Monday, February 22, 2010

The Teflon is starting to flake off....

Outright lies is the way of Washington politics.

...which is why so many Americans are put off by our elected representatives -- and for good reason.

But there has been an aggressive campaign by the right to completely fabricate, lie or enjoy their own rolls in the mud. Each time they roll around in the mud - remarkably, almost impossibly - the GOP comes away scot free ... amazing! No dirt, no problem and they can launch salvo after salvo at Obama and the Democrats and have absolutely no accountability....

But something has changed.

Now - there finally seems to be some accountability.

The Teflon the GOP has worn for several generations is finally starting to flake off a bit. If you're going to be against Obama's stimulus plan, but you're going to take credit for it - FINALLY - someone is going to call you out on it. Even within their own party people are finally starting to take notice.

Never mind the other incredibly blatant attacks of late of "fiscal responsibility" while protecting Bush for 8 years. Or the sudden concern about terrorist rights when Bush was doing the exact .... same .... thing..... Even Colin Powell has no idea what the GOP is doing.

But then the GOP had their big confab this week ... the CPAC where they are supposed to hone in their message and get back on track. One of their headliners is no stranger to obscuring and obfuscation ... Mitt Romney delivered his speech which had about as many holes as a board riddled with termites.

This isn't some "vast left wing media conspiracy..." No. These are the hometown papers and the Wall Street Journal that's calling out the GOP for their .... "mistakes." Now comes the moment of atonement ... because I do believe this is nothing more than a strategy ploy to help re-define the Republican Party for 2010 and 2012. As long as we have the likes of Fox News, Rush and Beck coming to their aid to help them correct their mis-deeds ... the Republican Party will keep living by their teflon lies and hypocrisy.

...and the sad song and dance continues.....

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