Monday, October 10, 2005

Bush is talking to God....

Never in our times have we seen such a religious purge to be pressed upon the American people.. There is a level of disillusionment that goes beyond the likes of how some regimes were able to score victories by way of the word.. Let's not forget the history of the world - and in particular the latter half of the 20th century when world witnessed the slaughter of millions for the sake of a difference in morality, a difference in belief, a difference in religion..

Now - in today's world, we're witnessing the same thing over again.. We have a world leader who has had conversations with God..



Let's see if I have this right: We invaded Iraq because God told him to..

No, no.. It wasn't the Weapons of Mass Destruction..

God told him to..

Now God apparently is telling George that he needs to get the Palestinian people their state while giving Israel their security "...[A]nd by God I'm gonna do it."


Take a step back..



I'm not against the efforts to stabilize the Middle East region.. In fact, the security of the world may come to depend on what happens on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.. For this, I'm in agreement.. Yet, I still look at the last 30 years and I begin to wonder exactly how possible this is given how both sides are so incredibly weary of the other.. So part of me says: "yeah, peace is good, very good.. But not let's have a party just yet.."

Meaning: peace is fragile, takes eons to work through - and every starting point in the peace process is just as vulnerable as the other steps were before.. Still - it's a step.. How long it lasts is anyone's guess..

That's not my concern..

My concern is that we have a President who admits outright that he listens to God.. Almost as dangerous as whenever Frank Sinatra dials into my head and I start singing "New York, New York..."

Listening and otherwise talking to God..



Okay - now I'm worried..

The leader of the free world.. The man who has complete control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal - is saying he's having conversations with God..

Competency first comes to mind..

Because anyone who is basing a policy, a long-reaching judgment, a life-or-death decision based on conversations with a deity ... needs to be called into question.. Now I'm not trying to say that religion is bad.. I'm not suggesting that people couldn't use a little bit more morality in the world.. I'm not suggesting that having faith in a seemingly complicated story is a bad thing..

I am however, concerned when people have conversations (apparently interactive) with God.. I simply cannot understand or believe how we have the single most powerful man of the world - having conversations with someone who may or may not exist!! I took theology, philosophy, history and science in school.. I doubt very seriously even the POPE admits having interactive conversations with God..

People like the Pope - derive inspiration through message of God's word, the Bible to become the basis of their decision-making capability.. That's okay.. Deriving influence and inspiration is a healthy, moral progression in life.. That's natural.. That's understandable.. That's reasonable..

Having received word from God to invade Iraq and kill tens of thousands of people does not seem to be a word from God.. In fact, it seems like an "anti-God-like" message.. It seems pretty contradictive to the whole Bible-view way of life because I doubt it very serious if God would condemn the "sacrifice" of those that have been killed..

Especially since nothing mentions in the Bible that "America is number one" or "In America, we trust" or anything of that sort.. If we really looked back at our history - we see a lot of things we've screwed up on.. God doesn't like it when we're bombing others.. God doesn't approve of such things.. So how is it that God told George to invade Iraq??

See?? That doesn't make sense.. Why would God tell George to do something completely against the morals of God?? We keep hearing how the Iraqi people are most grateful for being liberated - yet - I don't recall God telling George that he needed to install a democracy government..

Assuming that God approves of democracy versus a monarchy versus a republic versus a socialistic, versus a oligarchy..... No where that I'm aware - does God put forth: "you will assemble and make this government..." No where does it state that we should seek representative government.. No where does the Bible refer having permission to release people from tyranny..

Therefore either:
a.) We have a delusional President -or-
b.) We have a manipulative President

Either way -

We have an administration that believes it know what's "right" for the rest of us.. Based on whether we have a delusional leader or a manipulative one - the point remains that we have an unfit leader.. Many people have come forward with the "impeachment" word - and I'm in agreement.. I've lost faith in this administration's outlook and perceptive ability..

Moreover, this Republican regime is adamant about remaining hypocritical about the need to be invasive in our personal lives - yet - preaching that the government needs to get out of our lives.... We need to be moral, according to what the government says.. According to the Bible?? According to the word of God??

Shouldn't we be concerned that the government who wants to put God into our lives is the same government who can't seem to practice what God preaches??

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