Thursday, April 07, 2005

I found some irony over the past couple of days..

I noticed how many who voiced their opinions about what the next Pope should be like -- actually were speaking volumes even if they weren't really aware..

Most notably: the need for change..

Meaning, that many people *within* the Christian, Catholic religion -- believe that Pope John Paul II was a bit too conservative for the times.. Interesting..

So it proves that we can mindlessly follow someone who may be "out of touch" with our inner prohibitions - yet we're going to follow him off the cliff like some sort of lemming..

Secondly, was the need for the next Pope to be more in touch with the kids of today.. Again, very interesting considering this is the Pope that coordinated World Youth Day - for several years: a gathering of youth in a Catholic/Christian setting to find inner-spiritualism..

And to say that this Pope was out of touch.... Considering this Pope was doing something so unprecedented.... Considering others signalling a change in how the Papacy is considered....

It further proves that we may "go along" with those that we feel can lead us, but it doesn't necessarily mean we agree with them.....


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