Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wait - what - hold on...

A recent study shows that there is more sex on TV than there was in 1998..

Now hold on a second..

Think this through..

We have a group of people, a family foundation, who actually sits with a bean counter to chart how much sex is on TV..

Now how screwed up is that??

Oh - wait - a little under-reported factoid I learned this week that there are conflicting studies suggesting that video-game violence is actually going *down* even with all of these video games out there.. So if violence is actually going down - contrary to the pundits who believe that video-game violence promotes the youth of today from committing crime..

Oh - wait - that goes against the sterilization of America that groups like the Kaiser Family Foundation because we need to think alike, be alike, and live alike..

So what does sex have to do with it?? Because if kids see it, they will want to do it... But wait - kids don't have to see it on Desperate Housewives in order to do it... They are going to do it regardless if Teri Hatcher is doing it - so I'm thinking "what's the big diff??" It's not as though there has been a pregnancy BOOM since 1998..

Look, kids are going to get pregnant if they have unprotected sex.. End of story..

And if adults are offended by the content -- guess what -- it's called "change the channel.." A novel concept invigorated in the 1950's when the advent of the television spread across the U.S.. The little clicker works much the same way -- and if the Kaiser Family Foundation can't figure out how to run the little clicker - then they have no right to conduct a study on the merits and demerits of the programming that is coming out..

Because it still comes down to a right to choose.. And that's what gets lost in the study.. Because if the FAMILY Foundation can't teach the FAMILY on the merits of making good programming choices for their FAMILY to watch, then I really don't care that there is an increase in sex scenes, because I CAN make that choice myself... More importantly, I AM responsible enough to make that choice so that I live a nice moral life - without the blessing of the Family Foundation and it's idiotic study..

It always amazes me that groups like this make it a societal problem when it's an individual's responsibility in the upbringing on one's family.. Moreover, it wants to intercede in the lives of everyone to make their message: "Kids who have repeated exposure to sexual content become sexually active at an earlier age." Wow, my first-immediate-knee-jerk reaction was: "in all of this talk about values and family, where are the parents and why did this go undetected on their radar screens??" Oh wait - it's not the PARENT's fault, it's ABC, NBC and Fox's fault....

But what this report fails to mention is that SEX - IS - EVERYWHERE.. There's sex in the music that your children purchase from WalMart, there's depictions of sex in most famous art works, there's sex in movies, in videos, on DVD's.. Sex is mentioned in video games, it's being taught in schools, sex is even being discussed in church on Sundays.. It's online, in magazines, in our newspapers, on the radio, on our billboards, in our advertisements and in almost every aspect of our day to day activities.. Where are those bean counters when they walk to get their latte from Starbucks??

So my point is: why aren't they attacking Cosmo?? Why aren't they going after the church for the Christmas services?? Why aren't they trying to re-write the school's curriculums, blowing up libraries, ripping text books, banning CD's, burning DVD's and breaking art pieces.. Why not make a law prohibiting sex at all??

Because if I can't screw like the Kaiser Family Foundation wants me to, then I should be sent to jail because of it.. Because the Kaiser Family Foundation obviously knows the life I should lead better than I do...

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