Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Impeach!! Impeach!! Impeach what??

I came across a website this morning that called for the impeachment of President Bush.. Well - all of this is fine and dandy until we start looking at the chain of command here: Impeach Bush we get Cheney... Not exactly the best #2 position one would hope for -- but even if we removed the top two ... then we get into the Republican leadership..

So - let's not get too saucy with the whole impeachment movement because it would take several cycles before finding someone both sides would be agreeable towards....

Therefore, I can't agree that Bush needs to be impeached -- why not??

Because if you're really serious about changing the leadership of this country, you have to move the barometer -- which is a lot harder than merely replacing the guy who's HOLDING the barometer.. Just like the weather: the constant shift of barometric pressure happens over a span of time, measured in microsteps, thousand's of an inch -- and this is how we can effectively shift the public's opinion about how this administration is guiding us..

Having said this, the Republicans are doing a fine job imploding on their own without any real help here.. So while the radio heads at Air America and other shows continually apply pressure on their listeners to be angry about it - I'm erring on the side of caution on this one.. Because we're still a deeply divided country and that carries a substantial problem when you're trying to sway public opinion..

I read a flurry of posts regarding something that was said in a forum awhile back -- that illustrates the wanton blindness that the Republican followers have when confronted toe-to-toe with a Democrat ranter.. It's scary and it accomplishes nothing.. The Blindman continues to push blindly into the thorny bush while the Ranter yells and screams at him..

It ... accomplishes ... nothing ...

And here's where I get off the Democrat train - because up until now there hasn't been any sort of push to further any sort of tangible agenda that people could latch on to.. The Democrats are so involved with attack, attack attack -- it's really no question when they don't garner any support..

So another lesson for the Democratic Party: if you're going to scream, then don't expect to win a lot of support from the other side.. You've got to assume that there's very little middle ground here and you've got to start winning the public image war.. This is where the Republicans beat you in 2000 and in 2004..

Improve the image.. Hammer the message and quit the yak yak attacks.. Persuade with intelligent, sound opinions.. The Republicans will continue to implode because they have nothing else better to do.. Their time has come and it's happening now..

The Democrats are missing out on an opportunity - and that's why I don't always sign on to what they are doing because they don't get it.. But until someone steps forward and says: "hey, we gotta change" then the Dems are always going to be in the child seat in the car.....

Drop the impeachment talk - and let's start giving the American people a logical argument for the real life problems that are happening today....

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