Monday, December 15, 2008

The GOP continue to disintegrate

The lull in posting here doesn't mean that I haven't been keeping up with the political pot stirring that has been going on. However, there hasn't been much stirring of the pot -- even with all of the news. How come? Because over 70% of Americans think that Obama is doing a great job and he's NOT even President yet!!!

When you cycle those numbers next to the current President dodging shoes in Iraq -- well, let's just say that the Republican Party continues its downward spiral.

Palin continues to try to take the headlines -- but when you read the quotes from other Republicans BESIDE HER and they really don't take her seriously. That's rather astounding when you consider that she almost became the Vice President -- "a heartbeat away" from the Presidency. Even McCain has been quoted recently as to saying that he's not going to automatically fall in line in support of her potential bid in 2012. It speaks volumes in a way - because while she may have been seen by some on the right as being their "savior" - she's proven that she doesn't have a lot of substance. Charisma gets you in the door, but if you can't make the pitch strong and clear -- people are still going to shut you out. She has 3 years to craft that -- and it would be very foolish to write her off.

The delusions by this administration continues to impress. The past couple of weeks have been marked by certain quotations that are supposed to be designed to solidify the legacy left by this Presidency. What makes this delusional is how both Bush and Cheney have declared that Obama has inherited a safer country and he will appreciate what we've done here ... all completely absent of reality. Unless there is some gigantic encyclopedia of classified info that we don't know about regarding the "successes" of this administration, I don't think their resumes are particularly strong. In fact, I think history is going to judge them extremely harsh in the coming years.

The last nail in this "legacy" talk has to be about the economy Bush let sour on his watch. It's convenient that he was one of the leading advocates that we need to further deregulate certain industries and businesses -- and yet we're witnessing a catastrophic collapse of our economy that enjoyed incredibly lax regulations and oversight. Even when the fabled "bailout" of the banks was approved -- the administration and the GOP balked at the idea of providing any sort of oversight into these bailout programs....

Well now it would appear that Bush actually sought to preserve the CEO spending sprees -- while thousands of workers are being forced from their jobs. Where does it make sense that CEO salaries should continue unabated, without oversight -- when hundreds of thousands of Americans are unemployed and businesses are having a tough time pulling it together.

It's ironic that the GOP casually blindly ignored that oversight over $700 billion, but are making such grand overtures about bailing out the auto industry for a paltry 3.5% of the total bank bailout -- where the banks are hoarding the cash instead of making loans like was intended to do in the first place.

Way to go GOP.... As if the sugar sprinkles weren't enough -- you should be ashamed of yourselves and exposed for the frauds you've become. If Americans are going to bailout anyone then sufficient oversight and FOLLOW-THROUGH isn't unreasonable. It's MY money and if they aren't going to be using it wisely -- then I want it back -- thankyouverymuch.

The hypocrisy of the GOP will be its eventual undoing. Obama's crest is just starting to emerge and he has a lot of momentum following him .... is this something you're really ready for, Republicans?

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