Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Many Thoughts

Lots to cover, but in no particular order:

No connection found between Iraq and 9/11.. Hmm.. What was the response from the White House?? The report was "irresponsible." It's very interesting that the White House chose a single word that acts so deadly to their policies and administration.. Obviously the word: "irresponsible" can quickly be applied in our rush to Iraq - or the fact that Al Qaeda remains an elusive threat..

I also find it troublesome that we have political and military leaders that are assessing the terroristic situation "like a cancer.." Meaning that you may get rid of most of it, but it'll always be there in some manner.. That's lovely.. Let's face a little music: we're not LIKED in the Middle East right now.. By continuing this policy of forging ahead blindly, we are ENCOURAGING the cancer to spread.. That's problematic..

Martial Law in Iraq?? Looks like it's going to happen.. I'm not so sure the Iraqi people are going to like this arrangement either.. Especially since our troops are still going to be over there.. Many consider the new Iraqi government to be a puppet to this administration - which I can't see how the Bush regime can't shake this troublesome perception.. More music please: The fact we're over there is going to CONTINUE these attacks even more..

American Contractors in the Middle East First of all, I sympathize for the family that lost their husband, their father, their neighbor.. I can say with certainty that no one wanted to see Mr. Johnson killed.. But here's where I start thinking a little bit askew.. I'm very concerned for *anyone* who happens to be in Iraq right now.. It doesn't matter if you're a member of the press or someone who is on humanitarian relief.. If you're an American - you're a target.. If you're anyone associated with the coalition - you're a target..

At some point - don't we have to say: look, if you go over to Iraq - you're taking your life in your own hands.. I'm not trying to be cold-hearted to the Johnson family - but clearly they knew that this could have been a possible outcome.. If we believe blindly that "just because we're Americans, we're safe" then we're running as blind as our President..

Mr. Johnson must have at some point accepted the potential risk of something bad happening to him.. When you stop and think about it - it's no different than the men and women currently serving overseas, or if you're a police officer, a fire fighter, or some who works on a fishing boat or drives an 18 wheeler.. Risks are taken everyday.. We try to mitigate those risks to make sure accidents and other avoidable events are handled properly.. Unfortunately it happens.. By going to Iraq, every contractor, every worker, every single one must be aware of the potential risks.. I don't like the fact that we're at war with a seemingly invisible enemy - but we're at war with them.. When you piss off a hive of bees, they just don't go flying away -- they're pissed off and they want to come after you..

I'm sorry for the Johnson family and friends.. It shouldn't have happened.. It was more than a possibility that it could happen.. And unfortunately it did happen..

Freedom of Religion I don't have an adequate segue for this topic.. The courts recently upheld the pledge of allegiance saying that the words: "one nation under God" remains in.. Okay - I grew up with the pledge - and I personally don't have an issue with it.. But what transpired on one of the radio programs was very unique.. The host was on a rant about how we are a nation founded on Christianity.. But we fled Britain not just for taxes, but for freedom of religion.. That to Me says: being able to practice your religion and spiritual beliefs within certain confines of the law..

Okay - I'm agreeable to that..

But then it went deeper.. The host was basically condemning the gentleman who raised this issue to begin with - that being an atheist was bad.. Well regardless of how we practice our spirituality, every one of us is and should be protected.. A religion doesn't need to have a God in order to practice.. There are many other spiritual avenues that don't follow the Christian ideology or follow "God" or the various derivative teachings thereafter..

I have an ever growing concern though when we start blending religion and the law.. It has been made very clear that religion and the law should be divisible -- but I strongly do not believe that the Pledge of allegiance fosters the mandate that "YOU WILL BELIEVE IN GOD..." No - it doesn't say that.. It's a reminder of who we are, what liberties we have, and that which should be protected.. Even if you're practicing religion that does not have a God - the fact that you're protected to practice your religion at ALL is somewhat of a miracle in these times..

Stem cell research Briefly: I'm very glad to see that Nancy Reagan is spearheading this movement on the conservative side of the aisle.. While we can't be positive had this been in place long before Reagan's death - what effect it could have, but for Me, or for anyone else in the future - this is very significant.. The longer we delay - the more people that will have to be tortured into living a life where the science is there for consumption but our government forbids it..

Interesting how the conservative movement is SO DEDICATED in their right to life argument yet they are so hypocritical when it comes having the ability to saving people because the technology says it's possible..

Interesting how the conservative movement is SO DEDICATED in the right for life - yet we remain in Iraq and expose incredibly good, dedicated people in harms way when there has been an evident misappropriation of responsibility for the intelligence and 9/11..

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