Saturday, March 03, 2012

Limbaugh v. Women

It's not the first time the windbag from Florida opened his mouth to say something disparaging. In fact, we expect it. We all just chalk it up to the windbag and know that he's just an asshole. A lot of the GOP adore and love this man - which is why I'm about to unearth one of the most shattering news pieces of all time:

Rush Limbaugh is a sexually frustrated lonely man.

There. I said it.

His war on women this week adds the last bit of proof that this man has more experience with sluts and prostitutes than anyone else in his listenership. Followers of Limbaugh will of course deny this. But if you are someone baring double X chromosomes - then I hate to break the news that you are have been classified a slut and a prostitute. While you may want to lament, sigh or otherwise delve into a depression, Limbaugh advocates that you are encouraged to make porn videos just so that you can make the XY chromosomes more attracted to you.

Yes - this is Limbaugh's new way to stoop to a new low. Oh - yes, he has given an apology (dare we even try to call it that) where he continues to banter about his political points ... while giving a "sincere [apology]" at the end of the 192 word statement.

"I'm sorry" is two words, maybe three if you insist on not using contractions.

"I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices." is 12 words.

So for the other 180 words, we're left with Rush's insistent banter and continued political jabs. It's not an apology when it has to be heavily prefaced and rolled into yet another distorted opinionated monologue that extends beyond the principles of the apology. No - Mr. Limbaugh, apologies can be reduced to a single sentence.

But instead of using the 180 words to complete the oratory of the apology, it became nothing more than a preface, a conditional, forced, coerced apology after the windbag realized that he was losing many of his sponsors as a result of his increased arrogance and myopic slant of the world.

The man has been married 4 times and it's not entirely surprising to figure out why women can't stay with him. He's a has been. He's out of touch and incredibly set in his ways where "he-can-do-no-wrong." His ego can't handle it and thus - the reason why he is a man destined to be on his own island. Therefore ... he's a lonely, angry, angry man.

It's only when his show was threatened - that he realized he went too far.

It's not that he apologized for his viewpoint - or that he took back the words he said. He merely apologized for his words directed at Ms. Fluke. He doesn't think he was wrong. Rush doesn't work that way.

The "apology" came a day after the President of the United States personally contacted Ms. Fluke to apologize for the atrocious behavior of the old windbag. Did Rush accept Obama's action? No. Instead - Limbaugh upped the ante:

"Limbaugh also reacted to President Obama's call to Fluke. Obama told Fluke that her parents should be "proud" of her. Limbaugh had a different message for them. "I'd be embarrassed," he said. "I'd disconnect the phone. I'd go into hiding.""

If Rush was genuinely giving a mea culpa apology - he would've issued a full retraction and left it at that. No other political bantering or trying to "explain away" the apology he was attempting to make. Additionally, he should've apologized to Ms. Fluke's parents as well. I'll even add that he didn't even need to apologize to the President .... but that shows what kind of class of human we're dealing with.

If Limbaugh managed to use half of his brain cells for 30 seconds, he would've realized that Ms. Fluke was attending Georgetown University as a law graduate student. The average cost to attend this prestigious university is $59 thousand year that comes with private health insurance. Read that again - private health insurance. Ms. Fluke merely made a reasonable case to the university that challenged the law about contraceptives being covered.

- It's a private university.
- It's private health insurance with the university.
- We aren't talking about medicare.
- We aren't talking about a public funded health care program
- We're talking about someone who forks out 2 1/2 times the average minimum wage earner makes in a single year.

Regardless of the rationale of WHY she wanted contraception in the first place ... the fact she's forking out $59k a year to attend a university should be AMPLE enough to throw in some birth control pills for her personal use if she so desires it.

If that makes her a slut or a prostitute in Limbaugh's estimation then the man speaks volumes about his own loneliness. Oh - and if Rush was offended, then "I sincerely apologize for the insulting word choices."

There Rush. Doesn't that make it all square between us?

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