Tuesday, August 03, 2004

1 577 846.3 minutes

That's how many minutes there are in 3 years..

What really confuses Me is we all hear: "Go about your business..."

Yet, we're acting upon intelligence that is THREE YEARS OLD

Excuse Me, but why is this supposed to make Me feel all secure that nothing is wrong?? I realize I sometimes scream into nowhere, but exactly why do we have an intelligence gathering capability that is coming up with warnings of 3 years ago??!!??!?!?

So excuse Me for laughing it up here..

It's nice to know that our country is making policy and decisions based on OLD intelligence...... but WAIT!!!

Think about that: Saddam did at one time have Weapons of Mass Destruction, but maybe we were looking at intelligence that was over 10 years old when his daddy was in office and took care of most of it.....

Oops, probably didn't get that memo, did ya' Dubya??

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