Saturday, August 20, 2005


Further proof that this administration had no idea what they were getting into:

U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law

This article really tells us a lot of things:

-The US pressured the newly formed Iraqi government to pass a Constitution as quickly as possible ....
-The US wanted to enforce "equal rights" and democracy for the Iraqi people ....
-That the Iraqi people believe their religion is more important than a Constitution....

There's more to this story than is actually understood.. But it clearly outlines that the Bush administration is diving head first into a lame-duck term for their 2nd 4-year excursion.. And this pisses me off to no end..

What upsets me more is the fact that American lives are at stake here.. I'm not oblivious to the fact that the Iraqi people are experiencing hardships under a ruthless dictator.. The problem is - is the fact that there are A LOT of ruthless dictators through out the world -- AND -- their people are a lot worse off than the folks in Iraq were under Saddam..

Yes - the painting is starting to flake off the walls..

But then I heard this week that Americans generally do not care about the press slanted one way or the other.. They buy into the "Fox hype" and paint the rest of the media as being the "liberal bias.." That's why shows like Hannity, Rush, and others are still as popular as ever..

And that's sad really..

Because I don't subscribe to every singular thing that Air America and other liberal outlets crank out.. In fact, I do consider myself to be educated enough to be able to sort through the rhetoric and make an informed decision on a given issue given the fact that the talking heads and liberal bias are in the middle of a major informational war right now..

Unfortunately - our troops, our friends, our family, our spouses are caught in the cross-fire..


In other news -- Bush still connects 9/11 to Iraq..

This is another curve ball to try and sway public opinion that the war was just in Iraq.. That we were keeping terrorists at bay by attacking and destroying the infrastructure of Iraq.. Well ... the military just announced that they plan on being in Iraq for another 4 years.. So - when Bush mentions Iraq and 9/11 in the same thought -- Americans will automatically assume that Saddam had a hand in 9/11..

Even though if you examine Bush's statement, he says that by going into Iraq ... we are preventing another 9/11....... Which obviously isn't the same thing -- but the speech is designed to continually mention Iraq and 9/11 within the same thought pattern..

It's almost subliminal..

...and what's scary is that most American's buy into it -- every ..... single ..... time.....

But let's look at the things that have fallen on the wayside:

-gas prices

It's convenient to taint the news cycle -- but today's media is hunkered down into some sort of school-yard brawl right now, they've forgotten how to report -- which should be their first job.. They say they are -- except there is an inclusion of bias that satisfies the powers controlling the strings......

...and that's why America remains oblivious...

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