Sunday, April 18, 2004


Darby and I were watching a George Carlin special - an older one that he did from New Jersey..

What was ironic about that??

Many of the references could be applied today:

1.) 225 members of Reagan's cabinet were either fired, arrested or convicted....
The irony is that the whole Haliburton issue is only growing bigger each day

2.) They promised to get the government out of our lives, only to be even more intrusive than they were before.. Carlin quoted one example of how the government wants you to have sex the same way they do...
Irony - gay/lesbian marriages - other alternative lifestyle events being halted by church groups

3.) The biggest one that I have often questioned: conservatives are pro-life, but believe in the death penalty....

4.) Carlin felt the Regan Administration was putting us on the brink of a war.....
Wow - the irony...

And those are just the ones I caught last night..

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