Friday, July 30, 2004

Bill Maher tonight!

Bill opened up his latest season by having Michael Moore and Ralph Nader on his program.. I'll say this: Bill seems to have changed a bit -- not quite so liberal.. Not sure why, but it's how I saw it..

There were quite a few barbs being traded between Michael and Representative David Drier (who I guess had more *pressing* engagements for the evening as to why he couldn't *stay* for the remainder of the program....)

Of course Fahrenheit 9/11 was one of the main discussions.. At one point, David was on a rant about how Michael has been doing a disservice to the country.. Michael then asked:

"Have you seen the movie??"

"No," David replied..

An exasperated Michael just buried his head in his hands.. But it clearly illustrates exactly how a very active majority of the people who have NOT seen the movie continue to parade their feelings ABOUT a movie they haven't even SEEN!!

Has anyone else figured out that this is probably one of the major reasons WHY we went to war to begin with????? Because we have an administration who is leading people to believing things that MAY or MAY NOT be real or factual in nature.. Is this really responsible??

Then - David - obviously feeling tired from having to defend himself so much made the mistake of saying that Michael Moore's movie is the equivalent of a Pravda Newspaper.. Michael immediately quipped something like "if you're making a documentary or have an opinion that conflicts with their way of thinking, you're going to be labeled Pravda...."

(on target -- ouch)

Bill even worked over My governor pretty good -- which is much to my satisfaction.. (*kudos*)

But the surprise had to be the former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell who not only admitted to have watched the movie, but could actually talk from experience, being once a person in power - exactly how the President should have acted on 9/11.. The issue is raised once more:

"The country is under attack.."

The President did not move for another 20+ minutes..

The Secret Service did not move him - but it's not clear why.. Clearly the Secret Service deemed that it was a critical situation when they flown the President to the bunker in Nebraska..

Then - as my girl pointed out to me again: "If the President was concerned about not raising alarm, not exciting the children or causing a stir.. If he was more concerned with the 20 minutes of face time by 15 cameras in the room.. If he was genuinely concerned about the children.......

..... why didn't he leave??"

A very valid point..

The President (as would later be discovered) was a primary target.. Even though he was in Florida - the White House was one of the destinations.. If he was a target, then the children were in jeopardy.. His presence at the school endangered those children.. The decision to fly the President to Nebraska confirms this..

"But the terrorists didn't attack him at the school.."

Bush didn't know that at the time..

Even David Drier admitted that much: nothing was known of the terrorist plot until much later.. But if an aide comes over, whispers in your ear that the country is under attack, what should the President do?? Now I can understand the need to remain peacefully calm at a time of conflict, but when you see that footage - Bush is not calm.. Kim had the perfect response: "I'm sorry to interrupt, your reading is very important and you need to keep it up. Unfortunately my duties as President calls for me to leave you here today." He is the President, he is the leader of the free world, he can do anything he wants anytime he wants..

Fact being: he stayed.. Whatever his motives, he thought it was more important to stay with the book than tend to a national disaster.. He placed a grade school reading session over the lives of over 2,900 people..

That is the responsibility priorities of this administration..

I don't care about the question of "Would Gore have done a better job??" It's an irrelevant question because Gore isn't President.. The question is nothing more than a serious case of Monday morning Quarterbacking.. The ability to second guess a coach's decision to run the ball on 4th down when they should've punted.. Fact being, I have no idea what would've happened if all of this occurred under Gore's watch.. But I refuse to play Monday morning quarterback when My country is at stake and the threats are real..

Brief note about Nader

It's a wonder I even voted for him the first time.. He looked really awful - and he's about as myopic as both candidates running for office now.. He came across to me as someone who just wants to spoil the party.. His platform may have been popular back in 2000, but we're living in a different era.. Clearly a more dangerous time to be alive.. Nader's obsessed in becoming some sort of catalyst in the process all the while he's failing to see the forest for the trees.. How do I know this??

"I will beat George B. Bush..."

"Um - someone please take Mr. Nader back to his room, his diaper needs to be changed..."

Then there were the shameless attempts to plug whatever magazine he was holding in his hand.. Yeah, I get the point that he's a syndicated columnist, but you'd think if you were a Presidential Candidate that you're getting enough air time...... Or maybe that's the problem for Ralph - he may not be taken too seriously this time around..

I do agree though that neither party are putting their best people up for candidacy and not just Bush or Kerry -- but for the thrawls of congress folk alike.. Governors, city administrators -- all the way to the School Board... If we want results, we better get people in there that can do a better job..

Welcome back Bill!!

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