Monday, March 01, 2004

What is sin??

The state of California is in the news again.. This time the California Supreme Court ruled that they must provide health coverage for birth control pills: in complete defiance of what the church believes (obviously..) As I continued to read the article, it brought up the whole morality thing again - but what covers "sin??" Think about it.. There's a LOT of sin out there.. Most of which, we really don't care about.. We have a sin tax to cover things like cigarettes, alcohol and other vice related things..

Wait, let's go back and read that again:

WE HAVE A SIN TAX.........

Meaning, not only does the government not really have an issue with "sin" in general, they want to capitalize in that tax base

Now, a long time ago, in a galaxy not that far away, there was an amendment in the law of the land prohibiting the use of alcohol (aka prohibition...) Many people don't realize that the church was largely responsible for the law to be made in the first place.. It was designed to strengthen our values and make us a more moral society.. Prohibition was eventually repealed and the drinks poured once again..

With all of this talk about morality made me see a lot of different things.. Not withstanding how our "collective moralists" believe that they know what is best for all of the rest of us.. I do find a problem with that since it was one of the major reasons why we came across the big pond, away from Britain to begin with.. But I have significant problems with the level in which our "collective moralists" decide what is sin and what's not.. I have issues with all of this because it's impossible for us to live in a moral society unless ALL of us vowed to be better people..

When we have corruption in the places we expect to have the deepest trust - then I do not feel comfortable having these people "guide me" to a better way of life..


Should the government be able to dictate how the church administers their health insurance coverage?? Now ponder that a bit.. If the church asks the courts to intervene for gay marriages, shouldn't it be responsible for upholding its share of the law of the land?? If not, then why not?? Certainly we believe that any church must reside within the confines of our laws.. To say they don't would create even more chaos.. As it is, many states are trying to repeal the tax break churches get from putting temples and other places of worship in communities.. Churches get a real huge tax break when it comes to it.. Why does government want to get involved?? Because some churches look a lot nicer than most government buildings.. The argument "well now, if you have so much extra money, why not spread the wealth??"

If the church wishes to direct law policy across America, then why shouldn't they be responsible for living within those confines as well??

Just because they may not agree with birth control, doesn't exclude them from the responsibilities included when they hire someone.. Laws are laws, right?? Isn't that we keep getting told?? There's a LOT of laws I don't agree with, but I abide by these rules to peacefully coexist in this society.. If I make the choice and violate those rules, then society will punish me.. Cause and effect.. A defense of "I disagree with this particular law" does not bode well in front of a Judge.. Because most, if not all Judges will get this look on their faces as though you're nothing more than a rodent that just came into their courtroom..

So, no, I don't think the church should get out of their duty just because they have personal issues with birth control and contraceptives.. If we start giving passes like this one, it's going to be the start of even more chaos.. No problem with that?? Okie dokie.. I'll just stop paying my taxes, go and take out money from banks just because I need an extra thou or two.. Am I a little over the top?? Well, a lot of talk shows are exactly the same way in a lot of respects.. Just because something doesn't happen to agree with their agenda, all of a sudden the crash of the free world us upon us...... We're facing an internal implosion and the world is going to die a horrible death..... (If I didn't know any better, it's sweeps month for these talk shows.....)

Sorry churches, if I gotta abide by these rules, so do you..

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