Sunday, November 21, 2004

Odds -n- Ends

The Monday Night Football fiasco: I am so sick of hearing about who's boob or ass is showing up on MINIFY or whatever other football event.. Along with the Saving Private Ryan debate - the MINIFY pre-game coverage (or maybe the lack thereof *grins*) is bringing the whole premise of what the role of the FCC should be..

But what happened in the Indiana Pacers/Detroit Pistons game this week ranks up there with the real "class acts" of sports.. The 5-minute melee that led to four permanent suspensions demonstrated that regardless of whatever decisions the FCC imposes on the media -- the REALITY of the world still comes into our living rooms.. Even if you missed the fight (as we did), ISBN continues to cover it, showing replay after replay, Fox Sports doing the same thing ...... and yet I'm sure the FCC isn't going to step in..

What gives??

The Pacers/Pistons game illustrates (according to the FCC) that depictions are inappropriate, but showing a 5-minute riot is somehow acceptable.. The whole thing is ridiculous to begin with because if we're going to start censoring that which you can or can't say, show or present - then why not call it what it is: a State-Controlled media outlet like what they have in Russia, China and Cuba..

I personally don't care if it's nudity, language or violence.. It doesn't bother me -- but if it bothers a family change the channel or GET RID OF THE TELEVISION SET!!! Once again we're inviting, no we're begging, not asking, we're otherwise telling the government how to raise our families and to safely govern the airwaves so that we don't fall into some morality abyss!!

It's ridiculous considering the state of the world today, the daily violence in Iraq and other places overseas.. The fear of the Iranians getting Uranium, North Korea's nuclear project and oh yeah, the war on terrorism.. Should we filter all of this crap out too because it's too violent, too suggestive and morally corrupting our children?? What about the hate filled airwaves of both sides of the microphone.. Is this how you want your children to be??

Powell: Christopher asked if I was supporting the recently departed Colin Powell.. In a short answer: if the choice was between him and Bush -- Powell wins everytime.. Does he win over Kerry though if the choice was offered?? I can't really answer that not knowing where he comes out on certain issues.. Clearly there was disagreement between Bush and Powell as it pertains to foreign policy, but what I do not know is what those differences were..

Would I like Powell to be a bit more liberal?? Surely!! If he ran in 2008, would I vote for him?? I can't rule him out like I would other candidates.. (apologies for the non-answer...) ;)

Condoleeza: I've heard from a lot of Op Ed folks lately that say that Condy is thought of as being more of a "yes girl" that Bush wanted at the helm of the Secretary of State.. If she is in fact a "yes girl" then why didn't Bush just appoint himself and save the paperwork?? Oh wait - that would call upon him to give up some of his vacation time at the ranch -- nevermind..

Michael Moore's 9/11 1/2 project: I'm concerned to be honest.. Maybe concerned is the wrong word.. I really felt that his first installment would wake up America to what Dubya was doing.. From what a lot of people are saying now - he did more harm than good.. Even though Bush can't run again in 2008, I'm asking the larger question of whether or not another Michael Moore project will only setback the liberal machine more than it has already..

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