Thursday, October 28, 2004

Trust me, I'm a politician :)

The last big surge is almost over..

Both candidates are pushing, tugging, pulling -- doing everything but throwing punches.. Erm, wait -- they *are* doing that.. Okay okay...

But now to understand that there's quite a stir in Iraq right now concerning weapons.. Now it's possible that the weapons were missing as we took Iraq in control.. Just because we had Baghdad, didn't mean that these weapons were secure.. What is interesting is that this has been widely known for MONTHS and never reported until NOW..


I don't know what to think about that.. Obviously all of the liberals are jumping up and down because it indicates that Bush is inadequate in his Presidency.. But in all seriousness, how do we know that the weapons were known before the embedded reporters saw the weapons back then??

I'm not really ready to jump on that bandwagon yet because there are several unanswered questions.. Particularly the who, what, when, why and how type questions involving what the status of those weapons were at various points during the war.. If we can't answer those questions, then how can we blame Bush??

Sorry -- not quite yet....

(Is it Tuesday yet??)

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