Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Big Thaw....

It's been a painful three years to watch the goings on in Washington. Admittedly - I've went into hibernation. I deliberately distanced myself from the political hashing and rehashing because there simply was no point to get upset or angry with the political climate. Republicans don't care, Democrats don't care either. Americans care and I'm not sure that's something either party fully understands yet.

I've distanced myself from my familiar political haunts - mainly because they were proving themselves to be equally divisive spin-masters as the other side has been. There's so much political media pandering going on - that it's impossible to really gauge a politician's real view point without them pausing and thinking through the mind games of "what's best for me."

In Reflection... In 2008, many of us believed we had a candidate that would be our fiercest advocate. While I believe he was very well intentioned - the realities of the Washington culture transformed him into something completely unrecognizable. My posts diminished as it felt like many of us were abandoned by someone who was leading the charge to make a difference. In that span of time -- we watched someone who was constantly extending his hand - trying to rally both sides to adopt his vision.

The "Respect" Factor...Republicans should be ashamed at how they have treated this President - if they actually knew and felt shame. Even with the incredible bumblings of George W., I respected his role as President. There was none of this: "He's not MY President" flatulence. I so desperately want to turn to those folks and have them arrested because if Obama is not your President then you are here illegally and you need to be deported. In all of my rants about the previous administration - as much as I hated what his policies were doing to this country - I never said he was "not MY President."

Grow up.

Race Is Still an Issue... The tragic thing is that this kind of disrespect is now acceptable because Obama is "lesser" somehow. I don't mean to play the race card - but I find those that hide behind their disrespect are being majorly disingenuous about how they really feel about a black President. If you're going to hate, then hate - the very least you can do is own it and expose it for who you really are. Don't hide - be proud of it. At least be honest without the Rush Limbaugh-esque "I have black friends" as an excuse for your hatred of the man.

If you don't like his politics - then say so. The problem is - most people who rail against Obama are the exact same ones that benefit from his policies.

Thaw or Hibernation... Does this mean there's a thaw coming for Spoon's Rant ... or will I sleep back in slumber? I really don't know the answer to that. I've seen things from Obama that have gotten my attention - but I've also seen things that still concern me. He has a lot of explaining to do and a lot of repair work with his base. He's lost the support of the left wing - but then I don't think many left wingers want another mistake to end up in the White House.

...I've been wrong on that before though... who would've thought Bush would be elected twice in a row?

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