Wednesday, August 20, 2014

No National Divide? Think again ...

I blogged yesterday about the unrest happening in Missouri.

So it's not too surprising to hear of the support for the officer that shot the unarmed Michael Brown.

Is there a racial divide occurring in this country?  Of course there is ... and has been all along.  For whites to "settle" for a black man to become President doesn't mark the end of racism or the racial divide that has occurred for generations. If anything, it's fleshing out the resent on both sides.

Even with the emergence of civil rights, many whites thought: "okay, that's done."  It doesn't work that way.  It has to be maintained, the conversation has to be ongoing and the healing is a continual process.  You're not expected to run when your broken leg comes out of the cast.  Even when it becomes healthy, you have to take steps so that you don't get hurt again.

America needs to have a racial dialogue while pursuing equal justice for all.

It's the equal part that doesn't quite seem to be playing out correctly here.  Our actions, our beliefs, our words are all subject to scrutiny even though we piously stand with our rights affirmed by the hatred we hide behind.

The problem is: a lot of folks are blind to that hatred.  They immediately dismiss it like they don't carry a bias or a prejudice.  Those descriptions are mean and harsh ... and apparently reserved for "other people," not them.  Well, I hate to break it down for those folks, but we all have bias, we all have prejudice and if we aren't bold enough to walk across the street to stop an injustice from occurring, then we are just as guilty to let that injustice happen in the first place.

Ignorance plays us all for the fool we care to be.

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