Saturday, May 19, 2012

Republican Skew

According to the Republican mantra:

It's not okay to marry if you're gay or lesbian ...
- but it's perfectly okay to marry your cousin or get divorced 4 times

It's not okay to give to the poor ...
- but it's perfectly okay to continually help out the rich

It's not okay to nationalize our energy needs ...
- but it's okay to leave that to corporations who continually abuse the public trust - all in the name of profit while industries, families and our government continue to pay for inflated gas prices.

It's not okay to complain about Republican hypocrisies ...
- but it's okay to attack those that are liberal minded who actually have good sound ideas that happen to conflict with the Republican ideology.

It's okay to espouse a moral Republican agenda ...
- but it's not okay to be free to do as you please ... so as long as it has a stamp of approval from the Republican overlords.

It's okay to tax the lower class who have nothing ...
- but it's not okay to take the upper class because they pay for everything.

It's okay to put an innocent man to death ...
- but it's not okay to afford that man a reasonable appeal process in an effort to exonerate him or prove his/her innocence.

It's okay to own, possess and carry firearms ...
- but just not everybody.

It's okay to criticize a black president and claim it has nothing to do with race ...
- but it's not okay to point out their racial blinders if it was a white man who was opined the same idea and they agree with the idea.

It's okay to repeal laws that help equality ...
- but it's not okay to refer to it as "the war on women"

It's okay to end affirmative action ...
- but it's not okay to call out the racially charged statement if a Republican says that because a black man became president, that's why we can repeal affirmative action.

It's okay to enact laws to do away with labor unions ...
- but it's not okay to enact laws to help protect against corporate abuse at the expense of American jobs, wages and way of life.

It's okay to drill baby drill ...
- but it's not okay to hold corporations accountable when they drive up gas prices because they rest their laurels on "it's what the market will bear."

A woman's right ends the moment she has sex with a man ...

- but it's okay to cut social programs while allowing churches to hold the right to dismiss health insurance simply because they offer/cover women's health coverage as it pertains to her vagina.

It's okay to vaginally rape a woman to guilt her into not having an abortion ...
- but it's not okay to hold the man who impregnated her to be bound by his obligation.

It's okay to practice social/economic Darwinism ...
- but you can't teach its science equivalent in class because it clashes with the Christian belief structure...

It's okay to say things you don't mean ...
- but it's not okay to hold them accountable for it.

Do as I say ...
- ...not as they do.

It's not that I don't believe that democrats aren't capable of their own hypocrisy - they are.  But when the Republicans keep hammering home their hypocrisy draped with the American flag and a bible in their hand ... well - then I think that speaks volumes.  Trusting someone with so many faults - becomes nearly comical.

Folks wonder why Americans hate religion and hate politics.  When one's word carries nothing ... then they could be the most articulate person on the planet ... and it won't mean a single damn thing....

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