Sunday, December 09, 2007

The lunacy of our reality around us....

I started something new a week or so ago -- I started saving all of the articles I collected that I wanted to blog about.. I had no idea this folder would be getting so LARGE so QUICKLY...

What's the deal with YOGA?? I couldn't believe this little diddy from my favorite television pastor Pat Robertson who actually believes that when you're engaging your body in the ritual of stretching and other manipulations - "you are actually praying to Hindu gods Vishnu and Krishna and you're not even aware of it!"

Oh you've got to be kidding me!!! When I rub my belly after a full and satisfying meal, am I also praying to Budha?? It's things like this - and the reaction from the neo-cons in the far far Christian Right that scare me to death.. Because deep down, Pat believes this.. Never mind the fact that during our daily routines we may actually be engaging in several "praying stances" to one god or another!! It's folks like Pat that spread this non-sense so that we can all go running back to the cave..

And while we're running back into the cave.....

I think Sherri Shepherd from "The View" has a really good heart.. I know she means well.. I know she is desperate to try to do the right thing.. But when she recently disavowed the entire meaning behind "B.C." - the reference of time "Before Christ" or before the Christian Era.... No.. Sherri firmly believes in the whole 7 day thing - and that Jesus was the first person in the world.. Okay - I don't even think the Bible does that because of the whole Adam and Eve story -- but when you look at what Pat is doing - and when you listen to what Sherri is saying .... then it's no stretch of the imagination to rationalize why we have developed a very peculiar sense of reality.. It's the reality brought to us by the Bush administration to re-write history and to have the "equality" of religion vs. science -- when it's the reality of science that gives us the electrons for you to SEE this posting through your electron-based COMPUTER to begin with... I don't ever recall hearing how God created Microsoft on Day 8 -- but maybe that was included somewhere else..

And the idiot of the world award goes this week to Presidential hopeful, former Republican Governor Mike Huckabee who proudly declared in 1992 that "I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk." And this little gem as well: "If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague." He recently went on Fox News to reiterate his stance and not recant his statement about homosexuality..

Amazing.. All we have to do is round up all the homosexuals in the United States so that the spread of AIDS stops.. I would imagine that all of the heterosexual infected would need to be included -- as well as the children of those who were born with HIV or received HIV through a blood transfusion.. Forgive me, but the best way to combat the disease is through education, through knowledge, and through societal changes.. Simply rounding up all the Huckabee defined "queers" will not get rid of AIDS -- because when you look at its origins in Africa .... they aren't gay down there.....

But the Sherri Shepards of the world -- it's gospel.. They link to it because Huckabee says so, therefore it must be right.. But our own present history teaches us that we shouldn't necessarily believe every single thing our anointed leaders tell us -- because more than not -- they are worse than wrong as their respective view points only serve to endanger our awareness of the world around us instead of properly educating people like Sherri so that she has a better understanding in her place in life..

Have we stooped down to a very despondent layer wherein our Yoga exercises are seen as praying to someone else's deity?? Have we stooped to the point of agreeing that the earth may have been created in just 7 days like it says in the bible when there's a great deal of scientific evidence to the contrary?? Where does that line start and end??

I've had it with the head in the sand mentality that our anointed few think is necessary for us to believe in.. Because if we all need to go back into the cave - then we're in absolute denial about the way the world works.. We believe that it's "faith" stored in those weapons that protect our borders and all we need to do is pray extra hard so that no one ever does anything bad to our schools, malls, and armed forces overseas..

Was it a simple matter of not praying enough?? Was it a matter that the Omaha mall shooter was just possessed by some demon or are we going to sit back and blame our video games again?? Maybe it would be much better to take a empirical and scientific approach to resolving such issues..

Maybe a Yoga class is responsible for un-doing the Christian spectrum of prayer by inadvertently praying to the praying mantis or some other orthopod out there....


Maybe we can't bring world peace by prayer alone..
Maybe we need to have balance in our lives that can rationally look at science as a means - and have our faith in whatever deity we choose to guide our morality..
Maybe we need competent leadership-type folks who aren't afraid to say to the American populace that "balance is good.."

Balance is good..

Don't follow these folks into the cave.. It's really dark in there and I'm really sure there aren't any prayers out there that can provide you light inside the cave...

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