Wednesday, April 28, 2004

It's a Slow Conservative Radio Day when.....

The main story for Talk Radio centers around the fact that John Kerry had his hair stylist flown in - to perform a "touch up" before a "Meet The Press" appearance..

I guess when they have nothing to report - they'll find something to complain about..

Granted - I do think Kerry is not helping his cause.. The whole "say one thing, do another" is a very bad thing.. He complains about SUV's yet skirts carefully around the fact not him - but his family owns SUV's........ Okay - if he can't convince his family not to use SUV's because of what they "do to the environment" or how it "impacts gas consumption" -- then I can't say I want the guy to be President.. He comes across as someone who is being led by a collar and leash (by his wife..)

I'm not getting the whole medal thing either.. He did his time in the war -- something Bush can't seem to come back with.. But he threw his medals (somewhere) in protest of the war in Vietnam.. Okay - that's his right.. After all, we still have the freedom to protest.. He did earn the medals.. Oftentimes, medals are given to other people - for whatever personal reason.. It's his choice what happens to the medals, but it clearly smells stinky out there if I was a veteran.. Someone who could say "that was wrong" -- and have the deserved right to do so.. Forget the Talk Show pundits.. They have about as much right issuing charges against Kerry and the medals as they do complaining about the physical composition of the inorganic strata found in the late Cambrian era... Yeah, whatever..

What is even more interesting is the latest move by the Supremes to grant the White House secrecy regarding VP Cheney's "internal workings" of the energy policy task force he headed in 2001.. hmm.. I don't like it when things are conducted under an air of secrecy.. It implies a lot of bad things.. Lying, cheating, otherwise inflaming the masses against Cheney or Bush....

.... oh wait - that's what Talk Radio is predicated as....

Sorry for My mistake.... :P

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