Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fox News is craptastic .... issue #451,944

Leave it to Fox to try and prove a point, only to expose themselves in the process:

"Fox News Panel Slams #BringBackOurGirls Hashtag Activism."

In the article:

"But Fox News contributors got a laugh on "Fox News Sunday" in a conversation that began with Chris Wallace wondering if the hashtag could actually "make progress" or was rather simply a tool to make people "feel better about themselves." 

It's about awareness you idiot.

Not everyone is "Benghazi" every minute of the day, Fox.

But to openly come out:

I do not know how adults stand there, facing a camera, and say, 'Bring back our girls.' Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, 'Uh oh, Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior'?"

"It's trending! It’s trending on Twitter!" Brit Hume then exclaimed, which garnered a chuckle from the rest of the panel.

Not only is it disgraceful, it's tacky.  Not only doesn't it paint your "news" organization has moronic, it paints it stupid and idiotic.

It's but another shining example why the folks at Fox can't be taken seriously and why they should have their media credential suspended.  They are useless hacks in a society that's riddled with their hateful crap.

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