Thursday, November 18, 2004

Election depression & analysis

I had election depression big time..

I didn't realize how diverse the populous was regarding the election.. Moreover, I was almost certain that there was a more significant segment of the populous that wanted a change in the big seat.. I'll admit it: I was wrong..

It's not about the "black boxes" or charges of voter irregularity.. We had enough of that in 2000.. And let's face it, the margin this time around was a lot greater than in 2000.. I've already cited my own conspiracy theories when it comes to the election of 2004, so there's not much else to report here.. Bottom line: the Democrats got their butt kicked and we're not the "majority" as a lot of people would like to think we are.. We do live in a country divided and that's a lot tougher to take than accepting the fact that "Bush stole another one.."

So, we have Bush for another 4 years.. It's time to roll up the sleeves and batton down the hatches because it looks like stormy seas coming up.. Dubya's cleaning house -- or rather everyone is jumping off the ship while it's still at port.. Regardless, it's been an interesting couple of weeks.. I expected Ashcroft to resign, but Powell was a little surprising.. I say that knowing that there was a significant amount of strife between them - but Powell gave Bush's foreign policy creedence and strength.. It's not that I believe Condoleeza will do a worse job than Colin, but it's hard when you're a visible General in a military campaign who is very easy to notice and recognize..

One thought I had about Powell: 2008..

It would be difficult if not impossible for him to run in a Presidental election if he were still Secretary of State.. The time between now and 2008 could be spent with family, friends and strategists as they conceive a plan to keep control of the White House once Dubya's out..

Of course the other half of my mind is saying that there were fundamental differences in how to conduct their foreign policy.. Rice seems much more obliged to give "Yes, Sir" type of responses when Powell seems more to be of the type who will go: "I think we need to discuss this further, Sir.." Of course the perception is that once Bush makes up his mind, it's all overwith..

Hence the differences of belief..

I liked Colin, even though I realize he's conservative minded - he has a statesman-way about him.. He is strong, compassionate and intelligent..

And let's face it: we need that and more at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.....

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