Friday, November 11, 2005

We're moving to Pennsylvania


The people of Dover, Pennsylvania used their common sense, rather than succumbing to the pundits who believe in "Intelligent Design.."

For those that think that term sounds familiar, but they don't know why - it's the belief that the universe is so complex, we're unable to figure it out - hence, God must've done it....

Now let's think about that just a little closer..

Pat Robertson wants Intelligent Design to be taught in schools to basically offer that when it can't be explained, God must've done it.. But hold on Pat.. All of the physicists that explored the concept of the electron actually benefited you directly because, without this exploration there would be no power, no television and hence, no 700 Club..

So let's consider that there are some things that we can't explain.. I'm cool with that.. Scientists are cool with that.. Because there is the commonly held belief that our understanding evolves with time, with education, with experience.. When we consider that everyone in the world believed the earth was flat -- it took the courage of Aristotle to say: "no, I believe the earth is round.." This is compelling because by holding onto the belief so tightly -- it restricts our ability to explore and the better understand our own existence..

Which I guess is the key considering that Pat Robertson and others like him have no desire for science to better explain where we came from and why.. That's why "Intelligent Design" seem to be a popular one for those that believe that we should not explain everything in the universe because it would dramatically affect the biblical writings which is supposed to be the "end all" of everything..

Unfortunately, no amount of praying would have helped the flood victims in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.. Unfortunately for "Intelligent Design" - science eventually has to intervene so that we can institute as many preventive measures as possible to secure the safety and well being of our society.. This is key because of the necessity of science in our lives to help combat drought conditions, social-economic planning, building and infrastructure -- not to mention seeking new alternative fuels, invention and inspiration.. On a global scale, science seeks answers that may someday help alleviate or lessen the effect of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes - not to mention epidemics like that continually evolve..


If we stop exploring..

If we stop dreaming..

If we stop trying to find answers..

We will succumb..

And it will be then that Pat Robertson's prophesy will finally come true: "I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city."

Spoken from someone who has ordained that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

Guess what Pat - sometimes the letter of the book is not as important as the spirit in which it was written.. So far, your Intelligent Design agenda isn't looking very smart right now..

Kudos to the folks in Dover, Pennsylvania for making a stand and by doing the smart thing..

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