of hardship, war, and disparity.. It seems so uncharacteristic, but I'll fully admit that I don't know him from Adam - I'm just going by what I see, read and hear.. (again consider the source I ask myself...)

But I may understand his timing more than his convictions.. Clearly it makes the most sense to finish out the term rather than jumping ship in the middle of the Atlantic.. And now that the USS Bush is heading full steam towards Iran ...... I can't really seem to blame Colin for doing what he did..

I'm just amazed at the number of people leaving the administration.. Key positions.. (No, I don't really care that the duct tape and plastic sheeting guy decided to leave -- in fact that could actually be seen as a blessing of sorts...) But this type of exodus has been compared as the rats attempting to leave a sinking ship because they know what's looming on the horizon.. Considering their level of access.. Considering their knowledge and experiences, I'm carefully watching this with even more caution than I did before..

I will only add this: even my fantasy football team hasn't gone under *this* many changes in one week!!!

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