Sunday, October 30, 2005


The events of last week -- finally -- revealed the inner self-defeating mechanism that this administration is employing.. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for his role to conceal the truth from the grand jury investigation.. As Prosecutor Scott Fitzgerald revealed - it has been incredibly difficult to reveal what was truthful about the outting of an active CIA agent.. Lewis Libby did his part to attempt to assure that the administration was insulated..

The problem being - the more you conceal the truth - the more it comes out.....

Libby resigned amidst indictments made on him by Fitzgerald.. Rove remains under investigation, and today (Sunday) there were calls from Harry Reid (D-Nevada) that Rove should step aside.. That sentiment was reiterated by Bush's own Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) believes that Rove's dismissal would invigorate "new blood, new energy, qualified staff" into the Bush administration...

Read into that a little bit more..

It's a Republican openly admitting that this administration lacks the fortitude and conviction to secure a qualified staff during this current administration.. It's the first time in a long time that I heard anyone in the Republican party openly expressing concerns about the people that Bush has surrounding him.. It's the first time that I've heard anyone openly admitting that key positions in this White House need to be re-evaluated..

Coming from within the party..

That speaks volumes..

Whether this administration heeds those calls remains an unanswered question.. But when Bush declares Rove to be "the architect," I'm inclined to believe that George will not heed the advice from Senator Trent Lott..

Clearly, it's growing apparent that Bush surrounded himself, insulated himself with people that encouraged the war in Iraq.. Up until this scandal, I've never even heard of Scooter Libby.. Now that all is said and done, it's apparent that Libby was incredibly instrumental in the role of National Security.. He also played a crucial role in the ''selling" and "implementation" of the Iraq conflict.. With Libby being Cheney's "architect" and with Rove being on the same radar screen - it's apparent that this administration reveled in its own blindness for the "sake of the nation.."

I dismiss the pundits and the belief that the current investigation is irrelevant.. That's absurd when we had a President impeached for exposing his personal life.. When we have an administration who is ultimately responsible for the deaths of so many in a conflict that was installed under false pretenses, then scrutiny is not only required, but necessary..

Keep in mind that I'm not debating the fact that Saddam is a bad man..

I am debating (again) that this administration went to war for all of the wrong reasons.. Now, more than ever - it's apparent that when there is such blindness and faulty information - it's remarkable that Bush has any credibility at all.. Finally, we're at a stage of this administration's tenure where the American people can see exactly how the insulation of this administration is seriously flawed in ways that are just coming out..

Libby was one of the major players in favor of the Iraqi invasion.. Rove can't be too far behind - especially since when so many ploys have the earmarks of Karl's ultimate design.. The name slandering, the scorn of disagreeing with this administration, the "you will fall in line with our platform" mentality.. Rove's signature can be felt..

And more importantly, the party supporting this administration is saying that Bush is in need of something new.. Wow.. That's really profound.. I don't doubt Lott's office got a phone call from someone from the White House or other "in-line" people that follow the "Bush-line".. It's my hope that Lott will continue his criticism of Rove, but my fear is he will eventually fall "back in line" and come out in support for Rove..

I can still hope though - that he stays where he is, because if anything - this signals a major policy shift in certain issues surrounding this administration.. If that happens, then it's a start..

I've said this probably 30 times before, but we do live in some very interesting times..

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