Tuesday, November 01, 2005

FINALLY - a war he can win!! (the flu war)

I'm not even sure where to begin with this one -- but Bush is announcing his "strategy" to battle the flu....

For one, I didn't know we needed a flu-strategy and for two - why is Bush announcing a strategy when it's believed to be a world-wide pandemic??

Why isn't the UN, the Red Cross and other world health organizations being apart of this "strategy??"

Oh - wait -- I understand it now.. Bush has earmarked $6.5 billion for the "preparations.." Or as it's also known as: "the pharmaceutical company preparations.."

And this is what I don't like..

This Administration is so completely interwoven with all of its special interests: the pharmaceuticals, the petroleum industry, the military complex, the church -- that they are governing this nation based on those that stand to benefit the most..

Do we need a strategy?? My answer comes with a question: "why don't we have a strategy already??"

9/11, Katrina, now a flu pandemic ... we seem to have a President that likes to spend a lot of time planning and not much doing.. It's sad and sorry..

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