Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Careful what you wish for....

In Bush's universe, anyone could see this one coming: Iran is being defiant, flaunting the fact they have nuclear options and the rest of the world is now very very afraid.....

Where's all of this intel now, George?? It's practically advertised the same way North Korea strutted itself....

Protecting America?? How about not running to war on knowingly faulty intelligence??
Or better yet - how about going to war with those that have a little credence in their capability like Iran or North Korea.. It stands to logic that Iran and Iraq both would've supported Al Qaeda without any problems..

But this administration remained in denial about Saddam's diminished capability despite reports that say he was briefed.. As it would seem, the sanctions worked and there was no WMD centres anywhere in Iraq..

It's a disheartening legacy to leave -- because every soul that risks their life in this mission deserves to fight an enemy that is *actually* a threat to America and the world..

Let's not forget that the war on terror is not in Iraq.....

...or did someone on Pennsylvania Ave. forget that little nugget of info??

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