Saturday, June 12, 2004

Yeah - whatever.....

I was listening to Hannity the other day..

It's really ironic how this whole Reagan funeral is turning so political.. The long story short - Hannity is parading around everything that Reagan did (which is okay in My book since it's merely reporting what history has already written about..) But here's the part I didn't like:

"I bet all of the Democrats can't stand themselves...."

He later referred to the funeral as:

"You can't get better press opportunities like this...."

Now who is being the "in your face" kind of person now?? If we are supposed to be remembering a President who made a profound impact (regardless if you think it was positive or not) then why is it that Hannity has taken it upon himself to drive the wedge further between the democrats and the republicans??

I was looking at one of the political cartoons this week about Reagan's death - and one of the best ones I saw was how the republican elephant and democrat donkey were lamenting the loss of Reagan while Bush stood away from the pair looking off in a different direction.......

I found it compelling because Reagan did reach across the ideological lines where it didn't matter where you were - he could reach out to you.. In a lot of ways he is being considered a very moderate President.. I'll agree considering what we have in the White House today.. To this day - I don't think Bush even knows who he is or where he is in the spectrum of things..

Back to Hannity -- I'm disillusioned that at a time of possibly BOOSTING your party's reputation, there was a conscious choice to drive the wedge further.. Congratulations Hannity, I really hope you know what you're doing for the sake of your party.. You had a golden opportunity here and BLEW IT..

Hannity's golden response: yeah, whatever..

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