Saturday, August 09, 2014

Wait, what?

I was saddened that the news of the death of James Brady, Ronald Reagan's Press Secretary who was shot in the early 80s. It was a remarkable that he lasted as long as he did given the injuries that he sustained. May he finally rest in peace.

One very curious thing has happened since his death. The corner has ruled his death a homicide. I do believe this creates a bit of a problem as there would be the presence of double jeopardy and to the best of my knowledge there is no legal precedence for charging someone with a homicide given they have lived longer than a reasonable window of expectation.

I do believe this finding may create additional problems legally and civilly because it establishes a precedent that if you are harmed tomorrow and yet you are able to continue to live several years before your death then the responsible parties could then potentially be sued for your death. I believe this creates a legal paradox and it will be interesting to see how the courts eventually rule on such a thing.

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