Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Poison of Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh is a disease.

There's a vile nature to the man and his self-anointed, self-importance, "woe is me, screw you" mentality that lacks any sense of compassion. To those who aspire a God-like path in life, should really evaluate whether or not Jesus would harbor such anger, such resentment and do so without compassion, empathy and love. Those that believe in the tenets of Rush Limbaugh - are un-Christ like.

Yes, he's built a successful money-making empire that's forged on the precepts of hate, sociologic-economic Darwinism that can be whittled down to: "Angry old man, get off my lawn." But he's just an entertainer. An orator with an endless running banter about how the system is failing and it's the liberals that are causing it.

He conveniently applies the history that matters only to him. He, along the likes of Drudge and HuffPo become running commentaries of our daily lives. Each part carrying a significant bias whose slant is dedicated on the base they serve. Our media outlets have become an entrenched version of the Sharks and the Jets ... West Side Story.

But it was Rush that started it.
It was Rush that inspired it.
And there was a fatality that happened along the way: the truth.

Journalism died and prevailing biased commentators prevailed.

History dictates that profound orators sway public opinion and can brainwash people into whatever you want them to think. That's why the likes of some rather notorious dictators have been successful in wooing the masses to follow them wherever, however, whatever.

How does this make it Rush poisonous?

There's a divisiveness.
There's a "you're with me or you're against me" mentality.
There's only one way - his way.
There's hate.
There's vitriol.
There's hypocrisy.
There's self-serving.
There's loathing.
There's self-absorption.
There's very un-Christian-like rhetoric.
There's very counter-intuitive, counter-productive, pro-business, pro-greed, anti-assistance, anti-government, anti-liberal, anti-Christ like behavior.
There's intolerance.

Truthfully ask yourself if this is something Jesus would approve of.

He keeps using the same tagline: "Talent on loan from God," - but there isn't a God out there that would loan out their talent to someone who preaches to be some sort of political deity. It's sad that Rush doesn't get it ... and how he continues to feign superiority when intelligence, morality and common sense trumps someone who gets rich off of instilling his poisonous beliefs on others.

Once you can clue into Rush's tactics ... you can see through the jaded glasses and see the man for who he really is. As the fervor from slut-gate lingers ... it has pulled back a few layers of what kind of man Rush Limbaugh is. As much as I deplore most of what this man says ... I feel sorry for the masses that continually absorb this man's vileness.

We see it in forums.
We see it in our editorials.
We see it in our protests.
We see it in the chain letters and other political discussions.

Rush overestimates that there are more conservatives than liberals. His numbers are artificially created thanks to his longevity on the air. He feeds the red meat base and when those people age and have children ... they indoctrinate them to the likes of Rush and the cycle grows and continues. That's why I say he's a disease.

Rush takes what angers you most ... and makes you more angry about it ... Drudge, Breibart and Fox do their part to shore it up on the media side ... with the slant, bias and lies leaning their way. I won't say that MSNBC and other media outlets don't do their fair share of leaning left ... but when I look at the goals of both sides - I look at the fate of mankind as being a higher priority than those on the right hold important.

The morality of what makes us good ... is being eroded away with the likes of Rush. Most addictions require that moment of epiphany when the clarity of the problem emerges. This recent issue helped jolt some into realizing the "real" man they've been adamantly defending all of these years.

...and they finally opened their eyes.

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