Saturday, November 17, 2007

"All we need is a little more faith..."

All we need to do is trust our President..

All we need to do is trust his judgment..

All we have to do ..... is have a little more faith..


We blindly followed this man as he and his administration wove the most elaborate P.R. message to further their respective causes.. Where did that leave us??

- I've already blogged about the fact that Bush's unilateral policies have set forth the way science is considered in our country.. Religion is now considered an equal to science -- even though there doesn't appear to be any schematics for the electron so that we could develop electronics.. And I didn't really notice if there were any step by step instructions on how to build a gas-powered motor -- nor do I see it written anywhere that we should be justified for choosing our wars so that we protect our national interests..

- So it's no mystery that Bush once again - chose to unilaterally dismiss the U.N. demand for climate change.. After all, it's not written in the Bible that we should be worried about it -- we're not in the middle of a locust storm or anything like that, so why worry??

- And the saber rattling continues against Iran.. Bush and Cheney continue to concoct a war plan to invade Iran.. And remember, all we need is a little more faith and trusting the blind leading us into yet - another precarious regional conflict in an area WE'RE ALREADY HATED......

- But thank God we have the likes of Admiral William Fallon who honestly believes that invading Iran is a really big mistake.. "It seems to me that we don't need more problems. It astounds me that so many pundits and others are spending so much time yakking about this topic [of war against Iran]."

So please forgive me if I continue to not ride on the coat tails of faith that so many people seem to have for this administration..

I'm glad we have people of REASON and RATIONALE that are willing to address the problems we continually face.. Regardless if it's about the environment, regardless if it's about Iraq, Iran or privacy..

Are we seriously meant to believe that Jesus sat down with Bush to give him his marching orders to go into Iraq?? Do we honestly think that Jesus would be so profoundly blind about the plight of the people of the Sudan in the Darfur?? Are we expected to believe that it's in God's plan for us to invade Iran now too??

Is it really rational to believe that it's God's will for America to reign supreme -- almost in complete defiance of the teachings of the Bible to begin with the basic principle of brotherhood and thy fellow neighbor??

No -- I really don't think that's the case either..

And that's I've started to have faith in an America that continues to wake up from its slumber ... so that we can correct the extreme errant course this administration has set out for our country..

That's the faith I choose to believe in.. I just hope others follow..

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