(onward to a seething rant)
Yes, I've heard those that are blaming Bush for the disaster - which is true in part when he ordered a 20% reduction for the costs to bolster the levees in New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain, yet there's no evidence that the 20% extra "would have" improved the state of the levees to the point where no flooding would have happened.. I'm sure we'll hear more about this in the coming months - but I doubt anything further will develop..
I've read stories about those people that lost everything (and I *mean* everything) - when they had very little to begin with.. How are we supposed to condemn people for looting when they've lost their homes, their cars, their possessions, their lives?? I'd be pretty damn upset too - but I live a step or two better than those that barely manage on minimum wage down there.. Moreover - the COPS are stealing right along side the citizens.. So - let's take a moment and consider what we're talking about here.. We have a lower income strata that has been affected by a devastating natural phenomenon.. People who lost everything, who probably couldn't afford insurance, barely making do with the shirt on their backs - what would you do?? Is a TV from WalMart going to solve your problems?? No.. How about a computer or a DVD?? No.. Probably not..
But realistically: what are these people expected to do?? Maintain order?? In the face of this much adversity - how?? Global support?? Remember the tsunami victims?? When is the global band-aid coming to the French Quarter?? Nope.. Nothing yet.. I hope the outpouring will happen, but in all honesty - with how the world views us, the U.S. - I wouldn't be surprised if we get statements and very little else.. Part of this would be because we haven't asked for help - which I imagine we probably should since that we are losing money by the trunk-loads in Iraq right now...

I was preparing a post about the affects of gasoline prices - because our local paper really illustrated how incredibly stupid they are.. Basically - they outlined that families taking their trips would only see a slightly - $11 increase for a full tank in comparison to last year.. Now by itself, yeah - it's tolerable - maybe even doable.. But multiply that $11 *each time* that gas tank is filled.. Soon, we're talking $50 a month.. Then it's $600 a year.. Now - if most of us have a carved budget that we try to stay on track with - $600 is a lot.. How are you going to make $600 appear when you probably don't have $600 extra to just throw away?? Plus - I'm not even talking about the heating and electricity costs that continue to soar on pace with the rising costs of gasoline and oil.. I've had at least a 25-30% raise in my total utility bill that I have to find a way to pay..
Thanks to Bush - you won't be able to seek bankruptcy protection if your debt grows out of manageable control..
Moreover - it's the gas companies that pass along their costs (and losses) to each and every single one of us.. I find this to be particularly incredible because we have an industry that can just arbitrate what it's going to sell it's product for - while not touching a dime of the profits - not making any improvements or any sense of cost effectiveness that the majority of Americans have to look into.. It's not as though I can approach my boss and go: "I'm sorry, boss - but the cost of my employment has just grown to match the rising fuel costs I have to endure.." Yeah, watch the boss laugh their ass off - and kick YOUR ass out the door..
Funny how WE are supposed to be uber-responsible, WE are supposed to budget, WE are supposed to maintain order in the face of devastating consequences -and- yet the companies that will profit from Katrina's wake will be protecting their bottom line like a Mafia stronghold.. This administration is "for the people??" Nah.. Didn't buy into that 6 years ago when Bush was campaigning - I don't buy into that today.. At least I can say one thing though: I *am* consistent...
It's maddening, frustrating and unsettling to expose the inadequacies of the greedy, of the uncaring, of the severely out of touch.. This administration is riddled with these spiraling discrepancies - and they just don't get it.. And if they do - then they don't want to get it.. As Bush does his Air Force One fly-by today, I'm reminded of one thing: had this been a flood at a major oil producing country like Saudi Arabia - I bet we'd be there with Haliburton in one hand and the Saudi dictators in the other preaching: "we will help you restore....."
It's been 72 hours Mr. President - why haven't these words come from you??
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