Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Not surprised...

All I've been hearing about is how the Supreme Court is so incredibly liberal..

All of the fingers point squarely on Ruth Bader Ginsberg..

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard all of the talk shows saying that Bush needs to appoint someone just like how Clinton appointed Ruth.. That for some reason, there needs to be balance in the highest court of the land..


If this were true, then why did Orin Hatch, the Senate Republican and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee warned then President Clinton to avoid naming a nominee that would face a tough political battle?? Those names that Senator Hatch offered were none other than Ruth .... Bader .... Ginsberg..... (as well as Stephen Breyer...)

This afternoon on CNN Senator Hatch hailed the Democrats to effectively accept Bush's recommendation and set aside the political obstructions that we faced with the latest rounds of confirmations..

If this isn't a shining example of political double talk - then I don't know what it is..

I do know this though, it's not limited to one party or the other.. I know the democrats do this as well, I know the Conservative and Liberal talkshows all slant accordingly to satisfy their contingency..

I just don't like it..

I don't care for it..

I hate it..

Politics has been bastardized into one fallen hypocritical disaster after another.. Just as the Liberal talkshows are holding Bush's feet to the fire about Karl Rove, the Conservative talkshows were just as critical when Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office.

Yup - cuts both ways..

What was also realized today was one of the radio hosts I listened to said that we (liberals) have to win back the house and senate.. Ironically it's the same speech that conservatives were waiving when the likes of Newt Gingrich were in office.. Politics hasn't really evolved much.. It remains today, just as it did long ago..

That alone bothers me plenty..

Let alone how the rest of the world thinks we're total fuck-ups..

When we venture to our voting precincts to cast our one vote towards the betterment of society, there is an expectation that most people that *can* vote, don't vote.. And who can really blame them?? When there's the double-speak, the hypocrisy, the irresponsible, and flagrant disregard for the law, rules and ethics --- how can anyone realistically expect a better than majority turnout at our elections when crap like this goes on daily??

If politicians were to ever try to apply for a job somewhere - there is a thing called integrity that most employers look for.. And for some really bizarre reason - most everyone in politics lacks this attribute..

*ughs* - I should post more, but I'm tired..

1 comment:

  1. Morals and values in the political world are only good for as long as it takes to get elected.

    Hypocrisy exists everywhere, however, and does not remain for the exclusive use of the politicians. When they are caught - they just shift the focus to another issue and distract us. 'The lie is quicker than the eye.'
