Monday, June 20, 2005

"and we want to be respected in the world..."

Let's consider this:

1.) Bush is threatening to use the July 4th recess to appoint John Bolton to the UN..
2.) Bush is pushing Bolton to make the UN more accountable..
3.) Yet, Bush is refusing to release information about Bolton's past -- to determine exactly *how* accountable Mr. Bolton is..
4.) Yet, this administration is refusing to be accountable on:
-The War
-The Economy
-Social Security
-Homeland Security
-Forcing the morals of the church
-Encouraging the government involvement into the private affairs of Americans

But even Bolton is appointed - it's the beginning of something really bad.. Like has been stated over and over already: Bolton is a bully.. Even though he does fit the mold of this administration like a fine Italian-leather glove, his actions are going to further splinter our reputation and assistance in the world.. But this administration has a very interesting belief:

"When you don't get your way, just move things out of the way and make them happen.."

It's irresponsible..

It's wrong..

It's Bush..

There's a reason why there are multiple points of view.. There's a reason why there's debate.. There's a reason why there are compromises.. There's a reason why we don't have a singular party that rules the nation.. There's a reason why we need to have two voices..

What this administration simply cannot grasp is the fact that they have alienated our country in a time of war.. Allies are continually dropping like flies.. Britain is waking up.. If Bush is truly interested in winning the war on terrorism - manhandling the United Nations is *not* the answer..

The war will expand..

It's indicative of the blinders that this administration continues to run.. I really hope and pray that other conservatives see the issues for what they are and will split away and vote for what's right.. Unfortunately I don't feel we're going to get many conservatives that will vote for the country and not for the party..

Hang on -- the ice berg is just ahead.. Get a good spot on the life raft, it's going to get a little choppy....

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