Sunday, February 12, 2012

HP: Christianity? Really?

A post on HP about a blogger that is being sent back home to face the death penalty got my attention. One of the comments was from some person who thinks we should be grateful that we live in a Christian country. Of course - I took exception to that....

A Christian country that promotes immoral prejudices against recognizable groups in the populace?

A Christian country that advocates a woman's right to choose is negated because it violates the beliefs of the Christian's book of following?

A Christian country that adamantly defends the birth of unborn babies while delivering potentially innocent people to the gas chamber?

A Christian country that rigorously defends the acquisition of wealth while stripping the benefits from those who need it?

A Christian country that routinely practices theological prejudice against other faiths when this country was founded on the principle of freedom to practice whatever religion you wanted?

A Christian country who has tangent cults who continue to picket the funerals of our bravest -- who use the Christian book of following to defend their incredibly immoral, unpatriotic behavior?

Is THIS the Christian country you speak of?

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