Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Collection of Blog Thoughts

I have a bookmark file in my Firefox browser that is overflowing with things to blog about.. I don't think I'll ever get to all of them, but it's truly sad to see the state of our country dwindling like this..

No one seems that concerned about the fact that the Dollar continues to fade against other currencies -- a really bad sign that your government is taking on more water than it can pump back out.. Couple that with a sagging economy and a "no end in sight" foreign policy -- it's quite clear that Bush has been thinking for a very long time: all I need to do is not screw up and I can make it to the end..

A really sad and sorry piece of how to handle your "legacy.." But I guess that's why he has Karl Rove showing up on Fox, Newsweek and other News Corp. companies so that they can "preserve" the legacy from getting a black eye..


I haven't blogged in awhile, but I must say that I've become impressed with Obama.. Darby and I watched this guy several months ago in an interview -- he had great ideas, but his delivery was really off.. The guy didn't know what a period was.. Oh - how times have changed.. He's gotten his Presidential voice and it's clearly convincing others that a man of change like this is a right thing..


Hillary meanwhile continues to play the really sorry sport -- mocking Obama's speeches, getting riled up on plagiarism allegations when it's pretty apparent that everyone who has ever given a speech before -- has borrowed thoughts, ideas and muses from a wide range of sources.. How many times has JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you" speech has been borrowed, improvised, re-written and repeated?? I've lost a lot of respect for the Clintons out of all of this..

I think it's hypocritical to have your daughter campaigning for you -- but become upset at a "pimping" reference -- when clearly anyone who takes the stage in support of ANY candidate is doing the exact same thing.. It's politics.. She was raised in it.. She's 27 years old.. If she can't figure it out - then maybe she shouldn't have been up on the podium in the first place..


There's problems in the GOP camp these days.. McCain is not reaching far enough to the right -- and that has many people thinking of not voting for him.. Which is pretty silly in a way because McCain would be trying to bridge between the differences in America without being a beacon like Bush has been or that Huckabee yearns to be.. I will say this: if Huckabee gets the nomination AND gets elected, we're in really deep crap.. This is a man who wants to re-write the Constitution to fit the biblical ideals.. Huh?? Didn't Jefferson make overtures that a policy like that wouldn't be good for the nation?? Wasn't he right??

I have a real big problem with those that want to blend religion in our government.. The two should remain apart because I adamantly do not believe that our government should favor one religion or belief over another.. It's not the foundation or intent of our forefathers -- despite the desperate attempts of the Christian Right to say that it *was* their intent.. Hogwash.. The framers would've made very easy references to a Christian God and that would've been the end of it.. Nope - they didn't do that way.. And when you chart the original reason why a lot of people came scurrying over here in the 1600-1700's -- we understand that it was mostly because of religious persecution.. So - while Huckabee wants to revert us back to the age of King Henry..

All the while we're faced by "balancing" our education structures to include the concept of "intelligent design" that ultimately is not very intelligent.. Even if science can't prove or disprove an element of the world around us, let the parents decide what is best to teach their children about faith and where those cracks are filled or explained by way of religion..


Ultimately, I hope this country can make the changes necessary to turn America around.. We wallow in Iraq by ourselves because Britain, Spain, Japan and now Australia have all gone home.. Yet if you spend any amount of attention listening to the banging of the drums -- the conservative right wants to march into Iran, Syria and Lord knows where else.. Our economy is a mess because our President refuses to acknowledge that tax cuts ultimately hurt the value of the dollar when he continues to spend money faster than I could ever do with a no-limit Best Buy credit card.. He's isolated us from the rest of the world who really believes that we're even more pompous and arrogant.. All the while he's depleted our armed forces, we've heard cries from our Air Force that our planes are slowly failing us because they haven't been replaced.. They are virtually flying on nuts and bolts and need to be replaced, not overhauled, not reconditioned, replaced..

So when Clinton comes out and says that Obama doesn't have experience -- I think that's a star in his column.. Clearly she doesn't get the fact that America wants change -- and I'm solely convinced she's anything resembling an advocate for change..

Change is good..

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