Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Revised: Roland Burris

Yesterday I blogged about someone I never heard of and never heard speak before.

But last night on the Rachel Maddow Show I got my first take on the former Illinois Attorney General.

Let's just say there was a bit of a let down...


All during the interview, Mr. Burris defended his credentials, his experience, dedication and service for the people of Illinois. What Rachel tried to point out in a very subtle way is that Roland seems to miss the fact that no one is disputing anything about him ... that the focus of the story was not on Roland himself, but on Mr. Blagojevich and the subsequent political and legal mess he's finding himself in.

Instead of being in the "Impossible Situation" as I mentioned yesterday -- Mr. Burris instead took the take head, bury head in sand, la-la-la-la-la approach to the problem. Seemingly blind to the fact that the appointment of ANY person, regardless of credentials is going to be met with absolute anger by the Senate of the United States.

As I was telling Darby last night -- it doesn't matter if it was Mr. Burris, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Jesus himself that Blago appointed -- no matter WHOSE name that gets put into that hat and tossed into the ring ... that person is going to be met with the angst of both parties because of the insistent calls by all parties concerned that Blagojevich must resign and tender the responsibility of appointing a replacement Senator in the hands of the people of Illinois.

If Mr. Burris has any inkling of responsibility to the people of Illinois - it rests squarely in the fact that the person who just appointed you is not serving the best interests of the people of Illinois by the appearance of impropriety by selling the seat to the highest bidder. Mr. Burris, your appointment is nullified by the nature surrounding the charges the governor is facing. Even in the light of virtually no (initial) impropriety done by Mr. Burris in the current situation -- the appointment is incredibly irresponsible.

The was but one proper course for the Illinois governor -- which would be to step aside and let the investigation complete itself. If in fact Mr. Blagojevich is innocent -- then the politically, socially and professionally responsible thing to do would be to let the process resolve itself until you are vindicated. The behavior we're witnessing is nothing short of calamitous to the sanctity of the high office of Governor. It's a dis-service to the people of Illinois to allow such behavior to continue unabated because at this rate - we have no idea if Roland Burris paid, not paid or otherwise made promises to Blagojevich with strings attached. Only a moron would've done such a thing -- but then Blagojevich has proven anything but being a smart person in this process.

He's taken a wrecking ball to his party and to the people of Illinois and for that Mr. Burris -- for you to stand there and condone the process -- as a former Attorney General -- you should know better. It speaks volumes of your foresight for the people of Illinois and that is truly sad. Everything you have built over the last couple of decades is now washed in the same pond water that Blagojevich has been swimming in since the victory of the President Elect.

I'm sorry I gave you the benefit of a doubt Mr. Burris, but after last night's barrage of opportunities missed ... you simply do not see the forest for the trees.

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