Monday, October 13, 2008

If the lies stick....

I don't get it.

The lies and distortions from the Republicans -- trying to get their own brand of "jello" to be nailed against the wall. What is it this week?

Believing that the basic fundamentals of the economy is strong... You'd think that John could get a better grasp on the situation. After this gaffe, he thought it was serious enough for him to suspend his campaign (even though he really didn't since most of the staff was still working, ads were being run, etc.) so that he can stay in Washington until a recovery plan was in place. When that little gambit didn't work -- he left Washington before any deal was hammered out -- only to resume his campaign -- and then the guys and gals in Washington secured the deal without him.

Well his latest gaffe simply put: "the economy has hurt us a little bit in the last week or two," ... Really John? How can a candidate for the single highest position in the land merely thinks we must've hit a speed bump in the road. No John ... 18% of the value of the stock market is GONE -- get it? World markets are collaborating their efforts to help thwart their own economies from systematically breaking down. So no - John - the economy hasn't hurt us a little bit it has hit us and the rest of the world like you would be hit by a speeding locomotive.

McCain has a big new plan for the economy that he would be introducing on Monday ... except that the rest of the McCain camp said there is no such policy.

Okay - so maybe there was just a little bit of mis-communication, no big deal, right?

McCain needs to check the "context" to see if there's any link between Obama and Bin Laden? Although John repudiates the the connection -- his spokeswoman came out and condemned the remarks as "not appropriate." But he still claims that Obama isn't being truthful with the Ayers situation. Yo John: "if you got something - say it -- enough drama...."

McCain thinks there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11?? This was a softball pitch -- merely asking to clarify:

"Asked by the host whether he agreed with Barack Obama that "the Iraq war had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks of 9/11," McCain replied:

"No. We invaded a country that every intelligence agency said was developing weapons of mass destruction. Think of Saddam Hussein in power with oil at 100 dollars a barrel, and all that entails with his commitment which when after he was captured, he stated categorically that he would acquire weapons of mass destruction, and he would use them wherever he could. Now, Iraq--"

"But he had nothing to do with 9/11," the hosted interjected.

"He had a lot to do with invading his neighbor Kuwait, and we had to go to war and fight there," McCain replied. "He had a lot to do with using weapons of mass destruction, he used them previously, so there's no doubt about his commitment to get them."


As if it's not bad enough that the desperate few WANT to believe the lies that Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama isn't patriotic -- but now we're going to dig in Bush's greatest hits and try to re-write history that Iraq was responsible for 9/11?!?

Even Bush *HIMSELF* said there was no connection YEARS AGO....


But when you look at the lies, distortions and mud -- I felt sorry for the lady who has been pulled into every sound-byte since last Friday -- believing that Obama is a Muslim -- because she represents the incredibly small minority of people who are still victim of the truth. She and the rest of the crowd doesn't know any better and they keep faithfully listening to Limbaugh, Faux News and the punditry that continually churns this meritless crap. But ultimately it speaks volumes for those who WANT to believe that it's true just so that they can somehow justify their support behind McCain.

Because at this point -- what else is there?!?

- There's no viable economic policy from John McCain.
- There's no McCain foreign policy that's any different than Bush's.
- There's no social agenda that is that un-different than the last 8 years of "moral superiority" which has done nothing for society except to make us more embolden against each other.

Look at the McCain stump speeches.

Even when he TRIES to say that he's going to fight for a new direction -- his RECORD proves otherwise. What new direction, John? What does it look like? Even when he gets TOP BILLING in a news story there's no "direction" except empty rhetoric. Oh he vows to fight for a new direction -- but it's Obama who is laying out specifics, calling for a 90 day moratorium on home foreclosures, two-year tax break on businesses, a $3k tax cut for businesses that hire full-time employees, and a $10k allowance for families to withdraw their from their retirement plans for the next two years.

It's called "specifics" John. But his campaign hasn't been about policy lately. It's either hearing for the 2 millionth time that he was a POW, followed by hallowed rhetoric that only serves as a placeholder - without specifics or his campaign has been about shelling out crap on your opponent.

And if the latter is what Republicans stand for -- then it's a sign of illness comparable to the likes of a vintage Karl Rove campaign. It's poison to the core -- and as has been reported in many senate races right now, it's affecting all Republicans across the board. It's the stain that doesn't wipe clean.

- Republicans have no direction.
- Republicans have lost complete touch with the 89% of America.
- Republicans think they have a moral compass, but really -- what kind of moral compass comes from a party that apparently celebrates "killing" and "bombing" the other guy just because you think he's a terrorist while re-writing history in a feeble effort to try to bolster your inept standing in the world?
- Republicans spend incredibly too much time blaming everyone else for the mistakes THEIR party has made.
- Republicans drink the poison they've created by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reily. Yet if the Republican smear machine is nothing more than a from for "moral superiority" then when the overwhelming number of Americans believe that this country is heading in the wrong direction -- then it's the touted few that continue to eat, breathe and sleep this mantra until it totally consumes them to the point of obscurity.

"Real Republicans" should be ashamed of their party -- and I'm glad to read that so many are openly responding to the Republican party, their candidate of choice and saying: "I don't know who invited this guy, but I don't agree with what he's selling." Americans are finally coming back around that it's the issues that matter, not the mud-slinging or the hypocritical "guilt-by-association" game that the Republicans have been running with. I'm glad to see that the majority of Americans are finally fed up with the likes of the Republican base that it's okay to rally behind the idea of "terrorist" and "bomb Obama" or "kill him."

There's a lot of poison on the right side of the aisle -- and I'm very glad to see and hear that Americans are sick of it. Americans are better without this incarnation of the Republican Party and it's my hope that we can restore our standing in the world and come together -- than continually find ourselves supporting those that only seek to divide us as a nation.

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