Monday, July 11, 2005

Red Rove-r.... red Rove-r......

Well, well, well....

After many months of speculation (by myself and anyone who can read a paper) Karl Rove has been implicated as being "one" of the secret sources that ultimately led to the revealing of the identity of an undercover CIA operative..


But the story even gets more twisted..

Plame's role, not her name - was revealed 3-days after Rove apparently met with Matthew Cooper - writer for Time Magazine.. So Rove's defense is simply: "I never revealed the name, just the role..."

Or did he??

From the Washington Post: "In the conversation, Rove gave Cooper a "big warning" that Wilson's assertions might not be entirely accurate and that it was not the director of the CIA or the vice president who sent Wilson on his trip. Rove apparently told Cooper that it was "Wilson's wife, who apparently works at the agency on [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip," according to a story in Newsweek's July 18 issue."

Ohhhhhh, we're playing the "let's get specific game...." So Cooper already named Wilson, Rove merely said "Wilson's WIFE" as though "I didn't do anything wrong..."


Remember not so long ago, right here in this galaxy when all of the talking heads and republicans were outraged when Clinton tried to wiggle about his definition of the word "sex??" Technically speaking?? Did Clinton have sex with Monica?? Hell yeah.. Was Bill looking for some wiggle room?? Of course - he's admitting he had an extra-marital affair!!

Oh - but we're supposed to sit blindly while RoveR decides he didn't do anything wrong by referring to Wilson's WIFE and pretend that he didn't offer up Plame's name...... *wiggle wiggle*

What RoveR decided to do was to cut the story before it was revealed.. Stealing the thunder, the growing mass of ick, before it became something much larger.. It's a way to lessen the impact of the story.. And by airing it out on the coattails of the bombing in London, Hurricane Dennis' soiree through Alabama and Florida - means that the story will get lost, buried under several news cycles.. As of this morning - only 97 google news hits on the story..

What will happen with it?? Probably nothing.. Remember the Downing Street memos?? Remember how the mainstream press basically ignored them on the basis that it's "old news, been there - done that, this was nothing new.." I predict the same thing will happen here.. (but I do hope I'm wrong..)

Why did it happen?? Considering how Plame's husband blamed the administration for outing his wife on account of his report that no evidence was found to an allegation that Iraq had bought stores of Uranium from Niger.. Joseph Wilson contends that the administration retaliated against him and his wife for the unfavorable report..

Of course - administration officials denied this..

They further denied any such leak.....

... until yesterday..

Even if Rove didn't say the name "Valerie Plame" in the 3-minute conversation with Cooper, he nevertheless actually *did* reveal her identity - even if in passing.. Did Cooper already have the name and was seeking further angles from the White House?? That's possible.. But if Cooper was trying to connect the dots - meaning that he had a pared list of which he needed confirmation before he ran the story - Rove graciously handed it to him..

Regardless, it's not exactly leaving me warm and fuzzy that Bush's chief advisor wantonly confirmed the operative's role.. That's almost as bad as someone leaking information about troop whereabouts at a time of war..

Remember how the press wasn't able to say their actual location because it could mean that it would endanger the troops of the company?? How is Rove's conduct any better than that?? The press during the war didn't name a name of a soldier, and they were restricted in terms of what they could report and what they couldn't..

Rove seems to have slipped up a bit..

Regardless - I'm convinced that the Teflon suit will prevail - only because we have a conservative-controlled government who will idly sit on their hands and do nothing..

hypocrisy galore..

If this were a democrat or some other liberal - I doubt the administration would be so silent....

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