Tuesday, August 31, 2004

You're in trouble when....

You know you're political party is in trouble when you have an infamous boxing promoter Don King speaking out on behalf of your candidate.. We were having lunch today when I began flipping channels - and I thought I'd take a look to see what the folks at Fox News were doing.. That's when I saw Don King talking with Nick Caputo (or whatever his name is..) I had it on mute, but I could see the closed captioning..

Neil was asking him questions about his impressions of Bush and King was all in favor of Dubya.. But then Neil asked him why a small percentage of African Americans voted for Bush last time..

The result of that answer was unexpected as I almost choked on my pita wrap..

King believes that African Americans don't know the "essence" of the man George W. Bush is.. I about laughed my ass off my chair.. Of course I had to rewind it to the point, wait for Darby to come into the living room before I could un-mute it and play it again.. Hearing it was even funnier than reading it.. I realize there's a stereotype circulating that Bush and the republicans do not have a strong minority backing -- and yet they found Don King..

Then in King fashion, he tries to rally up some sort of pep yell: "four more years," and then starts scatting out other things as Neil was trying to head to commercial..

The only thing I could think about was WHY.. King doesn't have the best reputation out there as it is.. An ego, money-makin' focused, monopolizin' to get his way, King.. I do admit this though, he would be one of the last people I'd think about leading the GOP battle cry.. When you hear how much Bush is out of touch with people, makes me wonder exactly how he got King's support..

In any event - it was interesting and entertaining at the same time..

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