Monday, January 09, 2006

Dangerous Roads

Just some of several dangerous roads in the weeks/months to come:

+ A Utah Theater cancels it's showings of "Brokeback Mountain.." Now.. I know that "Fahrenheit 9/11" was not shown in some theaters.. Much for the same reason that Brokeback Mountain isn't: selected theater owners believe that they have the right to show (or not show) whatever content that they choose to..

Okay - for a minute, I'll agree with that notion.. That as a business owner, you can ultimately decide what you do with your business.. Seems fair enough -- except when the theater owner has a contract with the distributor who is putting out the movie.. Make a business decision should be the right of every small business.. Going back on your agreement, litigate it in court.. But to deny showing a movie solely based on your personally held beliefs is morally reprehensible..

I haven't seen the movie..

I have a general idea of what it's about..

And I'm disappointed that the theater owner is so prejudiced that he can't seem to work beyond his personal flaws.. I can say that in my life I was placed in the same position as he was -- making a controversial decision in almost an identical fashion.. I had a flood of pressure that in turn - forced me to make a decision.. I chose to show a movie that several tried to convince me that was inappropriate.. Good, bad or indifferent - I let the audience make its own informed decision about the movie.. Regardless of the outcome, I felt I made the right choice - and that was all I was concerned about.. I didn't let my personal feelings affect the responsible decision I made about letting the populace decide what was, or wasn't right..

The point is: the movie is released with the seal from the Motion Picture industry attached.. It's deemed appropriate and affixed a proper rating shield on it.. The public deserves to make the choice for themselves.. I sincerely doubt this owner chided away from King Kong on the basis that it's about a fake ape and hence, was unrealistic......

+ Iran, Sharon & Israel.. I hope that Prime Minister Sharon has a full recovery.. Afterall, he has played an integral, unpopular position in the Middle East peace process.. Something of which I hope the Palestinians leadership realizes so that there aren't any rash decisions in Sharon's absence.. While I continue to have grave concerns about the peace process, Sharon really did go out on a limb by the pullout of Gaza.. He's hated by Israel and by the Palestinians.. But he's making peace in a world that has a really hard time making peace..

But I laud Iran's lead guy's position that the Holocaust didn't happen.. Wow.. That's pretty bold considering he just built up a nuclear weapons program under Bush's watch without so much of a nugget of pressure from the White House.. Weapons of Mass Destruction, George?? Remember??

+ Alito's hearings are set to begin -- and it's one of those situations where I just shrug and move on.. I have no doubt that he will be confirmed and we'll have swung a very large pendulum too far in the other direction.. While I read about the detractors that continually reveal that Alito will set the nation back 40 years - I simply do not know if I agree.. Obviously it would've been better to have a swing vote like O'Connor, but admittedly Sandra Day was not well liked by the Republicans..

So to preserve "their way" of thinking, they want someone he exceeds well and beyond Scalia..... And Alito seems to fit that bill.. All of a sudden, Bush's first pick didn't seem that bad now, did it?? Remember what I said then, Democrats: "be careful what you wish for....." And viola'.......

Congratulations - we now have tipped this country on its ear......

*shrugs* Life goes on.....

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