President Bush called 2005 "a good year for the American people,"
2,100 American lives lost overseas
the Downing Street Memos
Spying on Americans
John Bolton
Alberto Gonzales
Karl Rove
Scooter Libby
Tom DeLay
Bin Laden remains free
International support over Iraq falters
Nations decry Saddam's trial
Privacy is reversed: we no longer belong to ourselves
Torture prisons
... and this is a good year??
Friday, December 23, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Like I trust you NOW....
It's one of those things that when it's violated - it doesn't grow back the same way again.. We believed Bush and that was our mistake..
Most recently Alberto Gonzales defended Bush's "right" to spy on Americans with the following limitations:
-"He said Bush's authorization requires that at least one of the parties be outside the country and linked to al-Qaida or an affiliated organization." Whoa Nelly.. This administration has come out to say that SADDAM is linked to al-Qaida when in fact there has been no link found between the ousted leader and the terrorist organization and 9/11.. So, Alberto, I have a real hard time believing that anyone contained in your little circle of friends can adequately IDENTIFY someone linked to al-Qaida or not... Especially when you put 8-month old children on a no-fly list because they are suspected terrorists.....
No, I refuse to believe that they have the capability to satisfy their self-imposed condition...
-"But he refused to say how many Americans had been targeted and insisted the eavesdropping was "very limited, targeted" electronic surveillance. "This is not a situation of domestic spying," he said. " Not so fast.. 60 minutes did a piece back in 2000 -- 5 YEARS ago about the Echelon program; detailing exactly how our intelligence agency has monitored virtually ANY electronic signal from cell phones, cordless phones to baby monitors.. Anything - everything - is recorded and stored.. So the very notion that Gonzales, with a straight face, can argue that domestic surveillance does not exist -- is a bold face lie..
Sorry Alberto, you're 0-2 so far.. You better step aside and let someone else take over..
-Let's bring in Republican Senator Cornyn of Texas who proclaimed that the New York Times has endangered America by exposing the domestic spy plot for purposes of selling an upcoming book release.. Oh wow.. Let's back up here a bit Johnny boy.. First of all let's not forget that it was this administration who ousted a undercover operative -- exposing an intelligence stream which may have put countless American lives at stake -- and could have averted future attacks and impeded the capture of those *KNOWN* terrorists that we keep talking about.. That very small insignificant tidbit aside.....
Secondly, the Patriot Act renewal contains greater authority to surveil virtually anyone, anytime without so much of a judicial oversight.. It's a manifested plot to circumvent the governmental process by eliminating the whole checks and balances routine that our founding fathers fought to secure.. Remember, if any one branch of the government has more control over the other, then we risk the balance of our governing capability - usurp the authority as WRITTEN that approval should be sought before wiretaps and any other surveillance is conducted is PARAMOUNT to sustain a balance within the government.. Government 101 here, John -- better take that class over I'm thinking..
However, *if* the argument is being made that we are in a time of WAR - then let's not selectively pick which points that happen to favor your agenda.. Remember, America in WAR-time meant that you couldn't profit because it would be detrimental to the economy of our country.. So, if you want to put the New York Times out on a stake, then let's address those other profiteers that seem to have gone by unscathed: gas price gouging, Haliburton's monopoly on virtually every recovery effort here and abroad not to mention every politican (not just Senator DeLay) who has profited from creative campaigning tactics that are illegal..
Now if it was a ploy for the New York Times to further their publicity for a book that's coming out, then I'd like to remind you that this administration has gone to some pretty elaborate lengths to capitalize on the press too ... Schiavo immediately comes to mind.. So unfortunately Johnny, you're going to have to face up to the fact that you and your party are guilty of doing the exact same thing that you're trying to condemn..
If we're a nation at WAR - then Johnny, you better start acting like it..
This on the heels of the Iraqi propaganda machine churning out "favorable" stories about the United States, and the constant slant companies like Fox puts out .... all of this begs the question of why do we believe these people at all.. I'm lumping everyone in this one because Democrats are notorious for exaggerating or under/over reporting their facts too..
Back in the day, if you lied and held an elected position - it was political suicide.. If you lie today, eh - you're elected for another term.. It reflects a societal change which started well beyond Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter... I can trace back to as early as Nixon when if you lied - that's bad, but we'll forgive you.. Anymore - you can flat out lie without any support or facts and it just rolls into the next news cycle.. Accountability is non-existent and yet we're setting a record for commissions, investigations and other fact-finding missions into the exploits of our elected few..
Business as usual, I suppose..
It's one of those things that when it's violated - it doesn't grow back the same way again.. We believed Bush and that was our mistake..
Most recently Alberto Gonzales defended Bush's "right" to spy on Americans with the following limitations:
-"He said Bush's authorization requires that at least one of the parties be outside the country and linked to al-Qaida or an affiliated organization." Whoa Nelly.. This administration has come out to say that SADDAM is linked to al-Qaida when in fact there has been no link found between the ousted leader and the terrorist organization and 9/11.. So, Alberto, I have a real hard time believing that anyone contained in your little circle of friends can adequately IDENTIFY someone linked to al-Qaida or not... Especially when you put 8-month old children on a no-fly list because they are suspected terrorists.....
No, I refuse to believe that they have the capability to satisfy their self-imposed condition...
-"But he refused to say how many Americans had been targeted and insisted the eavesdropping was "very limited, targeted" electronic surveillance. "This is not a situation of domestic spying," he said. " Not so fast.. 60 minutes did a piece back in 2000 -- 5 YEARS ago about the Echelon program; detailing exactly how our intelligence agency has monitored virtually ANY electronic signal from cell phones, cordless phones to baby monitors.. Anything - everything - is recorded and stored.. So the very notion that Gonzales, with a straight face, can argue that domestic surveillance does not exist -- is a bold face lie..
Sorry Alberto, you're 0-2 so far.. You better step aside and let someone else take over..
-Let's bring in Republican Senator Cornyn of Texas who proclaimed that the New York Times has endangered America by exposing the domestic spy plot for purposes of selling an upcoming book release.. Oh wow.. Let's back up here a bit Johnny boy.. First of all let's not forget that it was this administration who ousted a undercover operative -- exposing an intelligence stream which may have put countless American lives at stake -- and could have averted future attacks and impeded the capture of those *KNOWN* terrorists that we keep talking about.. That very small insignificant tidbit aside.....
Secondly, the Patriot Act renewal contains greater authority to surveil virtually anyone, anytime without so much of a judicial oversight.. It's a manifested plot to circumvent the governmental process by eliminating the whole checks and balances routine that our founding fathers fought to secure.. Remember, if any one branch of the government has more control over the other, then we risk the balance of our governing capability - usurp the authority as WRITTEN that approval should be sought before wiretaps and any other surveillance is conducted is PARAMOUNT to sustain a balance within the government.. Government 101 here, John -- better take that class over I'm thinking..
However, *if* the argument is being made that we are in a time of WAR - then let's not selectively pick which points that happen to favor your agenda.. Remember, America in WAR-time meant that you couldn't profit because it would be detrimental to the economy of our country.. So, if you want to put the New York Times out on a stake, then let's address those other profiteers that seem to have gone by unscathed: gas price gouging, Haliburton's monopoly on virtually every recovery effort here and abroad not to mention every politican (not just Senator DeLay) who has profited from creative campaigning tactics that are illegal..
Now if it was a ploy for the New York Times to further their publicity for a book that's coming out, then I'd like to remind you that this administration has gone to some pretty elaborate lengths to capitalize on the press too ... Schiavo immediately comes to mind.. So unfortunately Johnny, you're going to have to face up to the fact that you and your party are guilty of doing the exact same thing that you're trying to condemn..
If we're a nation at WAR - then Johnny, you better start acting like it..
This on the heels of the Iraqi propaganda machine churning out "favorable" stories about the United States, and the constant slant companies like Fox puts out .... all of this begs the question of why do we believe these people at all.. I'm lumping everyone in this one because Democrats are notorious for exaggerating or under/over reporting their facts too..
Back in the day, if you lied and held an elected position - it was political suicide.. If you lie today, eh - you're elected for another term.. It reflects a societal change which started well beyond Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter... I can trace back to as early as Nixon when if you lied - that's bad, but we'll forgive you.. Anymore - you can flat out lie without any support or facts and it just rolls into the next news cycle.. Accountability is non-existent and yet we're setting a record for commissions, investigations and other fact-finding missions into the exploits of our elected few..
Business as usual, I suppose..
Al Qaeda,
Alberto Gonzales,
Patriot Act,
Right to Die,
Saddam Hussein
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Defending Decisions
Bush recently defended his decision to go forward with spying on American people - all the while pushing to re-up the Patriot Act with some modifications....
There's a lot of things that are missing out of this puzzle.. Namely - if Bush wants to set forth and say that he was doing this out of protection for the American people, then I'd like to know exactly how many, out of the 30 times he has personally authorized this action - how many time this elicit spying actually worked to apprehend known terrorists who were plotting to attack our country..
I'm thinking if there was any success in these 30 opportunities to invade our privacy, that he would've made mention of it.. Because it would certainly bolster his argument that it was necessary for the security of this country.. Except I'm not really buying into this completely.. Not when the FBI was exposed by the ACLU that they were actively spying on peaceful members of the anti-war movement.. Even though the anti-war activists were peaceful and not a threat to national security, they were still monitored and spied on..
But how much of this is really necessary?? How much of this could've been averted had we merely listened correctly to the intelligence that was happening in normal surveillance and other information collection schemes?? Think back when the investigators into 9/11 uncovered a series, a flurry of intelligence that "something big is going to happen..." Moreover, when it's stacked against the pieces of the puzzle - then things add up.. Granted, they add up now and not at the time because I cannot believe that anyone in America would wantonly allow something like 9/11 to happen without some sort of horn or siren.. For Christ sake, even Paul Revere rode a pony......
What disappoints me more than this is the fact that this President has the audacity to blame those for leaking the story to begin with: "As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have, and the unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk," Bush said. "Revealing classified information is illegal, alerts our enemies, and endangers our country." And this is not the first time either:
1.) the Downing Street Memos: journalists were jailed and accused of treason (although I don't think formally charged) for leaking information that the US Administration had trumped up the facts to fit the justification for the war in Iraq.. (RESULT: No official investigation, yet a promise that the 2nd prong of the 9/11 Commission would begin looking into the Administration's role into 9/11 and beyond. Widely held in the media that this "is no surprise" which is why it's not being reported..)
2.) the Abu Ghraib jail scandal and subsequent abuses: deniability in disproportionate amounts.. Didn't happen, it must be a fabrication, we don't authorize that type of behavior.. (RESULT: Numerous soldiers were indicted, found or pled guilty to their role in the Abu Ghraib scandal)
3.) Torture Prison scandal: the US and British governments critically scorned and sought to punish those who leaked the story that the US was operating Torture Prisons in other countries.. Bush himself looked straight into the camera and said "WE DO NOT TORTURE..." But wait - an independent investigation by someone OUTSIDE of the country found that there is STRONG evidence that support the presence of Torture Prisons throughout Europe and now in northern Africa.. (RESULT: We're now running the prisons out of Morroco..)
4.) The infamous CIA-Plame leak story: "I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action." Only to hear Bob Novak say: "I'm confident the president knows who the source is ... I'd be amazed if he doesn't." (RESULT: Libby - indicted, Rove - remains under investigation, others are still being investigated. Bush remains unknowingly oblivious during the whole affair.)
And yet, we're supposed to believe him that he's looking out for our security when he's spying on anti-war activists?? Not only does he NOT acknowledge that he made a mistake, he's DEFENDING the decision - saying that it's been CONSULTED to lawyers and Congressional leadership...
Oh boy - that makes me feel better...
But it's not good when members of your own party do not agree with the provisions for renewing the Patriot Act citing privacy concerns.. Not withstanding the latest rumor that Karl Rove is going to be indicted for hiding or destroying evidence linking him to the Plame-CIA leak.. This is a flagrant misuse of information - to attempt to extort to gain political capital on those that disagree with your policy.. Handing our privacy to this administration on a silver platter is flat out wrong..
Not when we continue to have hundreds of thousands men and women in harms way..
Not when we REMAIN under threat of attack when we have not done all that we can to secure the peace and security..
Not when we ISOLATE ourselves from the rest of the international community because we want the treasure trove of a country we've just conquered..
Not when this administration TALKS about morality without PRACTICING it..
Not when this administration FLOUNDERS when it comes to the leak investigation and the administration within the White House..
Not when this President is reactive instead of proactive..
Not when we rely on the think tank that perfectly executed a war into Iraq, but had no CLUE what to do afterwards..
Not when this President galavants across this country to sign a bill for a single brain-dead woman, but he remains on vacation when tens of thousands were affected by the Hurricanes of 2005..
Not when this President recommends his friends for positions in the government when they are neither qualified or responsible enough to execute their various offices..
Not when this President flagrantly disregards his responsibility to the American people by unilaterally initiating a spying policy on Americans or by imprisoning journalists because they were doing their job of exposing the corruption and decadence that this Administration employs..
Yet we live in a culture of blindness..
We live in a culture of deafness..
Those that continue to support this administration when we remain in CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER - do not understand the scope of what's happening.. This is not a President getting it on with an intern.. Lives are being lost.. Families are being ruined.. And soon, we will become a police state.. Hitler and Stalin immediately come to mind because as they sought for the good of their nations - they employed the same spying policy on their citizenry..
If this is okay with those that support this administration - then I'm not sure what to say about that..
There's a lot of things that are missing out of this puzzle.. Namely - if Bush wants to set forth and say that he was doing this out of protection for the American people, then I'd like to know exactly how many, out of the 30 times he has personally authorized this action - how many time this elicit spying actually worked to apprehend known terrorists who were plotting to attack our country..
I'm thinking if there was any success in these 30 opportunities to invade our privacy, that he would've made mention of it.. Because it would certainly bolster his argument that it was necessary for the security of this country.. Except I'm not really buying into this completely.. Not when the FBI was exposed by the ACLU that they were actively spying on peaceful members of the anti-war movement.. Even though the anti-war activists were peaceful and not a threat to national security, they were still monitored and spied on..
But how much of this is really necessary?? How much of this could've been averted had we merely listened correctly to the intelligence that was happening in normal surveillance and other information collection schemes?? Think back when the investigators into 9/11 uncovered a series, a flurry of intelligence that "something big is going to happen..." Moreover, when it's stacked against the pieces of the puzzle - then things add up.. Granted, they add up now and not at the time because I cannot believe that anyone in America would wantonly allow something like 9/11 to happen without some sort of horn or siren.. For Christ sake, even Paul Revere rode a pony......
What disappoints me more than this is the fact that this President has the audacity to blame those for leaking the story to begin with: "As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have, and the unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk," Bush said. "Revealing classified information is illegal, alerts our enemies, and endangers our country." And this is not the first time either:
1.) the Downing Street Memos: journalists were jailed and accused of treason (although I don't think formally charged) for leaking information that the US Administration had trumped up the facts to fit the justification for the war in Iraq.. (RESULT: No official investigation, yet a promise that the 2nd prong of the 9/11 Commission would begin looking into the Administration's role into 9/11 and beyond. Widely held in the media that this "is no surprise" which is why it's not being reported..)
2.) the Abu Ghraib jail scandal and subsequent abuses: deniability in disproportionate amounts.. Didn't happen, it must be a fabrication, we don't authorize that type of behavior.. (RESULT: Numerous soldiers were indicted, found or pled guilty to their role in the Abu Ghraib scandal)
3.) Torture Prison scandal: the US and British governments critically scorned and sought to punish those who leaked the story that the US was operating Torture Prisons in other countries.. Bush himself looked straight into the camera and said "WE DO NOT TORTURE..." But wait - an independent investigation by someone OUTSIDE of the country found that there is STRONG evidence that support the presence of Torture Prisons throughout Europe and now in northern Africa.. (RESULT: We're now running the prisons out of Morroco..)
4.) The infamous CIA-Plame leak story: "I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action." Only to hear Bob Novak say: "I'm confident the president knows who the source is ... I'd be amazed if he doesn't." (RESULT: Libby - indicted, Rove - remains under investigation, others are still being investigated. Bush remains unknowingly oblivious during the whole affair.)
And yet, we're supposed to believe him that he's looking out for our security when he's spying on anti-war activists?? Not only does he NOT acknowledge that he made a mistake, he's DEFENDING the decision - saying that it's been CONSULTED to lawyers and Congressional leadership...
Oh boy - that makes me feel better...
But it's not good when members of your own party do not agree with the provisions for renewing the Patriot Act citing privacy concerns.. Not withstanding the latest rumor that Karl Rove is going to be indicted for hiding or destroying evidence linking him to the Plame-CIA leak.. This is a flagrant misuse of information - to attempt to extort to gain political capital on those that disagree with your policy.. Handing our privacy to this administration on a silver platter is flat out wrong..
Yet we live in a culture of blindness..
We live in a culture of deafness..
Those that continue to support this administration when we remain in CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER - do not understand the scope of what's happening.. This is not a President getting it on with an intern.. Lives are being lost.. Families are being ruined.. And soon, we will become a police state.. Hitler and Stalin immediately come to mind because as they sought for the good of their nations - they employed the same spying policy on their citizenry..
If this is okay with those that support this administration - then I'm not sure what to say about that..
Abu Ghraib,
Karl Rove,
Patriot Act,
Valarie Plame
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Speaking in volumes
"Former 9/11 Commissioners: U.S. at risk.."
This article speaks volumes for a number of reasons:
1.) This administration has no clear idea of what the war on terrorism actually is
2.) This administration remains dedicated to the pursuit of Iraq no matter the cost
3.) The administration and Congress have neglected to heed the warnings of the 9/11 commission that set forth an important line of security precautions that reveal several flaws in our infrastructure and our intelligence..
4.) We're further isolated, fragmented and otherwise spread from one end of the globe to the other..
Even if this was not the terrorist's intent from the onset, all the needs to happen is to wait -- wait until we're isolated -- wait until we're vulnerable -- wait for the right time all the while keeping a consistent pressure on the peace in Iraq..
Saddam's trial will likely be a puppet show..
Iraq's ex-Prime Minister claims he was the target of an assassination attempt.. But if you read the story - you should be able to hear what the people are saying: they are fed up, they are frustrated, they are angry.. We're not talking about an uncivilized country, we're talking about an anger fueled by resentment..
All the meanwhile, we seem to have lost track of a chemist who is passionate about the "terrorist cause" and is currently developing chemical warfare to use against the Aghan/US forces.. Yeah - that's a problem..
So I have a really bad time believing Bush, the administration or any Senator or Congressman at this point who believes there are promising, good things happening right now.. It's not that I don't want bad things to happen to the Iraqi people, but no one seems to be listening to the Iraqi people.. Especially after we learn that the military has taken the liberty for planting news stories that favor the American military over there.. This is particularly disturbing because no matter how much we try to hold the country together, it's going to be completely unraveled just as fast as we're putting it together..
I said it once, I'll say it again: we're very presumptuous whenever we say "They want to be just like us..." No, Mr. Bush - they don't..
The country doesn't seem concerned anymore.. We just mosey along with our days - waiting for the next attack to happen.. *shrugs*
I guess all we can do is wait..
This article speaks volumes for a number of reasons:
1.) This administration has no clear idea of what the war on terrorism actually is
2.) This administration remains dedicated to the pursuit of Iraq no matter the cost
3.) The administration and Congress have neglected to heed the warnings of the 9/11 commission that set forth an important line of security precautions that reveal several flaws in our infrastructure and our intelligence..
4.) We're further isolated, fragmented and otherwise spread from one end of the globe to the other..
Even if this was not the terrorist's intent from the onset, all the needs to happen is to wait -- wait until we're isolated -- wait until we're vulnerable -- wait for the right time all the while keeping a consistent pressure on the peace in Iraq..
Saddam's trial will likely be a puppet show..
Iraq's ex-Prime Minister claims he was the target of an assassination attempt.. But if you read the story - you should be able to hear what the people are saying: they are fed up, they are frustrated, they are angry.. We're not talking about an uncivilized country, we're talking about an anger fueled by resentment..
All the meanwhile, we seem to have lost track of a chemist who is passionate about the "terrorist cause" and is currently developing chemical warfare to use against the Aghan/US forces.. Yeah - that's a problem..
So I have a really bad time believing Bush, the administration or any Senator or Congressman at this point who believes there are promising, good things happening right now.. It's not that I don't want bad things to happen to the Iraqi people, but no one seems to be listening to the Iraqi people.. Especially after we learn that the military has taken the liberty for planting news stories that favor the American military over there.. This is particularly disturbing because no matter how much we try to hold the country together, it's going to be completely unraveled just as fast as we're putting it together..
I said it once, I'll say it again: we're very presumptuous whenever we say "They want to be just like us..." No, Mr. Bush - they don't..
The country doesn't seem concerned anymore.. We just mosey along with our days - waiting for the next attack to happen.. *shrugs*
I guess all we can do is wait..
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Losing Face...
Bush is losing his political standing regarding the Iraq war..
As if this is suddenly *astonishing* news, but it's not..
Democratic Congressman John Murtha's statements have sent a rippling effect through both parties which has stirred up the controversy surrounding the course and action for the Iraq war.. While I may or may not agree with some of his assertions, it was another blow to Bush's attempt to keep his Iraqi project afloat..
But then Bush did something earlier in the week that was just astounding.. He gave a 35 page account for his strategy to win the Iraq war.. I haven't seen this document - I have better things to do with my time, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, 2 years later, two thousand military lives lost, tens of thousands of Iraq people, a fragile government -- and our President, the one who sold the American people that Saddam had WMD and was harboring terrorists and the incontrovertible link between Iraq and Al Qaeda -- the President that has admitted failures in his abilities to handle this war and respond to disasters .... contrived the equivalent of a thesis paper on exactly what it would take to win the war in Iraq..
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the idea that our President is actually formulating a plan - but two years after the fact does not seem to be an entirely good way to govern a country, or to run a company..
Apparently others are equally concerned:
"Two of America's allies in Iraq are withdrawing forces this month and a half-dozen others are debating possible pullouts or reductions, increasing pressure on Washington as calls mount to bring home U.S. troops."
The story continues to report that Bulgaria and the Ukraine will begin to pull out their troops by mid-December.. Australia, Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland and South Korea are all looking into plans of their own that would scale back their involvement in the region.. All of this is announced on the heels of Bush's 35-page plan where he calls upon Americans to be "patient.."
Amazing how we didn't exercise this so called patience when attempting to determine Iraq's involvement, or (the lack therein) with the events of 9/11, the link to terrorism or even Saddam had possessed WMD.. It comes to find out, if we had been focused and patient 3 years ago - we would not be in the situation we're in today..
Saddam's trial is being delayed again - as Saddam himself is saying that there is no jurisdiction over presiding over his alleged crimes.. He disavows the government and maintains that he's still the President of Iraq.. Reports have been circulating that in the likelihood that Saddam is found innocent - the American advisors overseeing the trial are going to make sure Saddam is charged with everything down to jaywalking.... Wow.. "How's that democracy working in Iraq, Dubya??"
The Military has admitted to paying off news stories printed in Iraq to give coalition forces a much better slant with the people of Iraq.. We have the same phenomenon happening over here as well - people just don't recognize it because it's called Fox News.. I applaud the military for at least admitting that they are deliberately trying to slant the news -- because they are courageous enough to admit it.. Do we think Murdoch will ever do anything like this?? Eh, not so much..
Then there are two stories which have been particularly unnerving: our government has vehemently denied the deliberate bombing of Al Jazzera -- yet, arrests have been made against those that leaked the story because the information was contained in classified material.. Wait.. Arrests were made because someone leaked information contained in classified files - that would make it true, wouldn't it??
The slippery slopes continue with the allegations of torture prisons in Europe.. As the investigations mount, our President is steadfast to say: "we don't torture.." Abu Ghraib is merely a resort in comparison from the other torture prisons that have been circulating in various news rooms.. If in fact the allegations are true - and our prisoners have been sent to these prisons -- then we have yet another lie from this President.. The nerve has been sliced with Condoleeza Rice's warning to our European allies: back off..
The battle cry is slipping, George..
Nations are not rushing to your aid, George..
Allies are backing away, George..
If anything, Bin Laden is probably smiling right now.. America is now very isolated from our allies, several of which that have spanned several decades.. Friendships and cooperation has been fractured by this administration.. With a cavalier approach to politics, foreign relations and this "war on terrorism" George Bush is simply losing ground -- quickly.. Even though we continue to sink deeper and deeper into this abyss this administration is quite comfortable and content to allow it to happen..
We're exposing ourselves to a greater threat - an invisible threat which this administration is blind to: leadership.. He can't effectively govern a country or a war like he's a Monday morning quarterback.. It's ineffective, it's negligent and it's very scary..
The United States of America needs leadership and we need it now..
As if this is suddenly *astonishing* news, but it's not..
Democratic Congressman John Murtha's statements have sent a rippling effect through both parties which has stirred up the controversy surrounding the course and action for the Iraq war.. While I may or may not agree with some of his assertions, it was another blow to Bush's attempt to keep his Iraqi project afloat..
But then Bush did something earlier in the week that was just astounding.. He gave a 35 page account for his strategy to win the Iraq war.. I haven't seen this document - I have better things to do with my time, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, 2 years later, two thousand military lives lost, tens of thousands of Iraq people, a fragile government -- and our President, the one who sold the American people that Saddam had WMD and was harboring terrorists and the incontrovertible link between Iraq and Al Qaeda -- the President that has admitted failures in his abilities to handle this war and respond to disasters .... contrived the equivalent of a thesis paper on exactly what it would take to win the war in Iraq..
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the idea that our President is actually formulating a plan - but two years after the fact does not seem to be an entirely good way to govern a country, or to run a company..
Apparently others are equally concerned:
"Two of America's allies in Iraq are withdrawing forces this month and a half-dozen others are debating possible pullouts or reductions, increasing pressure on Washington as calls mount to bring home U.S. troops."
The story continues to report that Bulgaria and the Ukraine will begin to pull out their troops by mid-December.. Australia, Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland and South Korea are all looking into plans of their own that would scale back their involvement in the region.. All of this is announced on the heels of Bush's 35-page plan where he calls upon Americans to be "patient.."
Amazing how we didn't exercise this so called patience when attempting to determine Iraq's involvement, or (the lack therein) with the events of 9/11, the link to terrorism or even Saddam had possessed WMD.. It comes to find out, if we had been focused and patient 3 years ago - we would not be in the situation we're in today..
Saddam's trial is being delayed again - as Saddam himself is saying that there is no jurisdiction over presiding over his alleged crimes.. He disavows the government and maintains that he's still the President of Iraq.. Reports have been circulating that in the likelihood that Saddam is found innocent - the American advisors overseeing the trial are going to make sure Saddam is charged with everything down to jaywalking.... Wow.. "How's that democracy working in Iraq, Dubya??"
The Military has admitted to paying off news stories printed in Iraq to give coalition forces a much better slant with the people of Iraq.. We have the same phenomenon happening over here as well - people just don't recognize it because it's called Fox News.. I applaud the military for at least admitting that they are deliberately trying to slant the news -- because they are courageous enough to admit it.. Do we think Murdoch will ever do anything like this?? Eh, not so much..
Then there are two stories which have been particularly unnerving: our government has vehemently denied the deliberate bombing of Al Jazzera -- yet, arrests have been made against those that leaked the story because the information was contained in classified material.. Wait.. Arrests were made because someone leaked information contained in classified files - that would make it true, wouldn't it??
The slippery slopes continue with the allegations of torture prisons in Europe.. As the investigations mount, our President is steadfast to say: "we don't torture.." Abu Ghraib is merely a resort in comparison from the other torture prisons that have been circulating in various news rooms.. If in fact the allegations are true - and our prisoners have been sent to these prisons -- then we have yet another lie from this President.. The nerve has been sliced with Condoleeza Rice's warning to our European allies: back off..
The battle cry is slipping, George..
Nations are not rushing to your aid, George..
Allies are backing away, George..
If anything, Bin Laden is probably smiling right now.. America is now very isolated from our allies, several of which that have spanned several decades.. Friendships and cooperation has been fractured by this administration.. With a cavalier approach to politics, foreign relations and this "war on terrorism" George Bush is simply losing ground -- quickly.. Even though we continue to sink deeper and deeper into this abyss this administration is quite comfortable and content to allow it to happen..
We're exposing ourselves to a greater threat - an invisible threat which this administration is blind to: leadership.. He can't effectively govern a country or a war like he's a Monday morning quarterback.. It's ineffective, it's negligent and it's very scary..
The United States of America needs leadership and we need it now..
Al Qaeda,
Bin Laden,
international politics,
Saddam Hussein
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wow - we've JUST got a strategy now!!
I woke up yesterday morning to the following headlines:
"Bush Maps Out New Iraq War Strategy..."
Within the next hour it was replaced with: "Bush Maps Out Iraq War Strategy..." The exact same story, just a different tag line... hmmm...
Think about this - Bush decided two years and over 2k fatalities later that it was a pretty good time to "map out" an Iraq War Strategy...
Shouldn't we have done this before we went into Iraq??
"Bush Maps Out New Iraq War Strategy..."
Within the next hour it was replaced with: "Bush Maps Out Iraq War Strategy..." The exact same story, just a different tag line... hmmm...
Think about this - Bush decided two years and over 2k fatalities later that it was a pretty good time to "map out" an Iraq War Strategy...
Shouldn't we have done this before we went into Iraq??
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Impeach!! Impeach!! Impeach what??
I came across a website this morning that called for the impeachment of President Bush.. Well - all of this is fine and dandy until we start looking at the chain of command here: Impeach Bush we get Cheney... Not exactly the best #2 position one would hope for -- but even if we removed the top two ... then we get into the Republican leadership..
So - let's not get too saucy with the whole impeachment movement because it would take several cycles before finding someone both sides would be agreeable towards....
Therefore, I can't agree that Bush needs to be impeached -- why not??
Because if you're really serious about changing the leadership of this country, you have to move the barometer -- which is a lot harder than merely replacing the guy who's HOLDING the barometer.. Just like the weather: the constant shift of barometric pressure happens over a span of time, measured in microsteps, thousand's of an inch -- and this is how we can effectively shift the public's opinion about how this administration is guiding us..
Having said this, the Republicans are doing a fine job imploding on their own without any real help here.. So while the radio heads at Air America and other shows continually apply pressure on their listeners to be angry about it - I'm erring on the side of caution on this one.. Because we're still a deeply divided country and that carries a substantial problem when you're trying to sway public opinion..
I read a flurry of posts regarding something that was said in a forum awhile back -- that illustrates the wanton blindness that the Republican followers have when confronted toe-to-toe with a Democrat ranter.. It's scary and it accomplishes nothing.. The Blindman continues to push blindly into the thorny bush while the Ranter yells and screams at him..
It ... accomplishes ... nothing ...
And here's where I get off the Democrat train - because up until now there hasn't been any sort of push to further any sort of tangible agenda that people could latch on to.. The Democrats are so involved with attack, attack attack -- it's really no question when they don't garner any support..
So another lesson for the Democratic Party: if you're going to scream, then don't expect to win a lot of support from the other side.. You've got to assume that there's very little middle ground here and you've got to start winning the public image war.. This is where the Republicans beat you in 2000 and in 2004..
Improve the image.. Hammer the message and quit the yak yak attacks.. Persuade with intelligent, sound opinions.. The Republicans will continue to implode because they have nothing else better to do.. Their time has come and it's happening now..
The Democrats are missing out on an opportunity - and that's why I don't always sign on to what they are doing because they don't get it.. But until someone steps forward and says: "hey, we gotta change" then the Dems are always going to be in the child seat in the car.....
Drop the impeachment talk - and let's start giving the American people a logical argument for the real life problems that are happening today....
So - let's not get too saucy with the whole impeachment movement because it would take several cycles before finding someone both sides would be agreeable towards....
Therefore, I can't agree that Bush needs to be impeached -- why not??
Because if you're really serious about changing the leadership of this country, you have to move the barometer -- which is a lot harder than merely replacing the guy who's HOLDING the barometer.. Just like the weather: the constant shift of barometric pressure happens over a span of time, measured in microsteps, thousand's of an inch -- and this is how we can effectively shift the public's opinion about how this administration is guiding us..
Having said this, the Republicans are doing a fine job imploding on their own without any real help here.. So while the radio heads at Air America and other shows continually apply pressure on their listeners to be angry about it - I'm erring on the side of caution on this one.. Because we're still a deeply divided country and that carries a substantial problem when you're trying to sway public opinion..
I read a flurry of posts regarding something that was said in a forum awhile back -- that illustrates the wanton blindness that the Republican followers have when confronted toe-to-toe with a Democrat ranter.. It's scary and it accomplishes nothing.. The Blindman continues to push blindly into the thorny bush while the Ranter yells and screams at him..
It ... accomplishes ... nothing ...
And here's where I get off the Democrat train - because up until now there hasn't been any sort of push to further any sort of tangible agenda that people could latch on to.. The Democrats are so involved with attack, attack attack -- it's really no question when they don't garner any support..
So another lesson for the Democratic Party: if you're going to scream, then don't expect to win a lot of support from the other side.. You've got to assume that there's very little middle ground here and you've got to start winning the public image war.. This is where the Republicans beat you in 2000 and in 2004..
Improve the image.. Hammer the message and quit the yak yak attacks.. Persuade with intelligent, sound opinions.. The Republicans will continue to implode because they have nothing else better to do.. Their time has come and it's happening now..
The Democrats are missing out on an opportunity - and that's why I don't always sign on to what they are doing because they don't get it.. But until someone steps forward and says: "hey, we gotta change" then the Dems are always going to be in the child seat in the car.....
Drop the impeachment talk - and let's start giving the American people a logical argument for the real life problems that are happening today....
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Bush Knew
A powerful and seemingly accurate portrayal of a President in crisis:
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The mud continues to sling from both sides..
It's amazing..
The majority of Americans question our motives in Iraq.. Democrats are calling for a timetable.. Bush said basically: we'll leave when we leave..
Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania reiterated a logical resolve when he said that the removal of US forces sends a strong signal to the Iraqi people that we have no interest in occupying their country.. Bush's assertion that we needed to stay until the Iraqi security was able protect themselves from the insurgents..
Okay - Murtha's comments make a lot of sense really..
Because as the Iraqi people are made aware that we are not looking to occupy their country -- then maybe there will be enough incentive to stand up for themselves..
See?? That makes sense..
But for Bush to agree with that - it would mean that his "ace in the hole" is gone.. Because without the war on terror - this President has NO clue how to govern without the war on terror; because this President knows ONLY how to govern with a war on terror in the background..
That's one thing that I wanted to mention..
Then there's Bush's reaction to the comments that Murtha is just like Michael "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore.. Most notably was this quote:
"People should feel comfortable expressing their opinions about Iraq,"
Whoa -- wait a second..
We *CAN* have differing opinions about Iraq without feeling as though we are anti-American?? Wow.. Times really have changed..
Let's not forget that it wasn't that long ago that this administration came out and claimed that Democrats were wanting to re-write history.. Wow..
We'll see how long this lasts..
It's amazing..
The majority of Americans question our motives in Iraq.. Democrats are calling for a timetable.. Bush said basically: we'll leave when we leave..
Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania reiterated a logical resolve when he said that the removal of US forces sends a strong signal to the Iraqi people that we have no interest in occupying their country.. Bush's assertion that we needed to stay until the Iraqi security was able protect themselves from the insurgents..
Okay - Murtha's comments make a lot of sense really..
Because as the Iraqi people are made aware that we are not looking to occupy their country -- then maybe there will be enough incentive to stand up for themselves..
See?? That makes sense..
But for Bush to agree with that - it would mean that his "ace in the hole" is gone.. Because without the war on terror - this President has NO clue how to govern without the war on terror; because this President knows ONLY how to govern with a war on terror in the background..
That's one thing that I wanted to mention..
Then there's Bush's reaction to the comments that Murtha is just like Michael "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore.. Most notably was this quote:
"People should feel comfortable expressing their opinions about Iraq,"
Whoa -- wait a second..
We *CAN* have differing opinions about Iraq without feeling as though we are anti-American?? Wow.. Times really have changed..
Let's not forget that it wasn't that long ago that this administration came out and claimed that Democrats were wanting to re-write history.. Wow..
We'll see how long this lasts..
Friday, November 11, 2005
Re-writing history??
George Bush is now slamming the critics of the war saying that it's an attempt to re-write history...
Well George, it would've been helpful if the truth came out so history didn't have to be re-written.....
Well George, it would've been helpful if the truth came out so history didn't have to be re-written.....
We're moving to Pennsylvania
The people of Dover, Pennsylvania used their common sense, rather than succumbing to the pundits who believe in "Intelligent Design.."
For those that think that term sounds familiar, but they don't know why - it's the belief that the universe is so complex, we're unable to figure it out - hence, God must've done it....
Now let's think about that just a little closer..
Pat Robertson wants Intelligent Design to be taught in schools to basically offer that when it can't be explained, God must've done it.. But hold on Pat.. All of the physicists that explored the concept of the electron actually benefited you directly because, without this exploration there would be no power, no television and hence, no 700 Club..
So let's consider that there are some things that we can't explain.. I'm cool with that.. Scientists are cool with that.. Because there is the commonly held belief that our understanding evolves with time, with education, with experience.. When we consider that everyone in the world believed the earth was flat -- it took the courage of Aristotle to say: "no, I believe the earth is round.." This is compelling because by holding onto the belief so tightly -- it restricts our ability to explore and the better understand our own existence..
Which I guess is the key considering that Pat Robertson and others like him have no desire for science to better explain where we came from and why.. That's why "Intelligent Design" seem to be a popular one for those that believe that we should not explain everything in the universe because it would dramatically affect the biblical writings which is supposed to be the "end all" of everything..
Unfortunately, no amount of praying would have helped the flood victims in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.. Unfortunately for "Intelligent Design" - science eventually has to intervene so that we can institute as many preventive measures as possible to secure the safety and well being of our society.. This is key because of the necessity of science in our lives to help combat drought conditions, social-economic planning, building and infrastructure -- not to mention seeking new alternative fuels, invention and inspiration.. On a global scale, science seeks answers that may someday help alleviate or lessen the effect of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes - not to mention epidemics like that continually evolve..
If we stop exploring..
If we stop dreaming..
If we stop trying to find answers..
We will succumb..
And it will be then that Pat Robertson's prophesy will finally come true: "I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city."
Spoken from someone who has ordained that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
Guess what Pat - sometimes the letter of the book is not as important as the spirit in which it was written.. So far, your Intelligent Design agenda isn't looking very smart right now..
Kudos to the folks in Dover, Pennsylvania for making a stand and by doing the smart thing..
The people of Dover, Pennsylvania used their common sense, rather than succumbing to the pundits who believe in "Intelligent Design.."
For those that think that term sounds familiar, but they don't know why - it's the belief that the universe is so complex, we're unable to figure it out - hence, God must've done it....
Now let's think about that just a little closer..
Pat Robertson wants Intelligent Design to be taught in schools to basically offer that when it can't be explained, God must've done it.. But hold on Pat.. All of the physicists that explored the concept of the electron actually benefited you directly because, without this exploration there would be no power, no television and hence, no 700 Club..
So let's consider that there are some things that we can't explain.. I'm cool with that.. Scientists are cool with that.. Because there is the commonly held belief that our understanding evolves with time, with education, with experience.. When we consider that everyone in the world believed the earth was flat -- it took the courage of Aristotle to say: "no, I believe the earth is round.." This is compelling because by holding onto the belief so tightly -- it restricts our ability to explore and the better understand our own existence..
Which I guess is the key considering that Pat Robertson and others like him have no desire for science to better explain where we came from and why.. That's why "Intelligent Design" seem to be a popular one for those that believe that we should not explain everything in the universe because it would dramatically affect the biblical writings which is supposed to be the "end all" of everything..
Unfortunately, no amount of praying would have helped the flood victims in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.. Unfortunately for "Intelligent Design" - science eventually has to intervene so that we can institute as many preventive measures as possible to secure the safety and well being of our society.. This is key because of the necessity of science in our lives to help combat drought conditions, social-economic planning, building and infrastructure -- not to mention seeking new alternative fuels, invention and inspiration.. On a global scale, science seeks answers that may someday help alleviate or lessen the effect of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes - not to mention epidemics like that continually evolve..
If we stop exploring..
If we stop dreaming..
If we stop trying to find answers..
We will succumb..
And it will be then that Pat Robertson's prophesy will finally come true: "I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city."
Spoken from someone who has ordained that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
Guess what Pat - sometimes the letter of the book is not as important as the spirit in which it was written.. So far, your Intelligent Design agenda isn't looking very smart right now..
Kudos to the folks in Dover, Pennsylvania for making a stand and by doing the smart thing..
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Wait - what - hold on...
A recent study shows that there is more sex on TV than there was in 1998..
Now hold on a second..
Think this through..
We have a group of people, a family foundation, who actually sits with a bean counter to chart how much sex is on TV..
Now how screwed up is that??
Oh - wait - a little under-reported factoid I learned this week that there are conflicting studies suggesting that video-game violence is actually going *down* even with all of these video games out there.. So if violence is actually going down - contrary to the pundits who believe that video-game violence promotes the youth of today from committing crime..
Oh - wait - that goes against the sterilization of America that groups like the Kaiser Family Foundation because we need to think alike, be alike, and live alike..
So what does sex have to do with it?? Because if kids see it, they will want to do it... But wait - kids don't have to see it on Desperate Housewives in order to do it... They are going to do it regardless if Teri Hatcher is doing it - so I'm thinking "what's the big diff??" It's not as though there has been a pregnancy BOOM since 1998..
Look, kids are going to get pregnant if they have unprotected sex.. End of story..
And if adults are offended by the content -- guess what -- it's called "change the channel.." A novel concept invigorated in the 1950's when the advent of the television spread across the U.S.. The little clicker works much the same way -- and if the Kaiser Family Foundation can't figure out how to run the little clicker - then they have no right to conduct a study on the merits and demerits of the programming that is coming out..
Because it still comes down to a right to choose.. And that's what gets lost in the study.. Because if the FAMILY Foundation can't teach the FAMILY on the merits of making good programming choices for their FAMILY to watch, then I really don't care that there is an increase in sex scenes, because I CAN make that choice myself... More importantly, I AM responsible enough to make that choice so that I live a nice moral life - without the blessing of the Family Foundation and it's idiotic study..
It always amazes me that groups like this make it a societal problem when it's an individual's responsibility in the upbringing on one's family.. Moreover, it wants to intercede in the lives of everyone to make their message: "Kids who have repeated exposure to sexual content become sexually active at an earlier age." Wow, my first-immediate-knee-jerk reaction was: "in all of this talk about values and family, where are the parents and why did this go undetected on their radar screens??" Oh wait - it's not the PARENT's fault, it's ABC, NBC and Fox's fault....
But what this report fails to mention is that SEX - IS - EVERYWHERE.. There's sex in the music that your children purchase from WalMart, there's depictions of sex in most famous art works, there's sex in movies, in videos, on DVD's.. Sex is mentioned in video games, it's being taught in schools, sex is even being discussed in church on Sundays.. It's online, in magazines, in our newspapers, on the radio, on our billboards, in our advertisements and in almost every aspect of our day to day activities.. Where are those bean counters when they walk to get their latte from Starbucks??
So my point is: why aren't they attacking Cosmo?? Why aren't they going after the church for the Christmas services?? Why aren't they trying to re-write the school's curriculums, blowing up libraries, ripping text books, banning CD's, burning DVD's and breaking art pieces.. Why not make a law prohibiting sex at all??
Because if I can't screw like the Kaiser Family Foundation wants me to, then I should be sent to jail because of it.. Because the Kaiser Family Foundation obviously knows the life I should lead better than I do...
Now hold on a second..
Think this through..
We have a group of people, a family foundation, who actually sits with a bean counter to chart how much sex is on TV..
Now how screwed up is that??
Oh - wait - a little under-reported factoid I learned this week that there are conflicting studies suggesting that video-game violence is actually going *down* even with all of these video games out there.. So if violence is actually going down - contrary to the pundits who believe that video-game violence promotes the youth of today from committing crime..
Oh - wait - that goes against the sterilization of America that groups like the Kaiser Family Foundation because we need to think alike, be alike, and live alike..
So what does sex have to do with it?? Because if kids see it, they will want to do it... But wait - kids don't have to see it on Desperate Housewives in order to do it... They are going to do it regardless if Teri Hatcher is doing it - so I'm thinking "what's the big diff??" It's not as though there has been a pregnancy BOOM since 1998..
Look, kids are going to get pregnant if they have unprotected sex.. End of story..
And if adults are offended by the content -- guess what -- it's called "change the channel.." A novel concept invigorated in the 1950's when the advent of the television spread across the U.S.. The little clicker works much the same way -- and if the Kaiser Family Foundation can't figure out how to run the little clicker - then they have no right to conduct a study on the merits and demerits of the programming that is coming out..
Because it still comes down to a right to choose.. And that's what gets lost in the study.. Because if the FAMILY Foundation can't teach the FAMILY on the merits of making good programming choices for their FAMILY to watch, then I really don't care that there is an increase in sex scenes, because I CAN make that choice myself... More importantly, I AM responsible enough to make that choice so that I live a nice moral life - without the blessing of the Family Foundation and it's idiotic study..
It always amazes me that groups like this make it a societal problem when it's an individual's responsibility in the upbringing on one's family.. Moreover, it wants to intercede in the lives of everyone to make their message: "Kids who have repeated exposure to sexual content become sexually active at an earlier age." Wow, my first-immediate-knee-jerk reaction was: "in all of this talk about values and family, where are the parents and why did this go undetected on their radar screens??" Oh wait - it's not the PARENT's fault, it's ABC, NBC and Fox's fault....
But what this report fails to mention is that SEX - IS - EVERYWHERE.. There's sex in the music that your children purchase from WalMart, there's depictions of sex in most famous art works, there's sex in movies, in videos, on DVD's.. Sex is mentioned in video games, it's being taught in schools, sex is even being discussed in church on Sundays.. It's online, in magazines, in our newspapers, on the radio, on our billboards, in our advertisements and in almost every aspect of our day to day activities.. Where are those bean counters when they walk to get their latte from Starbucks??
So my point is: why aren't they attacking Cosmo?? Why aren't they going after the church for the Christmas services?? Why aren't they trying to re-write the school's curriculums, blowing up libraries, ripping text books, banning CD's, burning DVD's and breaking art pieces.. Why not make a law prohibiting sex at all??
Because if I can't screw like the Kaiser Family Foundation wants me to, then I should be sent to jail because of it.. Because the Kaiser Family Foundation obviously knows the life I should lead better than I do...
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
News Nuggets and commenture
The French
(and with apologies to Bill Maher)
"New Rule": France can no longer claim that Americans are too lazy to react to anything. It seems that it has taken 11 straight nights of civil disobedience, destruction, and anarchy before President Jacques Chirac *finally* believes it was finally time to say something against the rioting that – at last figures – resulted in "nearly 1,300 [ablazed] vehicles and torched businesses, school and symbols of French authority..."
Now – what bothers me the most about this little ditty is the fact there has been no official word from his staff – aside from a brief statement made by Chirac’s spokesman…
Wow – I think the French have been reading too much "My Pet Goat" that seems to dull their lax response to 11 straight nights of chaos and disruption…
The Brownie Effect
Any doubt that this administration lacks the fortitude to putting the right personnel in the right positions can be quickly addressed by the recent Michael Brown emails that are currently circulating.. Indeed, someone who clearly showed no compassion, action, or competence seems to be a standard put out by this administration.. Disappointment is only filled with the expectation that this government lacks any foresight in their nominations and placements..
And to believe that we’re just supposed to expect Bush to be making good, rationale decisions about his choices for the courts?? C’mon... Bush just isn’t good at hiring people – that job should be left to someone else ... oh wait – unless you’re "owed" or something like that for helping out his elections or his administration in some way…
The Rove
Maybe the lights are finally shining where they needed to be.. Hopefully my earlier prediction that nothing would happen to the man in the Teflon suit – yet, I realize we’re still within the process.. If in fact this is a small sign of things to come, then I will continue to hope and pray that this is a signal of things shifting towards the middle once more.. Almost anything would be preferred than the direction this administration has taken us..
The Greedy
Oh – the surprise that gas prices have fell on average of 23 cents ever since both sides of the political aisle threatened hearings over collusion and price gouging on the heels of record breaking profits….
The Democrats grow a backbone...
In a move that many are heralding as "finally," Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada – recently invoked a rare "Rule 21" wherein the Senate was emptied so that they could discuss the ongoing investigation about the 9/11 mistakes made by this administration.. The question remains if it was "too little, too late" or whether it was truly the only available time to invoke such an act given that this administration has been torpedoed repeatedly lately..
Still - I like the move, I just hope we can save the ship before it takes on a lot more water...
(and with apologies to Bill Maher)
"New Rule": France can no longer claim that Americans are too lazy to react to anything. It seems that it has taken 11 straight nights of civil disobedience, destruction, and anarchy before President Jacques Chirac *finally* believes it was finally time to say something against the rioting that – at last figures – resulted in "nearly 1,300 [ablazed] vehicles and torched businesses, school and symbols of French authority..."
Now – what bothers me the most about this little ditty is the fact there has been no official word from his staff – aside from a brief statement made by Chirac’s spokesman…
Wow – I think the French have been reading too much "My Pet Goat" that seems to dull their lax response to 11 straight nights of chaos and disruption…
The Brownie Effect
Any doubt that this administration lacks the fortitude to putting the right personnel in the right positions can be quickly addressed by the recent Michael Brown emails that are currently circulating.. Indeed, someone who clearly showed no compassion, action, or competence seems to be a standard put out by this administration.. Disappointment is only filled with the expectation that this government lacks any foresight in their nominations and placements..
And to believe that we’re just supposed to expect Bush to be making good, rationale decisions about his choices for the courts?? C’mon... Bush just isn’t good at hiring people – that job should be left to someone else ... oh wait – unless you’re "owed" or something like that for helping out his elections or his administration in some way…
The Rove
Maybe the lights are finally shining where they needed to be.. Hopefully my earlier prediction that nothing would happen to the man in the Teflon suit – yet, I realize we’re still within the process.. If in fact this is a small sign of things to come, then I will continue to hope and pray that this is a signal of things shifting towards the middle once more.. Almost anything would be preferred than the direction this administration has taken us..
The Greedy
Oh – the surprise that gas prices have fell on average of 23 cents ever since both sides of the political aisle threatened hearings over collusion and price gouging on the heels of record breaking profits….
The Democrats grow a backbone...
In a move that many are heralding as "finally," Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada – recently invoked a rare "Rule 21" wherein the Senate was emptied so that they could discuss the ongoing investigation about the 9/11 mistakes made by this administration.. The question remains if it was "too little, too late" or whether it was truly the only available time to invoke such an act given that this administration has been torpedoed repeatedly lately..
Still - I like the move, I just hope we can save the ship before it takes on a lot more water...
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
FINALLY - a war he can win!! (the flu war)
I'm not even sure where to begin with this one -- but Bush is announcing his "strategy" to battle the flu....
For one, I didn't know we needed a flu-strategy and for two - why is Bush announcing a strategy when it's believed to be a world-wide pandemic??
Why isn't the UN, the Red Cross and other world health organizations being apart of this "strategy??"
Oh - wait -- I understand it now.. Bush has earmarked $6.5 billion for the "preparations.." Or as it's also known as: "the pharmaceutical company preparations.."
And this is what I don't like..
This Administration is so completely interwoven with all of its special interests: the pharmaceuticals, the petroleum industry, the military complex, the church -- that they are governing this nation based on those that stand to benefit the most..
Do we need a strategy?? My answer comes with a question: "why don't we have a strategy already??"
9/11, Katrina, now a flu pandemic ... we seem to have a President that likes to spend a lot of time planning and not much doing.. It's sad and sorry..
For one, I didn't know we needed a flu-strategy and for two - why is Bush announcing a strategy when it's believed to be a world-wide pandemic??
Why isn't the UN, the Red Cross and other world health organizations being apart of this "strategy??"
Oh - wait -- I understand it now.. Bush has earmarked $6.5 billion for the "preparations.." Or as it's also known as: "the pharmaceutical company preparations.."
And this is what I don't like..
This Administration is so completely interwoven with all of its special interests: the pharmaceuticals, the petroleum industry, the military complex, the church -- that they are governing this nation based on those that stand to benefit the most..
Do we need a strategy?? My answer comes with a question: "why don't we have a strategy already??"
9/11, Katrina, now a flu pandemic ... we seem to have a President that likes to spend a lot of time planning and not much doing.. It's sad and sorry..
Sunday, October 30, 2005
The events of last week -- finally -- revealed the inner self-defeating mechanism that this administration is employing.. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for his role to conceal the truth from the grand jury investigation.. As Prosecutor Scott Fitzgerald revealed - it has been incredibly difficult to reveal what was truthful about the outting of an active CIA agent.. Lewis Libby did his part to attempt to assure that the administration was insulated..
The problem being - the more you conceal the truth - the more it comes out.....
Libby resigned amidst indictments made on him by Fitzgerald.. Rove remains under investigation, and today (Sunday) there were calls from Harry Reid (D-Nevada) that Rove should step aside.. That sentiment was reiterated by Bush's own Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) believes that Rove's dismissal would invigorate "new blood, new energy, qualified staff" into the Bush administration...
Read into that a little bit more..
It's a Republican openly admitting that this administration lacks the fortitude and conviction to secure a qualified staff during this current administration.. It's the first time in a long time that I heard anyone in the Republican party openly expressing concerns about the people that Bush has surrounding him.. It's the first time that I've heard anyone openly admitting that key positions in this White House need to be re-evaluated..
Coming from within the party..
That speaks volumes..
Whether this administration heeds those calls remains an unanswered question.. But when Bush declares Rove to be "the architect," I'm inclined to believe that George will not heed the advice from Senator Trent Lott..
Clearly, it's growing apparent that Bush surrounded himself, insulated himself with people that encouraged the war in Iraq.. Up until this scandal, I've never even heard of Scooter Libby.. Now that all is said and done, it's apparent that Libby was incredibly instrumental in the role of National Security.. He also played a crucial role in the ''selling" and "implementation" of the Iraq conflict.. With Libby being Cheney's "architect" and with Rove being on the same radar screen - it's apparent that this administration reveled in its own blindness for the "sake of the nation.."
I dismiss the pundits and the belief that the current investigation is irrelevant.. That's absurd when we had a President impeached for exposing his personal life.. When we have an administration who is ultimately responsible for the deaths of so many in a conflict that was installed under false pretenses, then scrutiny is not only required, but necessary..
Keep in mind that I'm not debating the fact that Saddam is a bad man..
I am debating (again) that this administration went to war for all of the wrong reasons.. Now, more than ever - it's apparent that when there is such blindness and faulty information - it's remarkable that Bush has any credibility at all.. Finally, we're at a stage of this administration's tenure where the American people can see exactly how the insulation of this administration is seriously flawed in ways that are just coming out..
Libby was one of the major players in favor of the Iraqi invasion.. Rove can't be too far behind - especially since when so many ploys have the earmarks of Karl's ultimate design.. The name slandering, the scorn of disagreeing with this administration, the "you will fall in line with our platform" mentality.. Rove's signature can be felt..
And more importantly, the party supporting this administration is saying that Bush is in need of something new.. Wow.. That's really profound.. I don't doubt Lott's office got a phone call from someone from the White House or other "in-line" people that follow the "Bush-line".. It's my hope that Lott will continue his criticism of Rove, but my fear is he will eventually fall "back in line" and come out in support for Rove..
I can still hope though - that he stays where he is, because if anything - this signals a major policy shift in certain issues surrounding this administration.. If that happens, then it's a start..
I've said this probably 30 times before, but we do live in some very interesting times..
The problem being - the more you conceal the truth - the more it comes out.....
Libby resigned amidst indictments made on him by Fitzgerald.. Rove remains under investigation, and today (Sunday) there were calls from Harry Reid (D-Nevada) that Rove should step aside.. That sentiment was reiterated by Bush's own Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) believes that Rove's dismissal would invigorate "new blood, new energy, qualified staff" into the Bush administration...
Read into that a little bit more..
It's a Republican openly admitting that this administration lacks the fortitude and conviction to secure a qualified staff during this current administration.. It's the first time in a long time that I heard anyone in the Republican party openly expressing concerns about the people that Bush has surrounding him.. It's the first time that I've heard anyone openly admitting that key positions in this White House need to be re-evaluated..
Coming from within the party..
That speaks volumes..
Whether this administration heeds those calls remains an unanswered question.. But when Bush declares Rove to be "the architect," I'm inclined to believe that George will not heed the advice from Senator Trent Lott..
Clearly, it's growing apparent that Bush surrounded himself, insulated himself with people that encouraged the war in Iraq.. Up until this scandal, I've never even heard of Scooter Libby.. Now that all is said and done, it's apparent that Libby was incredibly instrumental in the role of National Security.. He also played a crucial role in the ''selling" and "implementation" of the Iraq conflict.. With Libby being Cheney's "architect" and with Rove being on the same radar screen - it's apparent that this administration reveled in its own blindness for the "sake of the nation.."
I dismiss the pundits and the belief that the current investigation is irrelevant.. That's absurd when we had a President impeached for exposing his personal life.. When we have an administration who is ultimately responsible for the deaths of so many in a conflict that was installed under false pretenses, then scrutiny is not only required, but necessary..
Keep in mind that I'm not debating the fact that Saddam is a bad man..
I am debating (again) that this administration went to war for all of the wrong reasons.. Now, more than ever - it's apparent that when there is such blindness and faulty information - it's remarkable that Bush has any credibility at all.. Finally, we're at a stage of this administration's tenure where the American people can see exactly how the insulation of this administration is seriously flawed in ways that are just coming out..
Libby was one of the major players in favor of the Iraqi invasion.. Rove can't be too far behind - especially since when so many ploys have the earmarks of Karl's ultimate design.. The name slandering, the scorn of disagreeing with this administration, the "you will fall in line with our platform" mentality.. Rove's signature can be felt..
And more importantly, the party supporting this administration is saying that Bush is in need of something new.. Wow.. That's really profound.. I don't doubt Lott's office got a phone call from someone from the White House or other "in-line" people that follow the "Bush-line".. It's my hope that Lott will continue his criticism of Rove, but my fear is he will eventually fall "back in line" and come out in support for Rove..
I can still hope though - that he stays where he is, because if anything - this signals a major policy shift in certain issues surrounding this administration.. If that happens, then it's a start..
I've said this probably 30 times before, but we do live in some very interesting times..
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Miers, gays, Richard Clarke and Ohio......
"Be careful what you wish for..."
Harriet Miers
Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to become a Supreme Court Justice this morning. As much as I'm sure both sides are claiming partial victory in all this, there's no real reason why this decision really makes me warm and tingly...
The Republicans didn't trust that she would further the conservative agenda..
The Democrats didn't really understand what she brought to the table.. I think they held out for cautious optimism and little else.
Regardless, this is a victory for Bush.. How do I figure?? Because he may have put her name out there knowing she wouldn't get the nomination, but it would appease the Dems that he was really trying to find an adequate replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor.. He can now install someone else that has a more conservative basis -- and someone who can fly through the proceedings faster than she would have.. This way his is "perceived" as reaching out to the democrats while having the republicans "in the bag" with a strong conservative candidate..
It'll become the ol' bait-n-switch..
And *that* concerns me more than anything..
It's overapparent that Bush's cronyism it particularly blinding.. I don't fault him for surrounding himself with people he trusts -- but the Miers nomination was not responsible by any stretch or margin.. While I echo the words from a liberal talk show tonight, "I just don't believe she bowed out because she'd have to reveal documents exposing her tenure as White House Counsel..." It's plausible and it doesn't make a lot of sense at the same time..
Once again, we were left with this administrations overly used rubber-stamp policy that Bush expected all of the Republicans to follow his marching orders and send Miers through the process without any hangups..
And that bothers me....
But what was worse than that is when James Dobson (mis-Focus of the Family) had that little bit of "inside knowledge" working.. Clearly the President has religious beliefs of an unhealthy nature - especially when they affect his judgement and subsequent nominations.. I don't like it that this administration has melded church and state in ways that were never intended..
This administration has already imposed its will and belief structure on the American people.. But what's problematic with their basis of faith - is their basis of understanding the morality of their decisions.. Unfortunately this absence of awareness and knowledge grows each day this administration is in the White House..
The Headline
One such example of its imposed will and belief structure appeared in a press briefing yesterday for Mary Cheney's new role at AOL/Time Warner.. Instead of the headline reading that the VP's daughter was hired on at her new position, it read that the "daughter of the VP" was hired on... Mary Cheney is openly gay, but by the way the headline is drafted - it makes Dick Cheney look distant from his daughter.... "The Daughter Of" - is but a shining example of how this administration imposes their beliefs on us..
It's status quo for this administration - and yet no one really seems to care..
Richard Clarke
Former expert on counter-terrorism, Richard Clarke - explained on Wednesday that he believed that administration officials should be exempt from prosecution whenever any criminal act occurs.. Hmmm... I don't think so.. And moreover, I think any administration official that believes that they are above the law, are the ones that should be doing hard time..
Afterall, that's the way our government was founded - and that's how it should be carried out...
In one of the most un-surprising news stories tonight: 'A Bush Campain fund-raiser is indicted'...".. Apparently a prominent Republican fund-raiser for President George W. Bush's campaign in Ohio has been charged with illegally funneling money to the Bush re-election campaign of 2004......
Oh, the webs we weave....
...and to think that the majority of Americans don't care....
This is the real tragedy.....
Oh MY god, we have got to get the President out that lied about an affair, but we ignore it when this President is surrounded by people who commit things like treason, illegal campaigning, etc......
Yeah - real good America.... WAKE UP....
Harriet Miers
Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to become a Supreme Court Justice this morning. As much as I'm sure both sides are claiming partial victory in all this, there's no real reason why this decision really makes me warm and tingly...
The Republicans didn't trust that she would further the conservative agenda..
The Democrats didn't really understand what she brought to the table.. I think they held out for cautious optimism and little else.
Regardless, this is a victory for Bush.. How do I figure?? Because he may have put her name out there knowing she wouldn't get the nomination, but it would appease the Dems that he was really trying to find an adequate replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor.. He can now install someone else that has a more conservative basis -- and someone who can fly through the proceedings faster than she would have.. This way his is "perceived" as reaching out to the democrats while having the republicans "in the bag" with a strong conservative candidate..
It'll become the ol' bait-n-switch..
And *that* concerns me more than anything..
It's overapparent that Bush's cronyism it particularly blinding.. I don't fault him for surrounding himself with people he trusts -- but the Miers nomination was not responsible by any stretch or margin.. While I echo the words from a liberal talk show tonight, "I just don't believe she bowed out because she'd have to reveal documents exposing her tenure as White House Counsel..." It's plausible and it doesn't make a lot of sense at the same time..
Once again, we were left with this administrations overly used rubber-stamp policy that Bush expected all of the Republicans to follow his marching orders and send Miers through the process without any hangups..
And that bothers me....
But what was worse than that is when James Dobson (mis-Focus of the Family) had that little bit of "inside knowledge" working.. Clearly the President has religious beliefs of an unhealthy nature - especially when they affect his judgement and subsequent nominations.. I don't like it that this administration has melded church and state in ways that were never intended..
This administration has already imposed its will and belief structure on the American people.. But what's problematic with their basis of faith - is their basis of understanding the morality of their decisions.. Unfortunately this absence of awareness and knowledge grows each day this administration is in the White House..
The Headline
One such example of its imposed will and belief structure appeared in a press briefing yesterday for Mary Cheney's new role at AOL/Time Warner.. Instead of the headline reading that the VP's daughter was hired on at her new position, it read that the "daughter of the VP" was hired on... Mary Cheney is openly gay, but by the way the headline is drafted - it makes Dick Cheney look distant from his daughter.... "The Daughter Of" - is but a shining example of how this administration imposes their beliefs on us..
It's status quo for this administration - and yet no one really seems to care..
Richard Clarke
Former expert on counter-terrorism, Richard Clarke - explained on Wednesday that he believed that administration officials should be exempt from prosecution whenever any criminal act occurs.. Hmmm... I don't think so.. And moreover, I think any administration official that believes that they are above the law, are the ones that should be doing hard time..
Afterall, that's the way our government was founded - and that's how it should be carried out...
In one of the most un-surprising news stories tonight: 'A Bush Campain fund-raiser is indicted'...".. Apparently a prominent Republican fund-raiser for President George W. Bush's campaign in Ohio has been charged with illegally funneling money to the Bush re-election campaign of 2004......
Oh, the webs we weave....
...and to think that the majority of Americans don't care....
This is the real tragedy.....
Oh MY god, we have got to get the President out that lied about an affair, but we ignore it when this President is surrounded by people who commit things like treason, illegal campaigning, etc......
Yeah - real good America.... WAKE UP....
Monday, October 24, 2005
Wake-up call
It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion....
You can't take your eyes off of it.....
You stare with morbid curiosity.....
And it's only a small sampling of the times to come....
I'm not talking about the Republican party for once... No - I'm talking about the DNC, because I have no conceivable idea where in the hell the party is... It's like watching an accident happening in slow motion because this has been the trend since 2000.. For the last 5 years, the Republicans can thank a floundering Democrat leadership for resting on its laurels while licking their wounds each time this administration called them to be anti-American..
Instead of reaching out during this unprecedented time - the Dems have failed in their ability to govern themselves enough to formulate a single policy that won't look like an inept WalMart idea.. The DNC leadership should be leading - and I'm not at all impressed with Howard Dean's attacks when there's no substance behind them..
Create a platform..
Educate the masses..
Generate interest..
And the nation will follow..
Dean has proved that he can holler, scream and criticize the NeoCons -- but there's little else to follow.. No plan, no strategy, no form - just a basic critical analysis of how this administration is corrupt.. Great.. We know that - and I think the majority of Americans can see that..
But there's no alternative, sorry Howard..
There's no voice, no leadership, no direction, nothing that separates the Democrats from the Republicans.. This lack of cohesion is devastating and now that Dean has been chair for the last year - I would've hoped he had much better ideas on how to prepare for 2006, but that has yet to happen.. So once more, voters will be asked to deal with the mediocrity of the field and likely side with the party that has ideas -- or rather -- the party that is passionate about their ideas enough to sway anyone to believe that Saddam was linked to Al Qaida....
It's factually incorrect - yet the general public doesn't mind it as long as the senator, representative or President is passionate about it because the public is incredibly persuaded on virtually anything as long as you sell it right.. And that's what the Republicans do better at than the Democrats..
It's not as though the Republicans can lead better -- hell, we are *not* better off than we were 5 years ago, but again - there's nothing that the Democrats are putting out in the field to say: "hey, we're better and here's why...." Instead, the Dems are more comfortable with sitting on their heels and complaining all the way..
The *only* thing going for the Democrats are the fact that the Republicans continue to shoot themselves in the foot.. From mis-handling Iraq, to the illegal dealings with the SEC, to committing treason by outing information about a CIA operative.. The Democrats can't ask for a better present - and yet we seem to squander the message, the path and the goal.. They do well at pointing out this administration's shortcomings, but there's virtually no activity coming from their camp.. No voice, no action, no drive..
Without those essential elements, we lose the ability to push the majority of Americans from it's teetering stage and bring them back to the Democratic party.. The Republicans know this - and have successfully employed these attributes for the last 8 years.. The only way to secure the Dems in 2006 is to establish that voice and spread it out for the masses.. Win on the popular issues and the tide will turn....
... but the clock is ticking and with a flailing administration - there's no better time than to emerge with a plan, a course and a goal... There needs to be a voice that surfaces that brings us out of this political depression we've put ourselves in for the last 5 years ...
Bush won in 2000 - get over it..
Bush won in 2004 -- get over it..
Make this about tomorrow and get back in the game..
Enough with the banter..
Enough with the Monday morning quarterback mentality..
Establish the voice and make it happen..
Democrats: Wake Up.....
You can't take your eyes off of it.....
You stare with morbid curiosity.....
And it's only a small sampling of the times to come....
I'm not talking about the Republican party for once... No - I'm talking about the DNC, because I have no conceivable idea where in the hell the party is... It's like watching an accident happening in slow motion because this has been the trend since 2000.. For the last 5 years, the Republicans can thank a floundering Democrat leadership for resting on its laurels while licking their wounds each time this administration called them to be anti-American..
Instead of reaching out during this unprecedented time - the Dems have failed in their ability to govern themselves enough to formulate a single policy that won't look like an inept WalMart idea.. The DNC leadership should be leading - and I'm not at all impressed with Howard Dean's attacks when there's no substance behind them..
Create a platform..
Educate the masses..
Generate interest..
And the nation will follow..
Dean has proved that he can holler, scream and criticize the NeoCons -- but there's little else to follow.. No plan, no strategy, no form - just a basic critical analysis of how this administration is corrupt.. Great.. We know that - and I think the majority of Americans can see that..
But there's no alternative, sorry Howard..
There's no voice, no leadership, no direction, nothing that separates the Democrats from the Republicans.. This lack of cohesion is devastating and now that Dean has been chair for the last year - I would've hoped he had much better ideas on how to prepare for 2006, but that has yet to happen.. So once more, voters will be asked to deal with the mediocrity of the field and likely side with the party that has ideas -- or rather -- the party that is passionate about their ideas enough to sway anyone to believe that Saddam was linked to Al Qaida....
It's factually incorrect - yet the general public doesn't mind it as long as the senator, representative or President is passionate about it because the public is incredibly persuaded on virtually anything as long as you sell it right.. And that's what the Republicans do better at than the Democrats..
It's not as though the Republicans can lead better -- hell, we are *not* better off than we were 5 years ago, but again - there's nothing that the Democrats are putting out in the field to say: "hey, we're better and here's why...." Instead, the Dems are more comfortable with sitting on their heels and complaining all the way..
The *only* thing going for the Democrats are the fact that the Republicans continue to shoot themselves in the foot.. From mis-handling Iraq, to the illegal dealings with the SEC, to committing treason by outing information about a CIA operative.. The Democrats can't ask for a better present - and yet we seem to squander the message, the path and the goal.. They do well at pointing out this administration's shortcomings, but there's virtually no activity coming from their camp.. No voice, no action, no drive..
Without those essential elements, we lose the ability to push the majority of Americans from it's teetering stage and bring them back to the Democratic party.. The Republicans know this - and have successfully employed these attributes for the last 8 years.. The only way to secure the Dems in 2006 is to establish that voice and spread it out for the masses.. Win on the popular issues and the tide will turn....
... but the clock is ticking and with a flailing administration - there's no better time than to emerge with a plan, a course and a goal... There needs to be a voice that surfaces that brings us out of this political depression we've put ourselves in for the last 5 years ...
Bush won in 2000 - get over it..
Bush won in 2004 -- get over it..
Make this about tomorrow and get back in the game..
Enough with the banter..
Enough with the Monday morning quarterback mentality..
Establish the voice and make it happen..
Democrats: Wake Up.....
Monday, October 10, 2005
Bush is talking to God....
Never in our times have we seen such a religious purge to be pressed upon the American people.. There is a level of disillusionment that goes beyond the likes of how some regimes were able to score victories by way of the word.. Let's not forget the history of the world - and in particular the latter half of the 20th century when world witnessed the slaughter of millions for the sake of a difference in morality, a difference in belief, a difference in religion..
Now - in today's world, we're witnessing the same thing over again.. We have a world leader who has had conversations with God..
Let's see if I have this right: We invaded Iraq because God told him to..
No, no.. It wasn't the Weapons of Mass Destruction..
God told him to..
Now God apparently is telling George that he needs to get the Palestinian people their state while giving Israel their security "...[A]nd by God I'm gonna do it."
Take a step back..
I'm not against the efforts to stabilize the Middle East region.. In fact, the security of the world may come to depend on what happens on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.. For this, I'm in agreement.. Yet, I still look at the last 30 years and I begin to wonder exactly how possible this is given how both sides are so incredibly weary of the other.. So part of me says: "yeah, peace is good, very good.. But not let's have a party just yet.."
Meaning: peace is fragile, takes eons to work through - and every starting point in the peace process is just as vulnerable as the other steps were before.. Still - it's a step.. How long it lasts is anyone's guess..
That's not my concern..
My concern is that we have a President who admits outright that he listens to God.. Almost as dangerous as whenever Frank Sinatra dials into my head and I start singing "New York, New York..."
Listening and otherwise talking to God..
Okay - now I'm worried..
The leader of the free world.. The man who has complete control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal - is saying he's having conversations with God..
Competency first comes to mind..
Because anyone who is basing a policy, a long-reaching judgment, a life-or-death decision based on conversations with a deity ... needs to be called into question.. Now I'm not trying to say that religion is bad.. I'm not suggesting that people couldn't use a little bit more morality in the world.. I'm not suggesting that having faith in a seemingly complicated story is a bad thing..
I am however, concerned when people have conversations (apparently interactive) with God.. I simply cannot understand or believe how we have the single most powerful man of the world - having conversations with someone who may or may not exist!! I took theology, philosophy, history and science in school.. I doubt very seriously even the POPE admits having interactive conversations with God..
People like the Pope - derive inspiration through message of God's word, the Bible to become the basis of their decision-making capability.. That's okay.. Deriving influence and inspiration is a healthy, moral progression in life.. That's natural.. That's understandable.. That's reasonable..
Having received word from God to invade Iraq and kill tens of thousands of people does not seem to be a word from God.. In fact, it seems like an "anti-God-like" message.. It seems pretty contradictive to the whole Bible-view way of life because I doubt it very serious if God would condemn the "sacrifice" of those that have been killed..
Especially since nothing mentions in the Bible that "America is number one" or "In America, we trust" or anything of that sort.. If we really looked back at our history - we see a lot of things we've screwed up on.. God doesn't like it when we're bombing others.. God doesn't approve of such things.. So how is it that God told George to invade Iraq??
See?? That doesn't make sense.. Why would God tell George to do something completely against the morals of God?? We keep hearing how the Iraqi people are most grateful for being liberated - yet - I don't recall God telling George that he needed to install a democracy government..
Assuming that God approves of democracy versus a monarchy versus a republic versus a socialistic, versus a oligarchy..... No where that I'm aware - does God put forth: "you will assemble and make this government..." No where does it state that we should seek representative government.. No where does the Bible refer having permission to release people from tyranny..
Therefore either:
a.) We have a delusional President -or-
b.) We have a manipulative President
Either way -
We have an administration that believes it know what's "right" for the rest of us.. Based on whether we have a delusional leader or a manipulative one - the point remains that we have an unfit leader.. Many people have come forward with the "impeachment" word - and I'm in agreement.. I've lost faith in this administration's outlook and perceptive ability..
Moreover, this Republican regime is adamant about remaining hypocritical about the need to be invasive in our personal lives - yet - preaching that the government needs to get out of our lives.... We need to be moral, according to what the government says.. According to the Bible?? According to the word of God??
Shouldn't we be concerned that the government who wants to put God into our lives is the same government who can't seem to practice what God preaches??
Now - in today's world, we're witnessing the same thing over again.. We have a world leader who has had conversations with God..
Let's see if I have this right: We invaded Iraq because God told him to..
No, no.. It wasn't the Weapons of Mass Destruction..
God told him to..
Now God apparently is telling George that he needs to get the Palestinian people their state while giving Israel their security "...[A]nd by God I'm gonna do it."
Take a step back..
I'm not against the efforts to stabilize the Middle East region.. In fact, the security of the world may come to depend on what happens on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.. For this, I'm in agreement.. Yet, I still look at the last 30 years and I begin to wonder exactly how possible this is given how both sides are so incredibly weary of the other.. So part of me says: "yeah, peace is good, very good.. But not let's have a party just yet.."
Meaning: peace is fragile, takes eons to work through - and every starting point in the peace process is just as vulnerable as the other steps were before.. Still - it's a step.. How long it lasts is anyone's guess..
That's not my concern..
My concern is that we have a President who admits outright that he listens to God.. Almost as dangerous as whenever Frank Sinatra dials into my head and I start singing "New York, New York..."
Listening and otherwise talking to God..
Okay - now I'm worried..
The leader of the free world.. The man who has complete control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal - is saying he's having conversations with God..
Competency first comes to mind..
Because anyone who is basing a policy, a long-reaching judgment, a life-or-death decision based on conversations with a deity ... needs to be called into question.. Now I'm not trying to say that religion is bad.. I'm not suggesting that people couldn't use a little bit more morality in the world.. I'm not suggesting that having faith in a seemingly complicated story is a bad thing..
I am however, concerned when people have conversations (apparently interactive) with God.. I simply cannot understand or believe how we have the single most powerful man of the world - having conversations with someone who may or may not exist!! I took theology, philosophy, history and science in school.. I doubt very seriously even the POPE admits having interactive conversations with God..
People like the Pope - derive inspiration through message of God's word, the Bible to become the basis of their decision-making capability.. That's okay.. Deriving influence and inspiration is a healthy, moral progression in life.. That's natural.. That's understandable.. That's reasonable..
Having received word from God to invade Iraq and kill tens of thousands of people does not seem to be a word from God.. In fact, it seems like an "anti-God-like" message.. It seems pretty contradictive to the whole Bible-view way of life because I doubt it very serious if God would condemn the "sacrifice" of those that have been killed..
Especially since nothing mentions in the Bible that "America is number one" or "In America, we trust" or anything of that sort.. If we really looked back at our history - we see a lot of things we've screwed up on.. God doesn't like it when we're bombing others.. God doesn't approve of such things.. So how is it that God told George to invade Iraq??
See?? That doesn't make sense.. Why would God tell George to do something completely against the morals of God?? We keep hearing how the Iraqi people are most grateful for being liberated - yet - I don't recall God telling George that he needed to install a democracy government..
Assuming that God approves of democracy versus a monarchy versus a republic versus a socialistic, versus a oligarchy..... No where that I'm aware - does God put forth: "you will assemble and make this government..." No where does it state that we should seek representative government.. No where does the Bible refer having permission to release people from tyranny..
Therefore either:
a.) We have a delusional President -or-
b.) We have a manipulative President
Either way -
We have an administration that believes it know what's "right" for the rest of us.. Based on whether we have a delusional leader or a manipulative one - the point remains that we have an unfit leader.. Many people have come forward with the "impeachment" word - and I'm in agreement.. I've lost faith in this administration's outlook and perceptive ability..
Moreover, this Republican regime is adamant about remaining hypocritical about the need to be invasive in our personal lives - yet - preaching that the government needs to get out of our lives.... We need to be moral, according to what the government says.. According to the Bible?? According to the word of God??
Shouldn't we be concerned that the government who wants to put God into our lives is the same government who can't seem to practice what God preaches??
Friday, September 30, 2005
Where's the sanity??
Not only do we live in corrupt times, but I'm astounded at the way that Americans just gently brush off this administration as though "it's okay because we didn't vote in the other guy..."
We have an inept FEMA system that has been bastardized into the equally inept Department of Homeland Security, a President who thinks the war on pornography is more important than the war on gas prices or the rebuilding of the southern states....
We have corrupted officials on both sides of the aisle - and this is why the likes of DeLay and Rove haven't been flushed out -- because it's widely regarded that *every* (count them) every politician has their hands in some sort of crap that is a flag, an ethics violation or a criminal offense..
No bother, no worry -- I just didn't vote for the other guy...
Well -- Americans better see pretty darn soon just how screwed up we are.. I don't give a rats ass if it has anything to do with Katrina or Rita - it matters that we have an ineptness when it comes to administering this country.. I don't care if it's a Republican or a Democratic issue.. Our country is slowly being eroded away in ways we cannot even begin to fathom..
All the while we have a lot of companies that are profiting hand over fist - we're abandoning those that have nothing.. We're invading countries under false pretenses and nobody really seems to care.. They don't care because they are being deceived - each and every single day by this administration and those that purport to be reporting the news..
The media giants and radio pundits that are continually spewing their wide range of hate and animosity -- be forewarned: you're as much to blame as anyone.. New Orleans was supposed to be our wake-up call ... it turned out to be nothing more than a snooze alarm....
I'm glad in a way - because we're going to get what's coming to us.. The longer we want to turn a blind eye to it -- the harder we're going to fall because the ladder is already giving way.. A lot of people can see it -- but "what the heck," it makes for a good news story......
We have an inept FEMA system that has been bastardized into the equally inept Department of Homeland Security, a President who thinks the war on pornography is more important than the war on gas prices or the rebuilding of the southern states....
We have corrupted officials on both sides of the aisle - and this is why the likes of DeLay and Rove haven't been flushed out -- because it's widely regarded that *every* (count them) every politician has their hands in some sort of crap that is a flag, an ethics violation or a criminal offense..
No bother, no worry -- I just didn't vote for the other guy...
Well -- Americans better see pretty darn soon just how screwed up we are.. I don't give a rats ass if it has anything to do with Katrina or Rita - it matters that we have an ineptness when it comes to administering this country.. I don't care if it's a Republican or a Democratic issue.. Our country is slowly being eroded away in ways we cannot even begin to fathom..
All the while we have a lot of companies that are profiting hand over fist - we're abandoning those that have nothing.. We're invading countries under false pretenses and nobody really seems to care.. They don't care because they are being deceived - each and every single day by this administration and those that purport to be reporting the news..
The media giants and radio pundits that are continually spewing their wide range of hate and animosity -- be forewarned: you're as much to blame as anyone.. New Orleans was supposed to be our wake-up call ... it turned out to be nothing more than a snooze alarm....
I'm glad in a way - because we're going to get what's coming to us.. The longer we want to turn a blind eye to it -- the harder we're going to fall because the ladder is already giving way.. A lot of people can see it -- but "what the heck," it makes for a good news story......
Homeland Security,
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Stealing from Jay Leno
The Bush Administration has announced a war on pornography....
... what about launching a war on gas prices??
... what about launching a war on gas prices??
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It takes this administration 5 days to respond to a disaster, but takes only 1 day to nominate a chief justice...
I guess Bush has his priorities.... Himself and his party above the rest of us....
I guess Bush has his priorities.... Himself and his party above the rest of us....
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Gas ... not from a can of Hormel either...
I've read several blogs on the Hurricane Katrina story.. I'm amazed at the human spirit sometimes - and equally disappointed at the same time.. When an entire city is forced to evacuate, then conditions can only be conveyed as beyond desperate.. My thoughts go out to those affected by this tragedy..
(onward to a seething rant)
Yes, I've heard those that are blaming Bush for the disaster - which is true in part when he ordered a 20% reduction for the costs to bolster the levees in New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain, yet there's no evidence that the 20% extra "would have" improved the state of the levees to the point where no flooding would have happened.. I'm sure we'll hear more about this in the coming months - but I doubt anything further will develop..
I've read stories about those people that lost everything (and I *mean* everything) - when they had very little to begin with.. How are we supposed to condemn people for looting when they've lost their homes, their cars, their possessions, their lives?? I'd be pretty damn upset too - but I live a step or two better than those that barely manage on minimum wage down there.. Moreover - the COPS are stealing right along side the citizens.. So - let's take a moment and consider what we're talking about here.. We have a lower income strata that has been affected by a devastating natural phenomenon.. People who lost everything, who probably couldn't afford insurance, barely making do with the shirt on their backs - what would you do?? Is a TV from WalMart going to solve your problems?? No.. How about a computer or a DVD?? No.. Probably not..
But realistically: what are these people expected to do?? Maintain order?? In the face of this much adversity - how?? Global support?? Remember the tsunami victims?? When is the global band-aid coming to the French Quarter?? Nope.. Nothing yet.. I hope the outpouring will happen, but in all honesty - with how the world views us, the U.S. - I wouldn't be surprised if we get statements and very little else.. Part of this would be because we haven't asked for help - which I imagine we probably should since that we are losing money by the trunk-loads in Iraq right now...
I'm upset at the fact that we have an administration who is playing the gas card at every possible avenue they can.. This President hasn't "done everything he can" - which is why he can't utter those words.. Other administrations approached OPEC, making agreements, settling things down - averting the disaster we're in right now.. This administration simply isn't doing anything - except pushing their caribou-killing agenda by pushing the drilling in Anwar.. That makes sense - no .. No ... it doesn't..
I was preparing a post about the affects of gasoline prices - because our local paper really illustrated how incredibly stupid they are.. Basically - they outlined that families taking their trips would only see a slightly - $11 increase for a full tank in comparison to last year.. Now by itself, yeah - it's tolerable - maybe even doable.. But multiply that $11 *each time* that gas tank is filled.. Soon, we're talking $50 a month.. Then it's $600 a year.. Now - if most of us have a carved budget that we try to stay on track with - $600 is a lot.. How are you going to make $600 appear when you probably don't have $600 extra to just throw away?? Plus - I'm not even talking about the heating and electricity costs that continue to soar on pace with the rising costs of gasoline and oil.. I've had at least a 25-30% raise in my total utility bill that I have to find a way to pay..
Thanks to Bush - you won't be able to seek bankruptcy protection if your debt grows out of manageable control..
Moreover - it's the gas companies that pass along their costs (and losses) to each and every single one of us.. I find this to be particularly incredible because we have an industry that can just arbitrate what it's going to sell it's product for - while not touching a dime of the profits - not making any improvements or any sense of cost effectiveness that the majority of Americans have to look into.. It's not as though I can approach my boss and go: "I'm sorry, boss - but the cost of my employment has just grown to match the rising fuel costs I have to endure.." Yeah, watch the boss laugh their ass off - and kick YOUR ass out the door..
Funny how WE are supposed to be uber-responsible, WE are supposed to budget, WE are supposed to maintain order in the face of devastating consequences -and- yet the companies that will profit from Katrina's wake will be protecting their bottom line like a Mafia stronghold.. This administration is "for the people??" Nah.. Didn't buy into that 6 years ago when Bush was campaigning - I don't buy into that today.. At least I can say one thing though: I *am* consistent...
It's maddening, frustrating and unsettling to expose the inadequacies of the greedy, of the uncaring, of the severely out of touch.. This administration is riddled with these spiraling discrepancies - and they just don't get it.. And if they do - then they don't want to get it.. As Bush does his Air Force One fly-by today, I'm reminded of one thing: had this been a flood at a major oil producing country like Saudi Arabia - I bet we'd be there with Haliburton in one hand and the Saudi dictators in the other preaching: "we will help you restore....."
It's been 72 hours Mr. President - why haven't these words come from you??
(onward to a seething rant)
Yes, I've heard those that are blaming Bush for the disaster - which is true in part when he ordered a 20% reduction for the costs to bolster the levees in New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain, yet there's no evidence that the 20% extra "would have" improved the state of the levees to the point where no flooding would have happened.. I'm sure we'll hear more about this in the coming months - but I doubt anything further will develop..
I've read stories about those people that lost everything (and I *mean* everything) - when they had very little to begin with.. How are we supposed to condemn people for looting when they've lost their homes, their cars, their possessions, their lives?? I'd be pretty damn upset too - but I live a step or two better than those that barely manage on minimum wage down there.. Moreover - the COPS are stealing right along side the citizens.. So - let's take a moment and consider what we're talking about here.. We have a lower income strata that has been affected by a devastating natural phenomenon.. People who lost everything, who probably couldn't afford insurance, barely making do with the shirt on their backs - what would you do?? Is a TV from WalMart going to solve your problems?? No.. How about a computer or a DVD?? No.. Probably not..
But realistically: what are these people expected to do?? Maintain order?? In the face of this much adversity - how?? Global support?? Remember the tsunami victims?? When is the global band-aid coming to the French Quarter?? Nope.. Nothing yet.. I hope the outpouring will happen, but in all honesty - with how the world views us, the U.S. - I wouldn't be surprised if we get statements and very little else.. Part of this would be because we haven't asked for help - which I imagine we probably should since that we are losing money by the trunk-loads in Iraq right now...

I was preparing a post about the affects of gasoline prices - because our local paper really illustrated how incredibly stupid they are.. Basically - they outlined that families taking their trips would only see a slightly - $11 increase for a full tank in comparison to last year.. Now by itself, yeah - it's tolerable - maybe even doable.. But multiply that $11 *each time* that gas tank is filled.. Soon, we're talking $50 a month.. Then it's $600 a year.. Now - if most of us have a carved budget that we try to stay on track with - $600 is a lot.. How are you going to make $600 appear when you probably don't have $600 extra to just throw away?? Plus - I'm not even talking about the heating and electricity costs that continue to soar on pace with the rising costs of gasoline and oil.. I've had at least a 25-30% raise in my total utility bill that I have to find a way to pay..
Thanks to Bush - you won't be able to seek bankruptcy protection if your debt grows out of manageable control..
Moreover - it's the gas companies that pass along their costs (and losses) to each and every single one of us.. I find this to be particularly incredible because we have an industry that can just arbitrate what it's going to sell it's product for - while not touching a dime of the profits - not making any improvements or any sense of cost effectiveness that the majority of Americans have to look into.. It's not as though I can approach my boss and go: "I'm sorry, boss - but the cost of my employment has just grown to match the rising fuel costs I have to endure.." Yeah, watch the boss laugh their ass off - and kick YOUR ass out the door..
Funny how WE are supposed to be uber-responsible, WE are supposed to budget, WE are supposed to maintain order in the face of devastating consequences -and- yet the companies that will profit from Katrina's wake will be protecting their bottom line like a Mafia stronghold.. This administration is "for the people??" Nah.. Didn't buy into that 6 years ago when Bush was campaigning - I don't buy into that today.. At least I can say one thing though: I *am* consistent...
It's maddening, frustrating and unsettling to expose the inadequacies of the greedy, of the uncaring, of the severely out of touch.. This administration is riddled with these spiraling discrepancies - and they just don't get it.. And if they do - then they don't want to get it.. As Bush does his Air Force One fly-by today, I'm reminded of one thing: had this been a flood at a major oil producing country like Saudi Arabia - I bet we'd be there with Haliburton in one hand and the Saudi dictators in the other preaching: "we will help you restore....."
It's been 72 hours Mr. President - why haven't these words come from you??
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Further proof that this administration had no idea what they were getting into:
U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law
This article really tells us a lot of things:
-The US pressured the newly formed Iraqi government to pass a Constitution as quickly as possible ....
-The US wanted to enforce "equal rights" and democracy for the Iraqi people ....
-That the Iraqi people believe their religion is more important than a Constitution....
There's more to this story than is actually understood.. But it clearly outlines that the Bush administration is diving head first into a lame-duck term for their 2nd 4-year excursion.. And this pisses me off to no end..
What upsets me more is the fact that American lives are at stake here.. I'm not oblivious to the fact that the Iraqi people are experiencing hardships under a ruthless dictator.. The problem is - is the fact that there are A LOT of ruthless dictators through out the world -- AND -- their people are a lot worse off than the folks in Iraq were under Saddam..
Yes - the painting is starting to flake off the walls..
But then I heard this week that Americans generally do not care about the press slanted one way or the other.. They buy into the "Fox hype" and paint the rest of the media as being the "liberal bias.." That's why shows like Hannity, Rush, and others are still as popular as ever..
And that's sad really..
Because I don't subscribe to every singular thing that Air America and other liberal outlets crank out.. In fact, I do consider myself to be educated enough to be able to sort through the rhetoric and make an informed decision on a given issue given the fact that the talking heads and liberal bias are in the middle of a major informational war right now..
Unfortunately - our troops, our friends, our family, our spouses are caught in the cross-fire..
In other news -- Bush still connects 9/11 to Iraq..
This is another curve ball to try and sway public opinion that the war was just in Iraq.. That we were keeping terrorists at bay by attacking and destroying the infrastructure of Iraq.. Well ... the military just announced that they plan on being in Iraq for another 4 years.. So - when Bush mentions Iraq and 9/11 in the same thought -- Americans will automatically assume that Saddam had a hand in 9/11..
Even though if you examine Bush's statement, he says that by going into Iraq ... we are preventing another 9/11....... Which obviously isn't the same thing -- but the speech is designed to continually mention Iraq and 9/11 within the same thought pattern..
It's almost subliminal..
...and what's scary is that most American's buy into it -- every ..... single ..... time.....
But let's look at the things that have fallen on the wayside:
-gas prices
It's convenient to taint the news cycle -- but today's media is hunkered down into some sort of school-yard brawl right now, they've forgotten how to report -- which should be their first job.. They say they are -- except there is an inclusion of bias that satisfies the powers controlling the strings......
...and that's why America remains oblivious...
U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law
This article really tells us a lot of things:
-The US pressured the newly formed Iraqi government to pass a Constitution as quickly as possible ....
-The US wanted to enforce "equal rights" and democracy for the Iraqi people ....
-That the Iraqi people believe their religion is more important than a Constitution....
There's more to this story than is actually understood.. But it clearly outlines that the Bush administration is diving head first into a lame-duck term for their 2nd 4-year excursion.. And this pisses me off to no end..
What upsets me more is the fact that American lives are at stake here.. I'm not oblivious to the fact that the Iraqi people are experiencing hardships under a ruthless dictator.. The problem is - is the fact that there are A LOT of ruthless dictators through out the world -- AND -- their people are a lot worse off than the folks in Iraq were under Saddam..
Yes - the painting is starting to flake off the walls..
But then I heard this week that Americans generally do not care about the press slanted one way or the other.. They buy into the "Fox hype" and paint the rest of the media as being the "liberal bias.." That's why shows like Hannity, Rush, and others are still as popular as ever..
And that's sad really..
Because I don't subscribe to every singular thing that Air America and other liberal outlets crank out.. In fact, I do consider myself to be educated enough to be able to sort through the rhetoric and make an informed decision on a given issue given the fact that the talking heads and liberal bias are in the middle of a major informational war right now..
Unfortunately - our troops, our friends, our family, our spouses are caught in the cross-fire..
In other news -- Bush still connects 9/11 to Iraq..
This is another curve ball to try and sway public opinion that the war was just in Iraq.. That we were keeping terrorists at bay by attacking and destroying the infrastructure of Iraq.. Well ... the military just announced that they plan on being in Iraq for another 4 years.. So - when Bush mentions Iraq and 9/11 in the same thought -- Americans will automatically assume that Saddam had a hand in 9/11..
Even though if you examine Bush's statement, he says that by going into Iraq ... we are preventing another 9/11....... Which obviously isn't the same thing -- but the speech is designed to continually mention Iraq and 9/11 within the same thought pattern..
It's almost subliminal..
...and what's scary is that most American's buy into it -- every ..... single ..... time.....
But let's look at the things that have fallen on the wayside:
-gas prices
It's convenient to taint the news cycle -- but today's media is hunkered down into some sort of school-yard brawl right now, they've forgotten how to report -- which should be their first job.. They say they are -- except there is an inclusion of bias that satisfies the powers controlling the strings......
...and that's why America remains oblivious...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The Gaza Situation
I'm reading the news off of Yahoo tonight -- and I get caught up on the latest on the Gaza pullout.. On one hand yes, I realize that 8,500 Jewish settlers are being forced from their homes.. I understand how they feel, but the Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of Eminent Domain in this country whereas the government can remove property from private owners for the "greater good.."
So I'm not without compassion - I'm convinced that this is the way life is going to be from here on out.. Countries are facing reality: we're running out of Earth, it's time to build upwards.....
But I had really strong feelings when I see this image of a young Jewish girl donned in Nazi-era style clothing to demonstrate the Israeli Gaza pull out.. Now, I'm sensitive to some historical references and this one sent me really over the edge..
Now, I'm not even really saying anything about those who protest, complain and otherwise want to voice their opinion -- I'm totally in favor of that aspect.. But when certain lines are crossed, I start to lose support for your cause..
I know the girl understands the connection between her chosen outfit and the emotion that it invokes, but you can guarantee that she's not being ushered to a concentration camp, she's not going to witness her family being exterminated, she's not going to endure dysentery, malnutrition, rape, genetic manipulations, humiliation, degradation and genocide..
She lost her home.. She hasn't lost her identity, her culture, her religion, she probably even got to keep her belongings and other personal effects..
I'm sorry - the parallels are not the same..
And I'm hopeful this is isolated -- because it's short of being disrespectful of the decedents and survivors of the holocaust.. It diminishes the loss of life, the families, the history that permanently stained over the last 60-70 years..
They've had this little plot of land for the last 38 years.. Barely a generation.. Not even a lifetime.. The Jews that lost their homes, their families, and their lives in World War II -- lost a hell of a lot more than this girl..
So I'm not without compassion - I'm convinced that this is the way life is going to be from here on out.. Countries are facing reality: we're running out of Earth, it's time to build upwards.....
Now, I'm not even really saying anything about those who protest, complain and otherwise want to voice their opinion -- I'm totally in favor of that aspect.. But when certain lines are crossed, I start to lose support for your cause..
I know the girl understands the connection between her chosen outfit and the emotion that it invokes, but you can guarantee that she's not being ushered to a concentration camp, she's not going to witness her family being exterminated, she's not going to endure dysentery, malnutrition, rape, genetic manipulations, humiliation, degradation and genocide..
She lost her home.. She hasn't lost her identity, her culture, her religion, she probably even got to keep her belongings and other personal effects..
I'm sorry - the parallels are not the same..
And I'm hopeful this is isolated -- because it's short of being disrespectful of the decedents and survivors of the holocaust.. It diminishes the loss of life, the families, the history that permanently stained over the last 60-70 years..
They've had this little plot of land for the last 38 years.. Barely a generation.. Not even a lifetime.. The Jews that lost their homes, their families, and their lives in World War II -- lost a hell of a lot more than this girl..
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Bush's 50th vacation in 5 years...
I guess I'm "uniquely American" under Bush's definition..
Bush has just head off to take his 50th, that 5-0, vacation since he's been elected.. He's taking off a MONTH while Cheney is purported to be fishing up in Montana..
50 vacations in 5 years..
I have taken under 7 vacations in the last 5 years.. Bush takes 10 vacations a year.. I'm averaging less than 2..
What a role model.. I wanna be like BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush has just head off to take his 50th, that 5-0, vacation since he's been elected.. He's taking off a MONTH while Cheney is purported to be fishing up in Montana..
50 vacations in 5 years..
I have taken under 7 vacations in the last 5 years.. Bush takes 10 vacations a year.. I'm averaging less than 2..
What a role model.. I wanna be like BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2005
United and Social Security
Tonight on the way home, I was listening to the radio and they were discussing unions and what not. A female called in and recalled a particularly harrowing story. Both her and her husband worked for United Airlines. They were retired and they began to collect on their pensions. Recently, the airline bypassed the bankruptcy laws and struck a deal to basically gut their retiree employee pension plans.
While I’ll readily admit that I do not know all of the facts, hearing this caller sent shivers down my spine.
One of the many things the union did in order to make United Airlines profitable was to negotiate key settlements with the various machinists, flight attendants and other unions so as to secure their place in the future all the while running an employee friendly airline.
United declared bankruptcy several years ago and most recently they defaulted on the pension obligations to those that agreed on the modest salaries and other negotiated settlements. The end result basically gutted the United Airlines employee pension benefits leaving countless thousands without the promise of their agreement.
In another words, the Union held their end of the bargain, the company did not.
How is it then that this President wants to push his social security plan in the face of Americans who would stand to lose even MORE than they do currently? It seems to me that people would like some assurances that they will be taken care of – which obviously did not happen in United’s case – a case where employees sought out a privatization option for their retirement only to have it gutted.
Bush’s Social Security will not be adequate. It will not work. It has a greater possibility of ending up in the tank just like United’s employees.
Sometimes we just have to think before we act. Sometimes we just need to have the foresight to realize a bad idea from a good one. Sometimes we just need to slow down and let an answer come gradually.
While I’ll readily admit that I do not know all of the facts, hearing this caller sent shivers down my spine.
One of the many things the union did in order to make United Airlines profitable was to negotiate key settlements with the various machinists, flight attendants and other unions so as to secure their place in the future all the while running an employee friendly airline.
United declared bankruptcy several years ago and most recently they defaulted on the pension obligations to those that agreed on the modest salaries and other negotiated settlements. The end result basically gutted the United Airlines employee pension benefits leaving countless thousands without the promise of their agreement.
In another words, the Union held their end of the bargain, the company did not.
How is it then that this President wants to push his social security plan in the face of Americans who would stand to lose even MORE than they do currently? It seems to me that people would like some assurances that they will be taken care of – which obviously did not happen in United’s case – a case where employees sought out a privatization option for their retirement only to have it gutted.
Bush’s Social Security will not be adequate. It will not work. It has a greater possibility of ending up in the tank just like United’s employees.
Sometimes we just have to think before we act. Sometimes we just need to have the foresight to realize a bad idea from a good one. Sometimes we just need to slow down and let an answer come gradually.
Think Clinton's $500 haircut was bad??
Prime Minister Tony Blair apparently has spent over $3k in cosmetics and other visual enhancements during the last 6 years..
Which is an OBVIOUS sign that he and Bush were HIDING their TREU intentions on the War in Iraq.....
*snicker gigglesnort*
Which is an OBVIOUS sign that he and Bush were HIDING their TREU intentions on the War in Iraq.....
*snicker gigglesnort*
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Not surprised...
All I've been hearing about is how the Supreme Court is so incredibly liberal..
All of the fingers point squarely on Ruth Bader Ginsberg..
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard all of the talk shows saying that Bush needs to appoint someone just like how Clinton appointed Ruth.. That for some reason, there needs to be balance in the highest court of the land..
If this were true, then why did Orin Hatch, the Senate Republican and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee warned then President Clinton to avoid naming a nominee that would face a tough political battle?? Those names that Senator Hatch offered were none other than Ruth .... Bader .... Ginsberg..... (as well as Stephen Breyer...)
This afternoon on CNN Senator Hatch hailed the Democrats to effectively accept Bush's recommendation and set aside the political obstructions that we faced with the latest rounds of confirmations..
If this isn't a shining example of political double talk - then I don't know what it is..
I do know this though, it's not limited to one party or the other.. I know the democrats do this as well, I know the Conservative and Liberal talkshows all slant accordingly to satisfy their contingency..
I just don't like it..
I don't care for it..
I hate it..
Politics has been bastardized into one fallen hypocritical disaster after another.. Just as the Liberal talkshows are holding Bush's feet to the fire about Karl Rove, the Conservative talkshows were just as critical when Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office.
Yup - cuts both ways..
What was also realized today was one of the radio hosts I listened to said that we (liberals) have to win back the house and senate.. Ironically it's the same speech that conservatives were waiving when the likes of Newt Gingrich were in office.. Politics hasn't really evolved much.. It remains today, just as it did long ago..
That alone bothers me plenty..
Let alone how the rest of the world thinks we're total fuck-ups..
When we venture to our voting precincts to cast our one vote towards the betterment of society, there is an expectation that most people that *can* vote, don't vote.. And who can really blame them?? When there's the double-speak, the hypocrisy, the irresponsible, and flagrant disregard for the law, rules and ethics --- how can anyone realistically expect a better than majority turnout at our elections when crap like this goes on daily??
If politicians were to ever try to apply for a job somewhere - there is a thing called integrity that most employers look for.. And for some really bizarre reason - most everyone in politics lacks this attribute..
*ughs* - I should post more, but I'm tired..
All of the fingers point squarely on Ruth Bader Ginsberg..
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard all of the talk shows saying that Bush needs to appoint someone just like how Clinton appointed Ruth.. That for some reason, there needs to be balance in the highest court of the land..
If this were true, then why did Orin Hatch, the Senate Republican and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee warned then President Clinton to avoid naming a nominee that would face a tough political battle?? Those names that Senator Hatch offered were none other than Ruth .... Bader .... Ginsberg..... (as well as Stephen Breyer...)
This afternoon on CNN Senator Hatch hailed the Democrats to effectively accept Bush's recommendation and set aside the political obstructions that we faced with the latest rounds of confirmations..
If this isn't a shining example of political double talk - then I don't know what it is..
I do know this though, it's not limited to one party or the other.. I know the democrats do this as well, I know the Conservative and Liberal talkshows all slant accordingly to satisfy their contingency..
I just don't like it..
I don't care for it..
I hate it..
Politics has been bastardized into one fallen hypocritical disaster after another.. Just as the Liberal talkshows are holding Bush's feet to the fire about Karl Rove, the Conservative talkshows were just as critical when Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office.
Yup - cuts both ways..
What was also realized today was one of the radio hosts I listened to said that we (liberals) have to win back the house and senate.. Ironically it's the same speech that conservatives were waiving when the likes of Newt Gingrich were in office.. Politics hasn't really evolved much.. It remains today, just as it did long ago..
That alone bothers me plenty..
Let alone how the rest of the world thinks we're total fuck-ups..
When we venture to our voting precincts to cast our one vote towards the betterment of society, there is an expectation that most people that *can* vote, don't vote.. And who can really blame them?? When there's the double-speak, the hypocrisy, the irresponsible, and flagrant disregard for the law, rules and ethics --- how can anyone realistically expect a better than majority turnout at our elections when crap like this goes on daily??
If politicians were to ever try to apply for a job somewhere - there is a thing called integrity that most employers look for.. And for some really bizarre reason - most everyone in politics lacks this attribute..
*ughs* - I should post more, but I'm tired..
Monday, July 18, 2005
raising the bar ... again
Okay – as everyone is realizing … Bush is raising the bar…
I listened to AirAmerica throughout the day when they had Joseph Wilson on. Wow. All I can say is that the answers he offered made sense – unlike the answers offered by the talking heads of the right.
Now as everyone knows, Bush has revised his position stating that anyone who commits a CRIME will now be kicked out of the White House. It’s no longer at the “anyone who is involved” as it was earlier stated…
Even as all of the AirAmerica talkies were getting their panties in a wad – this is nothing new for this administration. It’s status quo. In fact, it’s come to be expected. Moreover, it goes along with the spirit of the Downing Street Memos – make the facts fit.
This administration has lost more credibility than people realize.
… or maybe it’s a matter of people just not caring.
I listened to AirAmerica throughout the day when they had Joseph Wilson on. Wow. All I can say is that the answers he offered made sense – unlike the answers offered by the talking heads of the right.
Now as everyone knows, Bush has revised his position stating that anyone who commits a CRIME will now be kicked out of the White House. It’s no longer at the “anyone who is involved” as it was earlier stated…
Even as all of the AirAmerica talkies were getting their panties in a wad – this is nothing new for this administration. It’s status quo. In fact, it’s come to be expected. Moreover, it goes along with the spirit of the Downing Street Memos – make the facts fit.
This administration has lost more credibility than people realize.
… or maybe it’s a matter of people just not caring.
One more rant - losing the faith
Another tell tale sign that we’ve failed the people of Iraq:
”Frustrated Iraqis Ready to take law into own hands”
As quoted in the article, the confidence of the police and security is almost non-existent. This comes on the heels of another 98 people who were killed in various bombings over the last few days.
What I hate the most is when this administration calls the Iraqi situation a success. It’s not Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair, Mr. Cheney. These attacks will continue so as long as our influence is anywhere in that region. Anyone who arbitrarily dismisses the loss of life and infrastructure as what is happening in Iraq right now – is running the Iraqi people through the ground.
Where is all of this international backing and support that we were supposed to be gaining after the G8 summit?? Where are the new levels of cooperation and backing for the stabilization of the country of Iraq?? Where is it all going??
We’re sending countless amounts of our friends, neighbors, relatives, wives, husbands and children overseas to fight in a conflict where the residing people have lost faith in our ability (as well as the newly formed Iraqi government) to protect them.
The Bush spin on this will say: “the Iraqi people are fighting back! This is a good thing!” The reality of it – is that the Iraqi people are sick of it, but when we made this “promise” to help the Iraqi people out – we’re failing miserably. Not when scores of people are dying each day on account that we’re not protecting them to the best of our ability – because we’re doing all that we can to protect OUR OWN TROOPS much less trying to protect someone else!!
To put this into perspective: 98 people died out of a country of roughly 26 million. We have ten times that amount living here in America. Imagine if you will, a terrorist attack in this country where almost 1000 Americans died – in one suicide bombing. Now imagine that transpiring on a fairly regular basis.
We’d lose faith in our government’s ability to protect our homeland too, wouldn’t you say??
”Frustrated Iraqis Ready to take law into own hands”
As quoted in the article, the confidence of the police and security is almost non-existent. This comes on the heels of another 98 people who were killed in various bombings over the last few days.
What I hate the most is when this administration calls the Iraqi situation a success. It’s not Mr. Bush, Mr. Blair, Mr. Cheney. These attacks will continue so as long as our influence is anywhere in that region. Anyone who arbitrarily dismisses the loss of life and infrastructure as what is happening in Iraq right now – is running the Iraqi people through the ground.
Where is all of this international backing and support that we were supposed to be gaining after the G8 summit?? Where are the new levels of cooperation and backing for the stabilization of the country of Iraq?? Where is it all going??
We’re sending countless amounts of our friends, neighbors, relatives, wives, husbands and children overseas to fight in a conflict where the residing people have lost faith in our ability (as well as the newly formed Iraqi government) to protect them.
The Bush spin on this will say: “the Iraqi people are fighting back! This is a good thing!” The reality of it – is that the Iraqi people are sick of it, but when we made this “promise” to help the Iraqi people out – we’re failing miserably. Not when scores of people are dying each day on account that we’re not protecting them to the best of our ability – because we’re doing all that we can to protect OUR OWN TROOPS much less trying to protect someone else!!
To put this into perspective: 98 people died out of a country of roughly 26 million. We have ten times that amount living here in America. Imagine if you will, a terrorist attack in this country where almost 1000 Americans died – in one suicide bombing. Now imagine that transpiring on a fairly regular basis.
We’d lose faith in our government’s ability to protect our homeland too, wouldn’t you say??
I think therefore ....
What’s amazing in the aftermath of London – is how people seem surprised that an attack like this happened.. Wrong.. Sorry.. How naive are these people?? I was a little more than appalled when I read the headline "Backing U.S. in Iraq put UK at risk, think tank says…"
You think??
I think the Spaniards realized this when their trains blew up.
I’m pretty sure the Aussies realized this when their contractors were kidnapped and killed.
I’m also thinking the Japanese figured this out when their people were also taken captive.
Holy Hell, people!!
Holy Shit, why didn't *I* think of that?!?!?!?!?
What’s utterly remarkable, even impossible to conceptualize is the fact that THINK TANKS like this one are the ones responsible for rebuilding Iraq since we’ve gone in there. No WONDER we’re in the crap we’re in right now when we have THINK TANKS like these overstating the fucking obvious…
No wonder we have lapses of intelligence: we're dealing with people who run our country worse than a Grease Monkey......
You think??
I think the Spaniards realized this when their trains blew up.
I’m pretty sure the Aussies realized this when their contractors were kidnapped and killed.
I’m also thinking the Japanese figured this out when their people were also taken captive.
Holy Hell, people!!
Holy Shit, why didn't *I* think of that?!?!?!?!?
What’s utterly remarkable, even impossible to conceptualize is the fact that THINK TANKS like this one are the ones responsible for rebuilding Iraq since we’ve gone in there. No WONDER we’re in the crap we’re in right now when we have THINK TANKS like these overstating the fucking obvious…
No wonder we have lapses of intelligence: we're dealing with people who run our country worse than a Grease Monkey......
Monday, July 11, 2005
Finding the right time....
Scott McClellan's press conference 07-11-05:
Q Do you stand by your statement from the fall of 2003 when you were asked specifically about Karl and Elliott Abrams and Scooter Libby, and you said, "I've gone to each of those gentlemen, and they have told me they are not involved in this" -- do you stand by that statement?
MR. McCLELLAN: And if you will recall, I said that as part of helping the investigators move forward on the investigation we're not going to get into commenting on it. That was something I stated back near that time, as well.
Q Scott, I mean, just -- I mean, this is ridiculous. The notion that you're going to stand before us after having commented with that level of detail and tell people watching this that somehow you decided not to talk. You've got a public record out there. Do you stand by your remarks from that podium, or not?
MR. McCLELLAN: And again, David, I'm well aware, like you, of what was previously said, and I will be glad to talk about it at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is when the investigation --
Q Why are you choosing when it's appropriate and when it's inappropriate?
MR. McCLELLAN: If you'll let me finish --
Q No, you're not finishing -- you're not saying anything. You stood at that podium and said that Karl Rove was not involved. And now we find out that he spoke out about Joseph Wilson's wife. So don't you owe the American public a fuller explanation? Was he involved, or was he not? Because, contrary to what you told the American people, he did, indeed, talk about his wife, didn't he?
MR. McCLELLAN: David, there will be a time to talk about this, but now is not the time to talk about it.
Q Do you stand by your statement from the fall of 2003 when you were asked specifically about Karl and Elliott Abrams and Scooter Libby, and you said, "I've gone to each of those gentlemen, and they have told me they are not involved in this" -- do you stand by that statement?

MR. McCLELLAN: And if you will recall, I said that as part of helping the investigators move forward on the investigation we're not going to get into commenting on it. That was something I stated back near that time, as well.
Q Scott, I mean, just -- I mean, this is ridiculous. The notion that you're going to stand before us after having commented with that level of detail and tell people watching this that somehow you decided not to talk. You've got a public record out there. Do you stand by your remarks from that podium, or not?
MR. McCLELLAN: And again, David, I'm well aware, like you, of what was previously said, and I will be glad to talk about it at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is when the investigation --
Q Why are you choosing when it's appropriate and when it's inappropriate?
MR. McCLELLAN: If you'll let me finish --
Q No, you're not finishing -- you're not saying anything. You stood at that podium and said that Karl Rove was not involved. And now we find out that he spoke out about Joseph Wilson's wife. So don't you owe the American public a fuller explanation? Was he involved, or was he not? Because, contrary to what you told the American people, he did, indeed, talk about his wife, didn't he?
MR. McCLELLAN: David, there will be a time to talk about this, but now is not the time to talk about it.
Red Rove-r.... red Rove-r......
Well, well, well....
After many months of speculation (by myself and anyone who can read a paper) Karl Rove has been implicated as being "one" of the secret sources that ultimately led to the revealing of the identity of an undercover CIA operative..
But the story even gets more twisted..
Plame's role, not her name - was revealed 3-days after Rove apparently met with Matthew Cooper - writer for Time Magazine.. So Rove's defense is simply: "I never revealed the name, just the role..."
Or did he??
From the Washington Post: "In the conversation, Rove gave Cooper a "big warning" that Wilson's assertions might not be entirely accurate and that it was not the director of the CIA or the vice president who sent Wilson on his trip. Rove apparently told Cooper that it was "Wilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip," according to a story in Newsweek's July 18 issue."
Ohhhhhh, we're playing the "let's get specific game...." So Cooper already named Wilson, Rove merely said "Wilson's WIFE" as though "I didn't do anything wrong..."
Remember not so long ago, right here in this galaxy when all of the talking heads and republicans were outraged when Clinton tried to wiggle about his definition of the word "sex??" Technically speaking?? Did Clinton have sex with Monica?? Hell yeah.. Was Bill looking for some wiggle room?? Of course - he's admitting he had an extra-marital affair!!
Oh - but we're supposed to sit blindly while RoveR decides he didn't do anything wrong by referring to Wilson's WIFE and pretend that he didn't offer up Plame's name...... *wiggle wiggle*
What RoveR decided to do was to cut the story before it was revealed.. Stealing the thunder, the growing mass of ick, before it became something much larger.. It's a way to lessen the impact of the story.. And by airing it out on the coattails of the bombing in London, Hurricane Dennis' soiree through Alabama and Florida - means that the story will get lost, buried under several news cycles.. As of this morning - only 97 google news hits on the story..
What will happen with it?? Probably nothing.. Remember the Downing Street memos?? Remember how the mainstream press basically ignored them on the basis that it's "old news, been there - done that, this was nothing new.." I predict the same thing will happen here.. (but I do hope I'm wrong..)
Why did it happen?? Considering how Plame's husband blamed the administration for outing his wife on account of his report that no evidence was found to an allegation that Iraq had bought stores of Uranium from Niger.. Joseph Wilson contends that the administration retaliated against him and his wife for the unfavorable report..
Of course - administration officials denied this..
They further denied any such leak.....
... until yesterday..
Even if Rove didn't say the name "Valerie Plame" in the 3-minute conversation with Cooper, he nevertheless actually *did* reveal her identity - even if in passing.. Did Cooper already have the name and was seeking further angles from the White House?? That's possible.. But if Cooper was trying to connect the dots - meaning that he had a pared list of which he needed confirmation before he ran the story - Rove graciously handed it to him..
Regardless, it's not exactly leaving me warm and fuzzy that Bush's chief advisor wantonly confirmed the operative's role.. That's almost as bad as someone leaking information about troop whereabouts at a time of war..
Remember how the press wasn't able to say their actual location because it could mean that it would endanger the troops of the company?? How is Rove's conduct any better than that?? The press during the war didn't name a name of a soldier, and they were restricted in terms of what they could report and what they couldn't..
Rove seems to have slipped up a bit..
Regardless - I'm convinced that the Teflon suit will prevail - only because we have a conservative-controlled government who will idly sit on their hands and do nothing..
hypocrisy galore..
If this were a democrat or some other liberal - I doubt the administration would be so silent....
After many months of speculation (by myself and anyone who can read a paper) Karl Rove has been implicated as being "one" of the secret sources that ultimately led to the revealing of the identity of an undercover CIA operative..
But the story even gets more twisted..
Plame's role, not her name - was revealed 3-days after Rove apparently met with Matthew Cooper - writer for Time Magazine.. So Rove's defense is simply: "I never revealed the name, just the role..."
Or did he??
From the Washington Post: "In the conversation, Rove gave Cooper a "big warning" that Wilson's assertions might not be entirely accurate and that it was not the director of the CIA or the vice president who sent Wilson on his trip. Rove apparently told Cooper that it was "Wilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip," according to a story in Newsweek's July 18 issue."
Ohhhhhh, we're playing the "let's get specific game...." So Cooper already named Wilson, Rove merely said "Wilson's WIFE" as though "I didn't do anything wrong..."
Remember not so long ago, right here in this galaxy when all of the talking heads and republicans were outraged when Clinton tried to wiggle about his definition of the word "sex??" Technically speaking?? Did Clinton have sex with Monica?? Hell yeah.. Was Bill looking for some wiggle room?? Of course - he's admitting he had an extra-marital affair!!
Oh - but we're supposed to sit blindly while RoveR decides he didn't do anything wrong by referring to Wilson's WIFE and pretend that he didn't offer up Plame's name...... *wiggle wiggle*
What RoveR decided to do was to cut the story before it was revealed.. Stealing the thunder, the growing mass of ick, before it became something much larger.. It's a way to lessen the impact of the story.. And by airing it out on the coattails of the bombing in London, Hurricane Dennis' soiree through Alabama and Florida - means that the story will get lost, buried under several news cycles.. As of this morning - only 97 google news hits on the story..
What will happen with it?? Probably nothing.. Remember the Downing Street memos?? Remember how the mainstream press basically ignored them on the basis that it's "old news, been there - done that, this was nothing new.." I predict the same thing will happen here.. (but I do hope I'm wrong..)
Why did it happen?? Considering how Plame's husband blamed the administration for outing his wife on account of his report that no evidence was found to an allegation that Iraq had bought stores of Uranium from Niger.. Joseph Wilson contends that the administration retaliated against him and his wife for the unfavorable report..
Of course - administration officials denied this..
They further denied any such leak.....
... until yesterday..
Even if Rove didn't say the name "Valerie Plame" in the 3-minute conversation with Cooper, he nevertheless actually *did* reveal her identity - even if in passing.. Did Cooper already have the name and was seeking further angles from the White House?? That's possible.. But if Cooper was trying to connect the dots - meaning that he had a pared list of which he needed confirmation before he ran the story - Rove graciously handed it to him..
Regardless, it's not exactly leaving me warm and fuzzy that Bush's chief advisor wantonly confirmed the operative's role.. That's almost as bad as someone leaking information about troop whereabouts at a time of war..
Remember how the press wasn't able to say their actual location because it could mean that it would endanger the troops of the company?? How is Rove's conduct any better than that?? The press during the war didn't name a name of a soldier, and they were restricted in terms of what they could report and what they couldn't..
Rove seems to have slipped up a bit..
Regardless - I'm convinced that the Teflon suit will prevail - only because we have a conservative-controlled government who will idly sit on their hands and do nothing..
hypocrisy galore..
If this were a democrat or some other liberal - I doubt the administration would be so silent....
Thursday, July 07, 2005
in the news...
I meant to comment on the Sandra Day O'Connor retirement announcement, but the news is riddled with the London bombings..
Early indications was that the British had prior knowledge or "intelligence" (assuming they know what the word means) of the bombings before it happened.. If the Brits care to say that they had no idea it was coming -- then they should have listened to the Israeli Finance Minister's intel....
From the pile of "I saw it coming"...
Iraq signs military pact with Iran...
No one has said one word about the fact that the people of Iraq elected someone who had close affiliations with the Iranian government.. Iraq doesn't have the means to draft a Constitution without weeks and months of haggling, but they can sign a military pact with Iran that fell completely under the radar screen .... or so it would seem..
Early indications was that the British had prior knowledge or "intelligence" (assuming they know what the word means) of the bombings before it happened.. If the Brits care to say that they had no idea it was coming -- then they should have listened to the Israeli Finance Minister's intel....
From the pile of "I saw it coming"...
Iraq signs military pact with Iran...
No one has said one word about the fact that the people of Iraq elected someone who had close affiliations with the Iranian government.. Iraq doesn't have the means to draft a Constitution without weeks and months of haggling, but they can sign a military pact with Iran that fell completely under the radar screen .... or so it would seem..
Thursday, June 30, 2005
There's irony when Bush and Blair are saying that the Downing Street memos are a distortion...
"don't let apples fall too far from the tree..."
"don't let apples fall too far from the tree..."
Friday, June 24, 2005
The P.C. Debacle...
Oh – now it’s time for being politically correct…
It appears when Dick Durbin makes a reference to Gitmo as some sort of gulag – it’s horrifying. Yet when Rove complains that Democrats want terrorists to get therapy – that’s somehow okay..
Several years ago (back in the ol’ college days) – I recall having a discussion over the ramifications of having a politically correct society.. In that discussion – it was revealed that no matter what was said or done, it was a certainty that it would royally piss off *someone* regardless of how mundane or unequivocal the comment was crafted..
I was reading a local story this morning – about some sort of negative reference to James Dobson and Focus on the Family.. The chief complaint was that some group drew parallels of Dobson and his group to an Americanized version of the Taliban.. The group issued an apology, there were repercussions and the damage was done..
What on earth has changed our ability to have independent thoughts, disagreements and criticisms?? Contrary to what a lot of people think, this is *not* a republican or democrat issue.. It’s not a Christian versus Islamic versus Muslim.. It’s the basis of having the freedom to compare Bush to whomever anyone wants to.. It’s the basis of calling Clinton any given name in the book.. It’s the basis to say when you’re pissed off or when you agree with someone..
Inflammatory?? Absolutely.. It can be.. So when the Republicans call for Durbin to apologize, and the Democrats call for Rove to resign – it’s leading us back to a sandbox squabble between infants.. But it doesn’t stop with politicians, everyone is doing it.. (I’ll throw myself into that mix as well..)
This vicious cycle of tit for tat is excruciating.. The mud-slinging capabilities by both sides are obvious, apparent and increasing on an continual basis..
Let’s face it: we have a lot of fucking upset people in the world..
But what if the complaints actually founded on a basis of truth?? Despite the rhetoric or other substantive comments made to draw conclusions or illustrations from the incorrigibles throughout history, what if there is a basis of fact in the parallel or the comparison?? Are we so polarized that we cannot see the truth for what it is??
Whenever something major happens, or when someone says something – don’t we almost always seek out to hear what others are saying about it?? I’ve listened to Rush.. I’ve listened to Air America.. O’Reily, Hannity, Savage, Franken, Garafallo.. Any given topic – they churn out a series of talking points.. Those little niblets which causes us to jump on the bandwagon or shake our pointed finger..
But what everyone does – and I don’t care if this is a personality, a movie star, a columnist or a politician – is that they take the nibblet that is important for their argument and they run with it.. The substantive nature of the issue becomes fragmented and further distorted..
So when Hannity says that liberals are scum, is he right?? No.. When Garafalo banters of whether conservatives are pigs, is she right?? No.. They are fanning the flames to get people riled up for the causes that matter to them, their constituents, their sponsors, their crowd.. How about when Durbin refers to Gitmo as a nazi camp??
Does it offend me personally?? No.. I studied history – I draw upon unpopular conclusions all the time.. And you know what – I don’t care.. True historians leave bias from their findings.. True historians allow readers to draw their own conclusions based on the findings of the evidence.. True historians consult multiple sources that can accurately paint a true and responsible picture of a given topic..
Does Gitmo really resemble a gulag?? I don’t know.. I certainly do not believe the people who have been reporting it so far.. I certainly do not trust the administration because they are constantly reversing, traversing, readjusting, realigning, ultimately distorting the facts of any given subject.. I don’t trust the Dems for that matter either.. I certainly do not trust the press because they have a marketability bias.. ”That which sells, is printed or aired..”
There’s no real understanding of an event unless you have the capability of seeing it first hand.. Unless there are multiple sources that can paint a wide-breadth of the incident in question – then there’s no way to juxtapose an appropriate perception of the event.. Finding trusting, reliable sources in this day and age is next to impossible..
We shouldn’t be afraid to draw unpopular, politically incorrect parallels to anyone or anything – regardless of how popular, how important or how right or wrong consensus believes.. I don’t care.. Yet despite the parallels me, or anyone might draw, will be scrutinized and cast in an unpopular light.. Sometimes the truth sucks.. Slavery sucked.. The Nazis sucked.. Bin Laden sucks..
But there are some mildly important lessons buried in these areas.. One cannot fathom just how long slavery and rights for all Americans have gone this long, this unabated throughout our history.. One can’t imagine how incredibly talented of a speaker Hitler was.. One can’t imagine what it took to mastermind the 9/11 hijackings, the dedication and the process it took to make it happen..
History sucks..
But we can learn..
And this is what the American people has to realize at some point..
We can learn that the oppression of people is wrong.. We can learn to watch for those people who can stir hatred into a carefully woven righteous blanket that appeals to a segment of people.. We can learn that people can be motivated to die for a cause they believe in – when we have it within our capability to thwart such behavior if we just listen..
But we live in a society where these lessons are buried under a blanket of security and politically correctness.. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be sensitive, but we can’t forgo these important lessons if we can’t say what they are, how they are and what they mean.. The truth has to be correct; regardless of who it offends..
It appears when Dick Durbin makes a reference to Gitmo as some sort of gulag – it’s horrifying. Yet when Rove complains that Democrats want terrorists to get therapy – that’s somehow okay..
Several years ago (back in the ol’ college days) – I recall having a discussion over the ramifications of having a politically correct society.. In that discussion – it was revealed that no matter what was said or done, it was a certainty that it would royally piss off *someone* regardless of how mundane or unequivocal the comment was crafted..
I was reading a local story this morning – about some sort of negative reference to James Dobson and Focus on the Family.. The chief complaint was that some group drew parallels of Dobson and his group to an Americanized version of the Taliban.. The group issued an apology, there were repercussions and the damage was done..
What on earth has changed our ability to have independent thoughts, disagreements and criticisms?? Contrary to what a lot of people think, this is *not* a republican or democrat issue.. It’s not a Christian versus Islamic versus Muslim.. It’s the basis of having the freedom to compare Bush to whomever anyone wants to.. It’s the basis of calling Clinton any given name in the book.. It’s the basis to say when you’re pissed off or when you agree with someone..
Inflammatory?? Absolutely.. It can be.. So when the Republicans call for Durbin to apologize, and the Democrats call for Rove to resign – it’s leading us back to a sandbox squabble between infants.. But it doesn’t stop with politicians, everyone is doing it.. (I’ll throw myself into that mix as well..)
This vicious cycle of tit for tat is excruciating.. The mud-slinging capabilities by both sides are obvious, apparent and increasing on an continual basis..
Let’s face it: we have a lot of fucking upset people in the world..
But what if the complaints actually founded on a basis of truth?? Despite the rhetoric or other substantive comments made to draw conclusions or illustrations from the incorrigibles throughout history, what if there is a basis of fact in the parallel or the comparison?? Are we so polarized that we cannot see the truth for what it is??
Whenever something major happens, or when someone says something – don’t we almost always seek out to hear what others are saying about it?? I’ve listened to Rush.. I’ve listened to Air America.. O’Reily, Hannity, Savage, Franken, Garafallo.. Any given topic – they churn out a series of talking points.. Those little niblets which causes us to jump on the bandwagon or shake our pointed finger..
But what everyone does – and I don’t care if this is a personality, a movie star, a columnist or a politician – is that they take the nibblet that is important for their argument and they run with it.. The substantive nature of the issue becomes fragmented and further distorted..
So when Hannity says that liberals are scum, is he right?? No.. When Garafalo banters of whether conservatives are pigs, is she right?? No.. They are fanning the flames to get people riled up for the causes that matter to them, their constituents, their sponsors, their crowd.. How about when Durbin refers to Gitmo as a nazi camp??
Does it offend me personally?? No.. I studied history – I draw upon unpopular conclusions all the time.. And you know what – I don’t care.. True historians leave bias from their findings.. True historians allow readers to draw their own conclusions based on the findings of the evidence.. True historians consult multiple sources that can accurately paint a true and responsible picture of a given topic..
Does Gitmo really resemble a gulag?? I don’t know.. I certainly do not believe the people who have been reporting it so far.. I certainly do not trust the administration because they are constantly reversing, traversing, readjusting, realigning, ultimately distorting the facts of any given subject.. I don’t trust the Dems for that matter either.. I certainly do not trust the press because they have a marketability bias.. ”That which sells, is printed or aired..”
There’s no real understanding of an event unless you have the capability of seeing it first hand.. Unless there are multiple sources that can paint a wide-breadth of the incident in question – then there’s no way to juxtapose an appropriate perception of the event.. Finding trusting, reliable sources in this day and age is next to impossible..
We shouldn’t be afraid to draw unpopular, politically incorrect parallels to anyone or anything – regardless of how popular, how important or how right or wrong consensus believes.. I don’t care.. Yet despite the parallels me, or anyone might draw, will be scrutinized and cast in an unpopular light.. Sometimes the truth sucks.. Slavery sucked.. The Nazis sucked.. Bin Laden sucks..
But there are some mildly important lessons buried in these areas.. One cannot fathom just how long slavery and rights for all Americans have gone this long, this unabated throughout our history.. One can’t imagine how incredibly talented of a speaker Hitler was.. One can’t imagine what it took to mastermind the 9/11 hijackings, the dedication and the process it took to make it happen..
History sucks..
But we can learn..
And this is what the American people has to realize at some point..
We can learn that the oppression of people is wrong.. We can learn to watch for those people who can stir hatred into a carefully woven righteous blanket that appeals to a segment of people.. We can learn that people can be motivated to die for a cause they believe in – when we have it within our capability to thwart such behavior if we just listen..
But we live in a society where these lessons are buried under a blanket of security and politically correctness.. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be sensitive, but we can’t forgo these important lessons if we can’t say what they are, how they are and what they mean.. The truth has to be correct; regardless of who it offends..
Monday, June 20, 2005
"and we want to be respected in the world..."
Let's consider this:
1.) Bush is threatening to use the July 4th recess to appoint John Bolton to the UN..
2.) Bush is pushing Bolton to make the UN more accountable..
3.) Yet, Bush is refusing to release information about Bolton's past -- to determine exactly *how* accountable Mr. Bolton is..
4.) Yet, this administration is refusing to be accountable on:
-The War
-The Economy
-Social Security
-Homeland Security
-Forcing the morals of the church
-Encouraging the government involvement into the private affairs of Americans
But even Bolton is appointed - it's the beginning of something really bad.. Like has been stated over and over already: Bolton is a bully.. Even though he does fit the mold of this administration like a fine Italian-leather glove, his actions are going to further splinter our reputation and assistance in the world.. But this administration has a very interesting belief:
"When you don't get your way, just move things out of the way and make them happen.."
It's irresponsible..
It's wrong..
It's Bush..
There's a reason why there are multiple points of view.. There's a reason why there's debate.. There's a reason why there are compromises.. There's a reason why we don't have a singular party that rules the nation.. There's a reason why we need to have two voices..
What this administration simply cannot grasp is the fact that they have alienated our country in a time of war.. Allies are continually dropping like flies.. Britain is waking up.. If Bush is truly interested in winning the war on terrorism - manhandling the United Nations is *not* the answer..
The war will expand..
It's indicative of the blinders that this administration continues to run.. I really hope and pray that other conservatives see the issues for what they are and will split away and vote for what's right.. Unfortunately I don't feel we're going to get many conservatives that will vote for the country and not for the party..
Hang on -- the ice berg is just ahead.. Get a good spot on the life raft, it's going to get a little choppy....
1.) Bush is threatening to use the July 4th recess to appoint John Bolton to the UN..
2.) Bush is pushing Bolton to make the UN more accountable..
3.) Yet, Bush is refusing to release information about Bolton's past -- to determine exactly *how* accountable Mr. Bolton is..
4.) Yet, this administration is refusing to be accountable on:
-The War
-The Economy
-Social Security
-Homeland Security
-Forcing the morals of the church
-Encouraging the government involvement into the private affairs of Americans
But even Bolton is appointed - it's the beginning of something really bad.. Like has been stated over and over already: Bolton is a bully.. Even though he does fit the mold of this administration like a fine Italian-leather glove, his actions are going to further splinter our reputation and assistance in the world.. But this administration has a very interesting belief:
"When you don't get your way, just move things out of the way and make them happen.."
It's irresponsible..
It's wrong..
It's Bush..
There's a reason why there are multiple points of view.. There's a reason why there's debate.. There's a reason why there are compromises.. There's a reason why we don't have a singular party that rules the nation.. There's a reason why we need to have two voices..
What this administration simply cannot grasp is the fact that they have alienated our country in a time of war.. Allies are continually dropping like flies.. Britain is waking up.. If Bush is truly interested in winning the war on terrorism - manhandling the United Nations is *not* the answer..
The war will expand..
It's indicative of the blinders that this administration continues to run.. I really hope and pray that other conservatives see the issues for what they are and will split away and vote for what's right.. Unfortunately I don't feel we're going to get many conservatives that will vote for the country and not for the party..
Hang on -- the ice berg is just ahead.. Get a good spot on the life raft, it's going to get a little choppy....
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