Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Socialism, really?

...yeah because capitalist greed has really worked out since the R's controlled the barn, hasn't it....

...unless you enjoy 9.x% unemployment, a fledgling housing market and wages that have actually gone down while corporate profits continue to rise while they enjoy the lowest tax rates in 60 years.

Yeah - I don't think you're grasping what Marxism actually is because it's a nice portable talking point that lacks any real depth of understanding of what it means to be a Marxist or a Socialist.

- Do you still have the right to own things?
- Do you have the right to own an automobile?
- Do you have the freedom of choice to determine where you can live?
- Do you have the freedom to choose who you can socialize with?
- Do you still have the right to leave the country's borders whenever you want?
- Do you still have the ability to voice your opinion? To vote? To criticize your elected officials?
- Do you still have the right of self determination?
- Has the government told you what you can and can't achieve in life?
- Does the government instruct you that you'll be a laborer with no chance of being an artist or a entrepreneur or a doctor or an accountant?
- Does your public school system advocate serving the state and to dedicate themselves to serve their leader faithfully?
- Does the government prohibit how you worship to your god of choice?
- Do you still enjoy receiving your news from Fox?

Next time you want to fling the Marxist/Socialist banter ... take a moment to understand exactly what that means. Don't become easy prey to a mere talking point mishap.

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