Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Keep doing what you're doing.... No really!

I recently read an article where an incumbent Republican from Kansas is in danger of losing his governorship to an independent. At first this didn't raise an eyebrow or anything about it. What it did do was make me cheer on the incumbent Republican to stay to the script. No hedging, no misinterpretation, no fudging. Stay to the script.


Because it is time for America to see Republicans for who they are. They want to repeal Obamacare even though the number of uninsured has dropped to its lowest level since 1990. They want to secure more tax breaks for businesses who send American jobs overseas. They want to become more invasive and to eliminate basic rights of Americans because "if you have nothing to hide then there shouldn't be a problem."

The problem with the Republicans is where their core beliefs are located. They dwell in the pit of some unknown donor box carefully crafted by corporations who really don't give a damn about Americans. Republicans are steadfast to protect the interest of the shareholder over the interest of their constituents.

That's why I want Republicans to stay on message. Keep these flawed beliefs and don't come off of them. Remain true to yourselves or continue to be the obnoxious hypocrites you're set to be.

Eventually America will get it.

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