Monday, April 29, 2013

If it's all about accountability - then where is it?

I find an inherent flaw in the Conservative mindset which posits:

"We need people to be more responsible for themselves."

Whether we're talking about food stamps, welfare, even unemployment ... conservatives love to throw out the notion that we should all be personally responsible for the things we do and the things we involve ourselves in.

Where's the personal responsibility come out morally when we balance life and health against profit?  It seems incredibly immoral to protect profits over one that seeks health assistance because they are needing help.

Where's the personal responsibility when it comes to gas prices?  Crippling economies just for profit?  How is that just?

Where's the personal responsibility for registering your gun?  We have to register our children when they're born.  We register our cars that we drive.  We register the jobs we work at.  We register the homes we live in.  We register our LIVES every time one of us turns 18 years old.  The notion of registration isn't a new one - and if you're that damn afraid of the government having knowledge of the firearms in your house - then put yourselves in the shoes of the officer who knocks on your door - unknowing of the danger he may be confronting.  Where's your personal responsibility then?

Where's the personal responsibility when BP incidents or West Texas "accidents" happen?  Oh - we'll cap those ... so - while people lose their homes, their lives, their families - as long as it doesn't hurt my stock portfolio - I'm tickled pink.  So a person who steals from a bank or a liquor store or a convenience store ... because they have no money otherwise - needs to exert more personal responsibility than the companies and corporations that commit egregious acts of negligence to the point where people die ... and they don't need to spend time with ol' sparky?  But the common criminal does?

Where exactly IS personal responsibility then - I ask you?

When you hide behind the personal responsibility argument - then your credibility and ability to navigate becomes extremely limited.  Especially if you hold the belief that the items I just listed should somehow be exempt.

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